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View Full Version : MOTU 200X Faker Custom

17th August 2015, 10:18 PM
I've recently started collecting a few 200X figures. The designs and sculpts on them are killer! I managed to pick up a couple quite inexpensively, and rather than shelling out for a Faker figure, I used a He-Man body and sword, and a Skeletor armour, added a little bit of epoxy putty, used the air-brush and hand brushes, and a bit of acrylic paint later... I have my own Faker.

I was silly enough to not research colours before I did it, working only from memory... and my memory forgot to remind me that his pants/skirt and boots are purple. Oh well. I may go back and fix it one day, but I still think he's pretty god the way he is.

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/661/20465373620_1711b7a424_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xbsozj)MOTU 200X Faker custom (https://flic.kr/p/xbsozj) by M-bot (https://www.flickr.com/photos/m-botstransformers/)

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/646/20465373728_7abb9bdd7b_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xbsoBb)MOTU 200X Faker custom (https://flic.kr/p/xbsoBb) by M-bot (https://www.flickr.com/photos/m-botstransformers/)

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/770/20465357440_8c4f88a16e_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xbsiLm)MOTU 200X Faker custom (https://flic.kr/p/xbsiLm) by M-bot (https://www.flickr.com/photos/m-botstransformers/)

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5664/20653358305_b0e9843a97_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xt4RSz)MOTU 200X Faker custom (https://flic.kr/p/xt4RSz) by M-bot (https://www.flickr.com/photos/m-botstransformers/)

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5617/20466605899_8d339596dd_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xbyGTv)MOTU 200X Faker custom (https://flic.kr/p/xbyGTv) by M-bot (https://www.flickr.com/photos/m-botstransformers/)

https://farm1.staticflickr.com/766/20466598649_40e9b36aed_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/xbyEJv)MOTU 200X Faker custom (https://flic.kr/p/xbyEJv) by M-bot (https://www.flickr.com/photos/m-botstransformers/)

18th August 2015, 03:56 PM
Nice work, the figures as standard, have little to no paint so paint work like this brings out a lot of the details.

22nd August 2015, 07:13 PM
That's pretty damn badass, always dug the 200X aesthetic. :cool:

Jetfire in the sky
27th August 2015, 09:23 AM
Looks great, I see you have put his robotic panel under the armour, nice one.

27th August 2015, 05:38 PM
Looks great, I see you have put his robotic panel under the armour, nice one.

You noticed :D

I did put some bits and pieces in him to make him a bit more "android-y" (on his left hand, left side of his face, chest, right side of his neck, and right thigh), but just realised the photos I picked to post don't show them too well - you can see them only if you look closely. My bad.;)