View Full Version : Anyone know cheapest Counrtry to buy TF From

6th November 2015, 04:03 PM
Hi all just wondering if anyone knows cheaper options than the obvious US for buying TF Figures , Hasbro .?

6th November 2015, 04:12 PM
Hi all just wondering if anyone knows cheaper options than the obvious US for buying TF Figures , Hasbro .?

There are a number of local and Asian sites which could be better options depending on the item. There's a feedback thread on a number of them located here:


6th November 2015, 07:20 PM
Also a voting thread here which includes countries such as Australia, Canada, Japan and China


6th November 2015, 09:24 PM
Atm i would say japan , the yen is very favorable . I got takara superion and menasor for $150 each delivered from HLJ

8th November 2015, 02:57 PM
If you are into Takara Tomy figures Japan is the best overseas place to buy from. Hasbro tho you are at the mercy of the US dollar as most places that stock them charge you in USD. Look at Premium Collectibles, they are an Aussie retailer. You have to preorder with them as they tend to sell out before they receive stock, but they do charge reasonably for both Takara Tomy and Hasbro items.

Also it's good to see another person from CQ on the boards.