View Full Version : RID Kinder Surprise figures

22nd November 2015, 10:02 PM
Since we ended up getting the TFPrime figures for Kinder Surprise last year, we might end up getting the new RID ones too.

There are six in this set (http://tformers.com/robots-in-disguise-kinder-surprise-eggs-images/28056/news.html) - Optimus, Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Grimlock, Steeljaw, Strongarm.

From the images I can see that they are of the same design as the TFPrime figures - with a central cog that all the parts plug onto, with Grimlock being slightly different in its orientation.

23rd November 2015, 12:59 AM
They just came out here in HK. So far we've found Optimus and Strongarm. Of 6 Kinders we opened only 2 had Transformers - that ratio is pretty awful so I'm dreading how many we'll have to go through to find the Grimlock my son wants.


The Optimus looks exactly like a really bad version of TFP Optimus (I never got Transformers Prime Kinder so I can't compare side by side I'm afraid).
The Strongarm isn't too bad for what it is.

If you're wanting to keep an eye out look for Boys Kinder with an expiry from 8/08/2016 (here in HK anyways). They are also all in shelving plastered with RID advertising on them. I can post pics if anyone is interested.

23rd November 2015, 10:34 AM
Images from here (http://www.otca.com.au/boards/showthread.php?t=19526) to compare the TFPrime and RID figures.

The TFPrime figures were first found in Europe in February 2014, and showed up in Australia in October 2014.
Since the RID fiigures were first reported from Asia (they might have been in Europe first without anyone reporting it), who knows if they show up here.
(it also looks like the RID ones come with solid eggs instead of hollow ones, which I don't think we get here)


30th November 2015, 12:28 PM
After the individual eggs were released last week the 3 pack boxes are starting to pop up (here in Hong Kong) for these RID Kinders.


They are found in an egg called Kinder Joy. Basically the plastic egg splits in 1/2 and one side has the toy which is separated completely from the chocolate which is in the other 1/2 of the egg with each section sealed.
The chocolate comes with a spoon to scoop it out and looks totally disgusting but my daughter seems to like it.
So far we've got Optimus, Strongarm and Bumblebee from individual eggs but I'm really hoping the ratio of Transformers eggs is better in these 3 packs so we can get Grimlock and be done with these things.