View Full Version : Favourite Transformer toy of 2015

1st January 2016, 11:32 AM
With 2015 done and 2016 here, I found myself trying to decide which Transformers toy of 2015 was my favourite.

So my question is what was your favourite Transformer toy of 2015?

For me it was very hard to choose... but I went with MP Ultra Magnus.

Runners up
CW Devastator, MP Tracks, CW Ultra Magnus

1st January 2016, 02:36 PM
Combiner Wars Ultra Magnus, no questions asked.

1st January 2016, 02:38 PM
Maybe also note/explain your most disappointing toys for 2015 as well, or the ones that you refused to buy for being obvious disappointments to the brand last year?

We usually have a "best and worst" topic, so since you've started the "best of", I don't think we need a separate "worst of".

Also know that you can use this discussion topic to prepare yourself for the Ozformers awards (http://www.otca.com.au/boards/showthread.php?t=22150), as there are some categories for your favourites in there as well.... or to explain the choices you voted for.

1st January 2016, 02:49 PM
Well Here I go:

Best toy I acquired this year:
RID Omega Prime
Runners Up: Armada Unicron, RID Rail Racer

Best 2015 toy I acquired this year:
YOTG Soundwave
Runners up: CW Devastator, CW Defensor

Worst toy I acquired this year:
RID Underbite
Runners Up: Energon Wing Saber, Armada Side Swipe

Worst 2015 toy I acquired this year:
RID Underbite
Runners Up: RID Strongarm (deluxe), CW Optimus

1st January 2016, 03:08 PM
Maybe also note/explain your most disappointing toys for 2015 as well, or the ones that you refused to buy for being obvious disappointments to the brand last year?

We usually have a "best and worst" topic, so since you've started the "best of", I don't think we need a separate "worst of".

Also know that you can use this discussion topic to prepare yourself for the Ozformers awards (http://www.otca.com.au/boards/showthread.php?t=22150), as there are some categories for your favourites in there as well.... or to explain the choices you voted for.

I wanted to keep it positive :p

1st January 2016, 03:17 PM
Best: CW Deadend/Streetwise/Prowl/Smokescreen, such a nice mold I just wish Deadend wasn't lumped with an exhaust pipe as a weapon.

Runners-up: RID deluxe Fracture, Megatronus and CW Hotspot all three have really simple and elegant conversions.

Worst: CW Breakdown. Stumpy legs, skinny arms and a chunky torso :p

Runner-up: deluxe Strongam, didn't buy her until the end of the year and with money I was given for Christmas. Wish they just up-sized the legion figure instead.

1st January 2016, 04:30 PM
CW Prowl, regardless of its retool status, is a magnificent figure, beautiful. CW Silverbolt and Swindle were up there in terms of being extremely faithful and character-emotive, beyond being good figures in their own right.

1st January 2016, 04:49 PM
MP Ultra Magnus all the way! Followed by Takara's Legends Ultra Magnus.

Also finally got my hands on the MP-10 reissue with trailer, and was completely underwhelmed by it! Not sure why, just wasn't feeling it! Granted I was never really a Prime fan, but I was never really a Magnus fan, and yet the Magnus figures blew me out of the water!

1st January 2016, 04:53 PM
Also finally got my hands on the MP-10 reissue with trailer, and was completely underwhelmed by it! Not sure why, just wasn't feeling it! Granted I was never really a Prime fan, but I was never really a Magnus fan, and yet the Magnus figures blew me out of the water!
MP10 is nice as a set, but as far as being a stand alone MP action figure is concerned, MP-1 is still a much better toy. As Lord_Zed mentioned on another thread, I think that a lot of hype around MP10 is due to the fact that he scales with the MP Autobot Cars. So yay, he can carry the Cars in his trailer. But unless you care about this sort of thing, I'd absolutely recommend MP-1 instead.

1st January 2016, 05:06 PM
MP10 is nice as a set, but as far as being a stand alone MP action figure is concerned, MP-1 is still a much better toy. As Lord_Zed mentioned on another thread, I think that a lot of hype around MP10 is due to the fact that he scales with the MP Autobot Cars. So yay, he can carry the Cars in his trailer. But unless you care about this sort of thing, I'd absolutely recommend MP-1 instead.

I already have MP-2 from way back in the day, so am more than happy with that! :)

That said, if that Weijiang upscale KO MP-10 were to be released in Magnus colours, well, i'd be all over that! :D

Ode to a Grasshopper
1st January 2016, 06:33 PM
I didn't get much this year (Maybe 30-odd TFs in all, and I've only opened half), and I haven't opened/messed around with all of the ones I did pick up, but there are a few standout pieces from those I have gotten around to experiencing.

If we're including 3rd Party TFs then MMC Feral Rex knocks everything else out of the park. The Feralcons are easily my favourite piece/set out of everything I own, and that's not likely to change any time soon.

My favourite Official TF(s) would probably be the Combiner Wars Protectobots. They're all solid, fun toys which look great as a team. I really wasn't expecting to be impressed by them, but they were a pleasant surprise. If I had to choose one out of them then Hot Spot is the best, but their charm really is as a set.
Legends Brainstorm rates an honorable mention as well, but he's really all about the robot mode - the alt-mode and the transformation are pretty naff. I forgot about him before, but I really enjoyed Legends Cosmos too.

The worst - by default - is probably Energon Slugslinger. He's not bad, but he is pretty fiddly and kind of ugly as well. He makes a good enough Decepticon mook - which is what I bought him for - but that's about it.
Runner-up Worst is definitely MP Road Rage, who also suffers from being fiddly and lacking dynamism/poseability, but the remoulding is quite well done and she does look good in either mode. She'll also be a mook in the Odieverse, but at least she's a pretty one. And she gets points by default for being the first female Masterpiece.

1st January 2016, 06:59 PM
Best toy goes to mp Magnus, simply due to the fact it's not over priced, the lack of paint apps still work for me. And he seems fun.
I have not gotten my uw devy so no idea how is it

Worst toy goes to mp tracks, looks cheap, over priced in many places, bad toy design, lousy paint job. Other mentions road rage and bluestreak as the paint apps were bad. Bluestreak has poor QC on paint apps as multiple members had issues.

If I were to include reissue then mp -10 is sadly still bad as takara did not bother to repaint it better but charge an arm for it. Is IMO the turning point where I question what is a masterpiece. Sure we have the easy mp-1 vs mp-10 .
I just ask you guys to hold up your mp-18 streak vs mp-10 you will see obviously mp-10 is not painted. This is where I am disappointed and they took such a long time to reissue it that allowed Ko that was better painted float in the market.

Surprisingly mp-12 sideswipe I give thumbs up! As its well painted and when you hold tracks next to him, that's where tracks fail.

1st January 2016, 11:31 PM
Best: Combiner Wars G1 Megatron

This is arguably the best toy incarnation of G1 Megatron to date. Legal issues aside, this toy has been liberated from the constraints of having to transform into a thin/slender pistol. Having a big chunky tank as an alt mode means that Megatron is free to transform into a big chunky robot. The original G1 Megatron had the most accurate gun proportions, but kinda looked like a chicken in robot mode (and he's the best of the Microman Gun Robos). MP Megatron has a bulkier robot mode, but suffers from also having a "fat" gun mode. It's physically impossible to have both a slender gun and a bulky robot, simply because you cannot shift physical mass in real life. Even Classics Megatron with his fictitious Nerf Maverick gun mode still carries massive alt mode wing-kibble on his back.

CW Megatron has an incredibly awesome sculpt and is well decoed. I really like how they still managed to work in some faux pistol kibble into the robot mode, such as the chest resembling the slide and pistol grips on the legs. Even the rear half of the cannon looks like G1 Megatron's scope/fusion cannon. Nice. I really like how the cannon fires by pulling back, simulating an anti-recoil mechanism. Despite forming the arms, the tank's turret maintains articulation. Additional 5mm weapon ports allow additional guns to be attached, much like on a real tank. The detailing on the overall sculpting of this toy is exquisite, and to top things off, it has rubber treads that roll! :cool: They've even included bonus stickers for additional G1 toy accuracy, as well as an Autobot insignia for those who want to replicate Megatron's current allegiance in the comics.

We know that Megatron cannot be a gun, but a tank is a really suitable substitute because he still transforms into a weapon. And objectively speaking -- if we remove our rose-tinted G1 nostalgia glasses -- a tank is actually way cooler than a pistol. Cos tank > pistol! There's also the fact that Megatron always needs someone to hold him whenever he transforms. Sheesh!

But if you really want, apparently there's a fan-made gun mode (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnyzakyGEsE) (I've never personally tried it).

Worst: Robots In Disguise One Step Changer Fixit

It's no secret that I'm not a huge fan of the RiD2015 toys, nor am I a big fan of the One Step Changers. But even within this rather lacklustre toyline, and even among the One Step Changers, Fixit is just a whole bag of fail. Looking past the ridiculously goofy looking H.E.R.B.I.E. (https://i.ytimg.com/vi/P_jfkzVL8vk/hqdefault.jpg) x BM Rattrap robot mode, this toy still has several notable failings. The robot mode cannot stand upright. It has a tendency to lean forward like he's doing an incredibly lame version of Michael Jackson's anti-gravity move (http://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/herald-review.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/3/24/324a7ae8-1963-11e3-ba33-0019bb2963f4/522de6f6c8a72.preview-620.jpg). Either way, Fixit's arch nemesis is a flight of stairs.

The other thing is the alt mode. He transforms into a lawnmower. With drills. A lawndriller? It looks nothing like his alt mode in the show (http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20150102080537/transformers/ru/images/d/d2/RID2015_Episode_11_Fixit_Ready_For_Operation.jpg). Okay sure, the Legends figure also has the same alt mode, so why am I singling out the One Step Changer? First of all, the Legends figure stands better in robot mode. Secondly, the One Step Changer retails for $20! :eek:

2nd January 2016, 09:20 PM
On Twitter there's a #tf15of2015 (https://twitter.com/hashtag/tf15of2015?f=tweets&vertical=default&src=hash) hashtag so I've been thinking about what my best 15 where, but I didn't buy that many more than that!

One "best" figure, would have to be Devastator. It's a toy I was excited about from the initial reviews early in the year, had a long wait for the UW version, and it didn't disappoint me. The individual Constructions are a bit basic but all look good and the overall affect of the combined giant is fantastic.

The Combiner Wars combiner figures have all been pretty good, First Aid, Breakdown and Prowl are my favourites of the ones I've got. Haven't opened any of 2015's MPs yet. In the Legends line, Jetfire, Arcee and Blackwidow were all great.

I wanted to keep it positive :p

I try to keep the awards positive too, hence there's not a bunch of "worst" questions in it. :)

But if I was looking at worst, I was disappointed by the first wave of RID Warriors (except Bumblebee) and sold them all on. I've looked at some of the latter ones (Drift, Fracture) but haven't kept away from buying any more of them.

3rd January 2016, 08:42 AM
Best: Combiner Wars G1 Megatron

This is arguably the best toy incarnation of G1 Megatron to date. Legal issues aside, this toy has been liberated from the constraints of having to transform into a thin/slender pistol. Having a big chunky tank as an alt mode means that Megatron is free to transform into a big chunky robot. The original G1 Megatron had the most accurate gun proportions, but kinda looked like a chicken in robot mode (and he's the best of the Microman Gun Robos). MP Megatron has a bulkier robot mode, but suffers from also having a "fat" gun mode. It's physically impossible to have both a slender gun and a bulky robot, simply because you cannot shift physical mass in real life. Even Classics Megatron with his fictitious Nerf Maverick gun mode still carries massive alt mode wing-kibble on his back.

CW Megatron has an incredibly awesome sculpt and is well decoed. I really like how they still managed to work in some faux pistol kibble into the robot mode, such as the chest resembling the slide and pistol grips on the legs. Even the rear half of the cannon looks like G1 Megatron's scope/fusion cannon. Nice. I really like how the cannon fires by pulling back, simulating an anti-recoil mechanism. Despite forming the arms, the tank's turret maintains articulation. Additional 5mm weapon ports allow additional guns to be attached, much like on a real tank. The detailing on the overall sculpting of this toy is exquisite, and to top things off, it has rubber treads that roll! :cool: They've even included bonus stickers for additional G1 toy accuracy, as well as an Autobot insignia for those who want to replicate Megatron's current allegiance in the comics.

We know that Megatron cannot be a gun, but a tank is a really suitable substitute because he still transforms into a weapon. And objectively speaking -- if we remove our rose-tinted G1 nostalgia glasses -- a tank is actually way cooler than a pistol. Cos tank > pistol! There's also the fact that Megatron always needs someone to hold him whenever he transforms. Sheesh!

But if you really want, apparently there's a fan-made gun mode (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnyzakyGEsE) (I've never personally tried it).:

Agreed. That gun fan mode is ok, but tank mode looks better. A close second for me is US MP Bluestreak, who I find superior to Prowl.

3rd January 2016, 08:51 AM
Hmmmm, I'll just keep my answer to toys released in 2015 and that I actually bought otherwise the question is too big for me to contemplate :)

Top 5 Best Toys of 2015
Legends Ultra Magnus
Legends Nightbird
Combiner Wars Devastator
Combiner Wars G1 Megatron
Combiner Wars Defensor & Bruticus (combined modes)

Top 5 Worst Toys of 2015
Combiner Wars Scattershot
Combiner Wars Pipes
RID Fracture Mini-Con Deployer
RID Drift Mini-Con Deployer
The RID toyline in general

Toy 5 Honorable & Dishonorable Mentions
Honorable mention to MP Magnus - but I got him 2014
Honorable mention to Legends Black Arachnia - especially her box art
Honorable mention to Legends Slipstream - best version of the character we've had so far
Honorable mention to TAV Gregevor - was the perfect gift for my lifelong mate Greg
Honorable mention to the CW line in general - mostly a great job!

Dishonorable mention to CW Blast Off - needed a faceplate at least
Dishonorable mention to MP Starsaber - just too simplistic for a toy that big and expensive
Dishonorable mention to the entire Tiny Titans Line - Robot Heroes craps all over these guys
Dishonorable mention to CW Armada Megatron - the original toy was way more fun to play with
Dishonorable mention to all Aussie stores - you need to stock better

3rd January 2016, 10:51 AM
MP Ultra Magnus i think. I really should keep a spreadsheet of what i buy and when.

Tetsuwan Convoy
3rd January 2016, 02:59 PM
MP Ultra Magnus i think. I really should keep a spreadsheet of what i buy and when.

Been thinking about the spread sheet myself after seeing this thread.

I'm torn really. I would have to say that my top is a competition between
Mp bumblebee. I really love this little guy!
Legends Magnus. Seriously an awesome figure.
Mp Exhaust. Great character based in a really solidly made MP.

I hope exhaust and his character become a regular like drift and lockdown have done. Althougj I'd like to see more Lugnuts action as well.

7th January 2016, 01:11 PM
TFCC Krok.

Takara Legends Nightbird and MP Exhaust would be close seconds. However, I've only bought a handful of official toys last year.

We know that Megatron cannot be a gun, but a tank is a really suitable substitute because he still transforms into a weapon. And objectively speaking -- if we remove our rose-tinted G1 nostalgia glasses -- a tank is actually way cooler than a pistol. Cos tank > pistol! There's also the fact that Megatron always needs someone to hold him whenever he transforms. Sheesh!
But if you really want, apparently there's a fan-made gun mode (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnyzakyGEsE) (I've never personally tried it).

That gun mode is about as convincing as Soundwave's streetlight mode (http://tfwiki.net/w2/images2/a/a2/Cybertronsoundwave.jpg).

8th January 2016, 12:16 AM
For my favourite Transformer toy released in 2015 I'm going to say Mp Tracks, he wasn't everyone's cup of tea, but for me he was my most anticipated official release, and he delivered just enough. Some may find the transformation complex for me it's just the right level of complexity and ingenuity I like, and a nice sparkly blue which helps me get over his being a bit hollow. Runners ups would be MP Magnus who I find a bit boring in robot mode, but wow that transformation and MP Blue Bluestreak who is the best looking Datsunbot IMHO.

My number one unofficial Transformer like toy this year is Maketoys Cupola who I wasn't anticipating and picked up mostly because I got it for a good price, and then proceeded to blow my mind with the level of quality and plain fun to be had. Again this guy hits the level of transformation complexity I like in a toy, IE, reasonably complex but rewarding so I can't help but pick him up and transform him, plus he looks really imposing.

And my favourite transforming toy of 2015, and overall favourite for 2015 is not a Transformer or homage to a Transformer but a Valkyrie Bandai's DX Chogokin VF-19 Advance which did for me pretty much all of what my previous picks did.

MP10 is nice as a set, but as far as being a stand alone MP action figure is concerned, MP-1 is still a much better toy. As Lord_Zed mentioned on another thread, I think that a lot of hype around MP10 is due to the fact that he scales with the MP Autobot Cars. So yay, he can carry the Cars in his trailer. But unless you care about this sort of thing, I'd absolutely recommend MP-1 instead.

Oddly enough I don't actually agree that MP 1 is better, I find MP 10 to be as good a toy as MP 1 as I prefer his sculpt and size, not just because he scales with the new stuff but because I find MP 1 is just slightly to large and unwieldy. Still neither toy for me is an overall winner, what I meant on the other thread is simply that MP 10 isn't really any sort of major upgrade from MP 1. Though personally I think we are now in an era of sidegrades now as while sculpting has improved articulation has largely gone backwards, just look at all those Combiner Wars Autobot cars.

12th January 2016, 12:26 PM
The CW limbs/torsos I believe suffer a little as they have to be durable enough to combine and support extra weight, they're not as articulate or as sleek as some releases even a year before, and don't bother comparing to the 08-10 cars especially, like Drift, Kup, Jazz, Sun/Swipe etc, but they're huge leaps over the FOC Combaticons moulds I was fiddling with last night.

However my favourite figure from last year, was MP G2 Bumblebee

12th January 2016, 05:45 PM
So many good ones to choose from... Devastator, Defensor, Menasor, Superion, Megatron, Slingshot, Wildrider, JP Arcee, JP Nightbird, and most of the Masterpiece toys. I also have to give a special mention for the BotCon pretender shell for Oilmaster, based on an unproduced prototype from Gen1.

And similarly, there are so many bad ones to choose from too... most of the RID toys, especially the gimmick ones, pretty much everything else (other than the Oilmaster shell) from FunPub this year, and JP Blackarachnia.

12th January 2016, 07:04 PM
FunPub does deserve a kudos for the Oilmaster shell. Thought they would only keep chasing the minimum viable product.