View Full Version : Concept Art for Animated Prowl

24th September 2008, 04:16 PM
Lead Character Designer for TF:Aniamted Derrick Wyatt has posted some concept art for Animated Prowl on his blog A Delightful Tedium (http://derrickjwyatt.blogspot.com/2008/09/hey-everybody-its-prowl.html).

Shows Prowl was always designed as a motorcycle, but for part of the early planning stages a G1 styles paint scheme was considered.

24th September 2008, 04:40 PM
I hope he doesn't get "plugged" by Hasbro.

having said that... it's good to see them showing the internal thoughts of designers

24th September 2008, 04:46 PM
Would we be shocked if the Black and White version could still show up as a Hasbro repaint?

24th September 2008, 04:51 PM
If he did, I'd be all over it. I recall that custom someone did that sold for cheap, that was just plain awesome. But I suspect that for that to happen, we'll have to be in the 5th wave of universe or something to avoid the clash of colours with Universe Prowl

24th September 2008, 06:06 PM
I prefer his current colours to the first G1-ish colour scheme. It just looks right on him.

24th September 2008, 06:59 PM
Man, that G1 paintscheme is sweet! :D

24th September 2008, 08:47 PM
It's great to hear that Takara's resident Australian designer worked on what is one of the best moulds in the Animated line. :)

Sky Shadow
24th September 2008, 11:35 PM
It's great to hear that Takara's resident Australian designer worked on what is one of the best moulds in the Animated line. :)

Seriously? I love the character, but the Prowl toy is my least favourite from the line. And it comes with a traffic light - one of the worst and most superflous accessories in the history of Transformers. I'm wishing for an amazing samurai sidecar Prowl toy to make up for the original Deluxe's shortcomings.

24th September 2008, 11:38 PM
The traffic light sucks, but the design is IMO easily the best amongst the Animated toys.

Golden Phoenix
25th September 2008, 01:46 AM
The traffic light sucks, but the design is IMO easily the best amongst the Animated toys.


25th September 2008, 09:36 AM
Ja... Animated Prowl's traffic light accessory = Epic Fail. :p
But the shuriken weapons = win! :)

25th September 2008, 11:38 AM
More info from Wyatt (https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=21975298&postID=1347621366776933520&isPopup=true&pli=1)

A toy of Prowl with side car is certainly coming, Wyatt says it looks great. Other info regarding Animated Beachcomber and animated season 3 in the same section.

25th September 2008, 05:36 PM
The traffic light sucks, but the design is IMO easily the best amongst the Animated toys.

Which is why I'm holding out until Prowl gets released with the sidecar armour.

30th September 2008, 09:54 AM
More info from Wyatt (https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=21975298&postID=1347621366776933520&isPopup=true&pli=1)

A toy of Prowl with side car is certainly coming, Wyatt says it looks great. Other info regarding Animated Beachcomber and animated season 3 in the same section.

Only just found the bits you are referring to about season 3 not yet getting the greenlight, and the Prowl Sidecar toy, because they were in the replies section.

Season 3 hasn't even been officially announced yet, so it's still quite a ways off.
The side car is coming! It looks totally perfect too. Hasbro and Takara did a fantastic job on that one.

I find it strange that with how long it would take to do a season from scratch, that not having a third season in production yet means a long way off until we see it on screen. Maybe Hasbro's priority at this stage is the Movie, and if the Animated cartoon goes into production now, it would be airing at the time of the Movie and divide their marketting resources.
Pity if they are holding off on a 3rd season of Animated so that it doesn't come out until after the next movie. That's a long wait to see some new Animated toys and characters given life onscreen.

But it is good to hear that the Prowl sidecar hasn't been scrapped (thought it might be due to nothing being heard about it for a while). I still fear that it will just be released with a non-recoloured Prowl toy, forcing some of us to either skip it or get a duplicate.

Interesting to see that DW was working on his Prowl character design way back in 2003.

30th September 2008, 12:53 PM
I find it strange that with how long it would take to do a season from scratch, that not having a third season in production yet means a long way off until we see it on screen. Maybe Hasbro's priority at this stage is the Movie, and if the Animated cartoon goes into production now, it would be airing at the time of the Movie and divide their marketting resources.

Pity if they are holding off on a 3rd season of Animated so that it doesn't come out until after the next movie. That's a long wait to see some new Animated toys and characters given life onscreen.

Maybe they're following Bay's lead with the constant stream of mis-information... :rolleyes:

1st October 2008, 09:40 AM
Directors commonly do that to control spoiler leakage. Not sure what the point of doing it with a non-movie related toyline would be. Hrmmm...