View Full Version : City Commander - first review

26th September 2008, 09:24 AM

All I can say is WOW

I want this right now. I am seriously drooling from my mouth in anticipation for this

26th September 2008, 09:47 AM
Very soon... :p

26th September 2008, 09:49 AM
Words can hardly describe how wicked cool this is!

26th September 2008, 10:10 AM
wow! I like the comic-book instruction manual!!!! whaaah!

26th September 2008, 11:24 AM
wow! I like the comic-book instruction manual!!!! whaaah!

That is awesomely clever! First time I see anyone trying to make the instructions fun!

This has the 'We care' factor all over it which is awesome and really shows on the final product.

26th September 2008, 11:29 AM
anyone in Sydney want to sell me their seconds once they have received it? pm me please :)

26th September 2008, 12:56 PM
I am SO HAPPY and SO EXCITED by this! :D

My hat's off to your friends, Kyle! :)

26th September 2008, 02:11 PM
What about the armour-transformation sequence in the comic? Phwoar!!! :D

26th September 2008, 04:23 PM
Hehehe it is really nice and cool, but for some funny reason, his face seems to resemble a fembot, looking very gentle... :p :D

26th September 2008, 04:47 PM
That is awesomely clever! First time I see anyone trying to make the instructions fun!

This has the 'We care' factor all over it which is awesome and really shows on the final product. They used "Justice" in dialogue? Really?

(FFN is asian, so he can say this)

Those Asians and their bizarre interpretation of what is essentially an American franchise :p

Tetsuwan Convoy
26th September 2008, 07:31 PM
his face seems to resemble a fembot, looking very gentle... :p :D

Heh heh, just remember that when he is pointing his Big-ass gun at one of your favourite decepticons!!:D

26th September 2008, 07:55 PM
Just curious, why is it known as "TF-Parallax" ?

The kit looks really cool, the comic itself is also amazing!

Did I read that last sentence of the comic right though? Because it doesn't seem to make sense... :)

I suppose if the gun runs out of ammo/power, Magnus can just bash the Decepticons with it since it's so huge. LOL.

26th September 2008, 08:28 PM
They used "Justice" in dialogue? Really?

(FFN is asian, so he can say this)

Those Asians and their bizarre interpretation of what is essentially an American franchise :p

I think they probably wrote the story in Chinese and then translated it. They probably translated 正義 into 'justice', where it should more rightly translated into 'righteousness' or 'up-rightness'.

I find it hilarious when Captain Tousen says 'my justice this', 'my justice that' in the subtitles for the Bleach anime. But if I substituted 正義 into the original script, it would make perfect sense.

'Justice' in Chinese is 公義. But if they wrote the comic script with that originally, it would make no sense at all.

27th September 2008, 07:46 PM
Righteousness in the context suggested here still sounds really silly for Transformers to say, in any language.

27th September 2008, 10:45 PM
My confusion arises because as far as I can make out in the comic, Magnus seems to be saying "This is what your justice has brought upon you!"

Is he talking to the enemy or an ally? If he talking to enemy, why would he saying talk about the enemy's "justice" (shouldn't it be "injustice"?) ?

28th September 2008, 04:46 PM
Frekin wow, i just watched the transformation sequence of the kit over at TFW2005, this is one incredible kit , good times !!!!!!!

edit: i so want red shoulder missles right now!!!!!

28th September 2008, 06:44 PM
You'll all be very happy very soon~ :D

28th September 2008, 07:44 PM
In Japanese 正義 (http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%AD%A3%E7%BE%A9) or 公正 can mean "justice" or "righteous" although 公正 carries the connotation of "fairness" (e.g.: 公正取引 (fair trade)). Being "righteous" or "just" are kinda the same thing. :p Heroic Autobots are called 「正義のサイバトロン」 (Righteous Cybertrons) and G2 Hero Prime's Japanese box has the words "Prime of Justice" written on it in English (with "justice" presumably being a translation of "正義").

From dictionary.com:
justice (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/justice)
noun the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness
righteousness (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/righteousness)
noun the quality or state of being just or rightful

28th September 2008, 08:50 PM
I cant see any of the symbols you guys have been posting, its all a square box square box with tiny number inside...:(:( is there a program I should download to make my PC read Kanji or whatever? :o

28th September 2008, 09:03 PM
For Windows XP (http://newton.uor.edu/Departments&Programs/AsianStudiesDept/Language/asianlanguageinstallation_XP.html)

Not sure about other OSs.

6th October 2008, 11:39 AM
Guys, the writer of the comic (Venksta from the TFW2005 forum) would like me to post his reply for him here. :)


Some posters were discussing about the comic that comes with City Commander. Just some info to clear up...

(FFN is asian, so he can say this)

Those Asians and their bizarre interpretation of what is essentially an American franchise

Just because the toy was designed in asia, doesn't mean the comic was written in that part of the world. :)

Just curious, why is it known as "TF-Parallax" ?

Did I read that last sentence of the comic right though? Because it doesn't seem to make sense...

TF-Parallax is the name of FansProject's series. Like for example, Transformers Armada, Transformers Cybertron, Transformers Animated, ect.

For the last part of the story, I need to point out, this story in the comic is just a portion of a bigger story. I have no idea if we will continue it not.

I think they probably wrote the story in Chinese and then translated it. They probably translated 正義 into 'justice', where it should more rightly translated into 'righteousness' or 'up-rightness'.


'Justice' in Chinese is 公義. But if they wrote the comic script with that originally, it would make no sense at all.

The story was written in english, as that is my primary language. The only other language I know is hindi, which I can only speak, but not write. :)

As for the whole "justice" part... I first need to explain how the story was written. I was asked to come up with ideas for Parallax. So one of my proposals was Transformers in ancient egypt, along with a concept drawing for a Megatron that became a sphinx tank. The FansProject guys really liked this idea. So after giving them a summary of it, I went off to make the universe named Orion. Meanwhile, they took my summary, and drew the comic up with out any written story. So once it was almost done, they showed me it, and asked if I could write a story to what was drawn. In the mean time, I had created all this background and characters up for a bigger story. So I took what I had come up with, and applied it to the drawn comic, which used the summary I gave. The good thing was, I was able to fit part of my story into this.

Now for the Justice part. Like I mentioned above, the story is much bigger than what is present in the comic. Basically, the transformers lived in another city, with the Autobots ruling, Decepticons as happy builders, and a third citizen class. At some point, the Autobots attempt to gain more power, and ended up buring the city down, and killing many transformers from all classes. So after getting to saftey, the Decepticons decide they will rule after what the Autobots have done. So one robot was elected to become Pharaohtron, and he decides the Autobots must be punished for their crime. So he enslaves them and has them become the new builders for the new city called Orion. This is where the justice part is referred to, as the Autobots are being punished for their great crime of destroying the old city and killing many transformers.

So when the comic starts, its in the middle of the ongoing story, and the Autobot's latest rebellion has failed, and Pharaohtron has decided enough is enough. Luckily for the Autobots, an outsider shows up, who ends up siding with them, without knowing the whole background story. :)

7th October 2008, 07:16 AM
My city commander order is shipping from robot kingdom as of yesterday. Just thought I'd let everyone know that they are finally shipping

7th October 2008, 09:28 AM
RK did not get theirs directly from FansProject. :o

City Commander is not officially shipping worldwide, until BigBadToyStore and TFSource ship theirs.

7th October 2008, 10:09 AM
But those of us who ordered from rk should be getting ours soon

12th October 2008, 11:24 PM
My City Commander arrived in Singapore 2 weeks ago. Mum brought it over when she visited. I just opened it and transformed it with a friend who was over.

I got this to say to the guys at FansProjects- It is jaw-droppingly AWESOME to the nth degree. The design took into account every little detail, nothing was left to chance. It left my friend and me mind-numbed wrecks, drooling and staring at it for the better part of 2 hours.

The WST Dinobots were great 'customs', but this just blows everything that came before, and possibly after, clear out of the water.

12th October 2008, 11:42 PM
Since everyone says its good I'll balance it out by saying its bad. Theres only one thing bad about it and thats the gun. Too big! wayyy too big...If only that could be taken apart and made into two guns or a sword even.

To me they concentrated on the armor in great detail and left off with pieces which they just bundled up and called it a gun. But the armor is wayyyy cool :P~~~

13th October 2008, 01:21 AM
I will put up my review when i get let the finer details sink in (and have a chance to take more photos - only got around to robot mode today). But, i will say that i agree with ecl27 about the gun - a sore spot on an otherwise incredible looking toy and fantastic achievement.

There's a couple ways you can put it on, but it's just too heavy regardless. Perhaps it should have been a lighter plastic? When on top, it tends to clash with the shoulders due to size, and when in front (looks better IMO), it will generally touch the surface, unless you rest his elbow on the leg pads or fluke a nice balance. Ideally i'd have preferred two smaller guns as well, but i've just got him displayed with the old Prime gun (silver one, i hate that wind vane gun), and it looks only a *bit* smaller than would be perfect.

Overall i have no regrets and to be honest, will probably never display my Henkei Prime standalone again; the armour looks so good! Considering i only have 1 Prime-mould toy, that's saying something!

13th October 2008, 01:46 AM
I can live with the BFG. Better to have it become a gun than some redundant part lying around I think.


Mum took shots of us 2 babies playing...




13th October 2008, 02:29 AM
I actually rather like the "BFG" myself... :eek::o:p:D





13th October 2008, 07:10 AM
STOP TEASING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13th October 2008, 07:19 AM
i want mine.............................. *hehe*

13th October 2008, 09:13 AM
I actually rather like the "BFG" myself... :eek::o:p:D



Very nice, my man, very very nice :D

13th October 2008, 09:18 AM
*starts crying*

Wahhh.. cmon postage!

19th October 2008, 12:36 PM

city commander animation by fansproject- superlink style

19th October 2008, 01:21 PM

city commander animation by fansproject- superlink style

very nice!

19th October 2008, 01:21 PM
It's a good thing that animation sequence wasn't released 3 months ago ;) (The kits would have been completely pre-ordered out :D)

19th October 2008, 04:37 PM
superlink style
You mean Galaxy Force. :)