View Full Version : Spore is a Virus!

26th September 2008, 02:57 PM
I've unistalled Spore and this dam EA Securom is making a mess in my PC. How do I get rid of this Securom Virus? Any tips? Its hidden itself everywhere!

Don't buy Spore! The game is great but this Securom thing is evil! :mad:

26th September 2008, 03:09 PM
Yeah I've heard about this.

EA is being sued (http://www.theage.com.au/news/digital-life/games/articles/drm-gets-ea-sued/2008/09/26/1222217479231.html) because of it.

26th September 2008, 03:27 PM
I thought everyone knew of that crud. Im not even going to become interested in the game on the grounds of that stuff.

Just like pro street, not even worth pirating.

Anyway, try this:


And remember to boycott Sony with me. ;) Yes, they make that garbage, and the rest of their stuff is garbage too. You guys should see my Sony head unit I bought ~3 years ago now, the buttons on it seem to do totally random functions for some reason. :D

26th September 2008, 03:31 PM
This reminds me of the Starforce debacle.

26th September 2008, 03:50 PM
but isn't SecureROM meant to be a security feature on a disc??

26th September 2008, 03:59 PM
but isn't SecureROM meant to be a security feature on a disc??

Yep but its packing more than meets the eye!


26th September 2008, 04:05 PM
that's evil!

I would just go download a pirated copy just to spite them! (not that I would or even play that crap)

26th September 2008, 04:06 PM
Apparently you still need the license code to play it, but some people are selling license codes and recommending the pirated copy to use it with!!

26th September 2008, 04:09 PM
pretty sure it is easy enough to find a keygen :o I haven't given it a go yet

26th September 2008, 04:25 PM
Just finished reading this article... -> http://www.gameplayer.com.au/gp_documents/PC-Gaming-Dead.aspx?catid=Features&Page=1

which basically says that all games are now made for online gaming... and only a handful isn't

26th September 2008, 05:17 PM
pretty much everything nowadays is online... just look at steam, games like half-life etc which are single player only, yet you have to be online to authorize that you own the game and can play, once you have done that once though you can play the game offline, but still.. if you had a pc that wasn't connected to the net, it would be annoying to have to connect it to the net at least once, just to play an offline game, but i suppose in this day and age most computers are connected to the net..

26th September 2008, 05:28 PM
Interesting read, but I disagree with the steam thing.

I bought my first game off steam last week, stalker clear sky. The thing I disagree with is that I don't have to be online to play it.

I loaded it up yesterday with my net connection down and steam went into offline mode and let me play the game just fine. :)

Plus I only paid $44AUD for it instead of the butt rape $79 in store here. That alone stopped me from pirating it while waiting for it to hit the bargain bins.

DRM and its added costs are what is killing gaming sales, that and the fact that EA like to just franchise pump.

As for the 2nd hand market, just imagine when they transfer that to the console. The console market thrives on the 2nd hand.

EDIT: to what Jack posted above me there, sure you have to initially authenticate the steam game online, but man, you've just finished downloading the game and still are connected, no? ;)

26th September 2008, 05:41 PM
yeah well obviously if you downloaded the game you are connected to the net haha... but if you buy it in a store and install it, you still have to go online to authorize it...