View Full Version : Who is your favourite Decepticon Jet?

16th May 2016, 10:10 PM
Who was your favourite Decepticon Jet growing up as a child of the 80s? Again we're looking your childhood favourite toy, not necessarily who is your favourite now.

e.g. my childhood favourite Decepticon was Skywarp. Because he was my first Decepticon (Xmas gift, 1984), and I loved that he could teleport. By the time I was in high school though, my preference shifted to Thundercracker (which it is today) because I love the moral ambiguity of the character. But primary school me didn't give a stuff about moron ambulances! Skywarp teleport! Pew pew pew! :p Although Thundercracker was my 2nd favourite Jet, because damn that metallic blue is beautiful! :D I never bought Starscream. I received him as a birthday present in 1986. Scourge was my least favourite and the only Jet that I never bought (or even received) as a kid. He just doesn't look like a Jet to me, and before TFTM came out I honestly thought that he was a hovercraft. Then I watched TFTM and discovered that he was a flying hovercraft. But not a jet! :p I eventually got Scourge for free when I was a uni student because my friends were going through this stage where they decided that they were "too old" for toys (WTH?! :eek:) and just gave them to me for free. :cool:

Jetfire in the sky
17th May 2016, 07:08 AM
Skywarp, I never had him as a kid but he was still my favourite then, I just loved his colours and even as an adult I still think he is the sexiest Decepticon jet by far.

17th May 2016, 08:52 AM
Dirge - my first ever Transformer! Still have him too :D

17th May 2016, 01:37 PM
Thundercracker, by a mile.

He and Skids were my first transformers, received at Christmas.
Such a pretty blue and oh so cool. I still now hold him as a favourite for his design and also his character development over the years.

17th May 2016, 02:00 PM
Cyclonus: such a unique design and not as fiddly as the seekers :)

17th May 2016, 02:52 PM
Cyclonus: such a unique design and not as fiddly as the seekers :)

I also went Cyclonus with Scourge a close 2nd, as I had both of these as a kid. It wasn't until I was a teenager before I got one of the seekers.

17th May 2016, 03:33 PM
Voted Thrust. My first Decepticon jet and got to pick him for a Christmas present for my Grandparents to give me - I think I really liked that he was different to the F-15 seekers, had the massive turbines which made him look fast (only recently did I realise they're supposed to be VTOL engines :rolleyes:), but retained the launchers which I thought was cool.

17th May 2016, 03:51 PM
Does Skyfire count?

17th May 2016, 04:00 PM
Does Skyfire count?

He did have the insignia on....... hmmmmmm. :confused:

17th May 2016, 04:33 PM
Does Skyfire count?
He did have the insignia on....... hmmmmmm. :confused:
We're purely talking about the toys, and SkyJetfire never had Decepticon origins in the toy continuity. Even so, he was never shown to be part of the Seekers or fighting along side the Decepticon Jets (or in a similar capacity).

18th May 2016, 12:50 PM
among the seekers, Skywarp was my First ... this was when I'm older, coz when I was younger I'm more interested in making my own TFs and the few G1 TFs I have were mostly spies, Soundwave and his ilk, reflector (technically Microx) but somehow I have not much attachment to him, prolly since I got him when I was older... I like him due to the color scheme... but Favorite wise, I like Thrust the most among the seeker molds... those VTOL wings have me intrigued and really liked the VTOL idea...even though I kinda gotten my Thrust late too.

18th May 2016, 02:18 PM
among the seekers, Skywarp was my First ...


Was this before or after they changed the nose cone to rubber? If before, that would explain why there are so many seekers that look the same. I hope you're getting ongoing child support if that's the case ;) :D

janda the red
18th May 2016, 02:48 PM
where is the option " all of them " :p lol

18th May 2016, 08:44 PM

Was this before or after they changed the nose cone to rubber? If before, that would explain why there are so many seekers that look the same. I hope you're getting ongoing child support if that's the case ;) :D

after , he was lame with big crutches... and I can't get child support coz he vanished soon afterwards.... darn seeker was an escape artist even with the crutches...:p:p

19th May 2016, 11:59 AM
If you asked me this 5 years ago my answer would be Cyclonus. Since then Transformers Prime and IDW have convinced me to side with Starscream.

19th May 2016, 12:33 PM
If you asked me this 5 years ago my answer would be Cyclonus. Since then Transformers Prime and IDW have convinced me to side with Starscream.
So your answer for this poll should be Cyclonus, as this poll is looking at who your favourite Decepticon Jet is (or was if your preference has changed) from your childhood. e.g. My favourite Decepticon Jet as a kid was Skywarp, but as an adult it's Thundercracker. So I voted "Skywarp" in the poll.

The thing that bugged me about Cyclonus was how the arms could pop off. I also didn't initially realise that the shoulders could lift up for robot mode. I had him mistransformed in robot mode for several months in 1986 before I worked it out. :o

19th May 2016, 02:37 PM
I was never allowed Transformer toys as a kid but I always loved/wanted Thundercracker. Love his colours, love the interesting side to is personality.

Only reason I don't have him now is because of my space limitations but maybe one day...

Ultra Mackness
20th May 2016, 05:02 AM
I voted Starscream as I got him for Christmas in 85. He was the only one of the seekers that I could see actually working in the real world due to the other two's colour schemes (Skywarp's black and pink!:confused:).

Even now, I picked up the encore twin pack with TC and SW, but my fave reissue has to be the Takara book style Starscream.

And this is purely on the toy. His personality is just awful and I have no idea why Megs keeps him around!

20th May 2016, 07:25 PM
And this is purely on the toy. His personality is just awful and I have no idea why Megs keeps him around!
His personality is much better in the comics where he's an actual credible threat (he single-handedly slaughtered lots of Autobots and Decepticons in the Underbase Saga). :)

Transformers killed by Starscream in a span of only a few hours were:
Air Raid
Omega Supreme
Prowl (twice!※)

※Prowl's consciousness from the future travelled back in time to possess his past body to stop Megatron (who had possessed Snaptrap's body) from altering events of the past. Megatron's consciousness returned to the future before Snaptrap was destroyed, but Prowl's remained (and returned after his past body was destroyed). One might argue that Prowl is dying an infinite number of times as he created a time loop. #daysoffuturepast

20th May 2016, 10:26 PM
*snip* but my fave reissue has to be the Takara book style Starscream. *snip*
That's a fantastic reissue. Well presented in the windowed box. And the extra tid bits being Megatron gun accessory & a clinched fist to hold it. But why is the extra fist coloured black? (rather than blue).

20th May 2016, 10:40 PM
That's a fantastic reissue. Well presented in the windowed box. And the extra tid bits being Megatron gun accessory & a clinched fist to hold it. But why is the extra fist coloured black? (rather than blue).
??? :confused: ???
Unless you got some kind of weird variant or counterfeit, then Starscream should come with all you see here (http://www.tfu.info/2003/Destron/AnimeStarscream/starscream.htm) and here (http://www.okoku.jp/img/item_photo/201/020128020102894002/image03.jpg). There's a dark blue Optimus Prime fist which is meant to be used by Optimus Prime to hold the Megatron gun, but there's no black fist. At least, mine doesn't have any black fist. :confused:

20th May 2016, 10:50 PM
My poor eye sight fail me. Thanks Gok.

Tetsuwan Convoy
23rd May 2016, 02:27 PM
Mine was Needlenose, but he isn't on the list. Aw, poor fashionable Needlenose.

26th May 2016, 08:42 PM
Skywarp for me. Fav by a mile as a kid! (Teleporting, are you kidding me!?)

Nowadays it would be pretty close between Cyclonus and Skywarp.

27th May 2016, 02:27 PM
Whilst Ramjet was my favourite jet that I owned, my actual favourite was Skywarp. Loved his colours and his warping ability. Never owned him as a kid though. Acid Storm is my favourite now though.

28th May 2016, 08:53 PM
If you asked me this 5 years ago my answer would be Cyclonus. Since then Transformers Prime and IDW have convinced me to side with Starscream.

Prime starscream has so much character, he's so well acted too, which made his character seem more real and identifiable (actually most of primes voice acting was spot on IMHO).

In the book, "Transformers: Exodus" he's a badass! everything I thought starscream was supposed to be. But the G1 and prime always portrayed him as a snivelling coward looking for the easy usurp, and I hated him then.

My fav is skywarp, but thundercrackers blue always drew me. Sadly he's the only seeker MP I don't have :(

28th May 2016, 09:42 PM
But the G1 and prime always portrayed him as a snivelling coward looking for the easy usurp, and I hated him then.
That's not entirely true. The G1 cartoon portrayed Starscream as a snivelling coward, but not other G1 canon, such as:
* The G1 comics where Starscream was quite menacing (http://otca.com.au/boards/showpost.php?p=523713&postcount=19). Even after Starscream destroyed himself (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_iKLevhkVaMo/S8dgCSoOGfI/AAAAAAAABfE/MaR6Bj5844w/s1600/issue50+giant+starscream.jpg) with the powers of the Underbase, his corpse continued to "live" on as Zombie Starscream (http://tfwiki.net/mediawiki/images2/a/a1/ZombieScream1.jpg). And Starscream became even more powerful when augmented with the power of his practically indestructible Pretender shell (http://tfwiki.net/w2/images2/3/34/Starscreamskindeep.jpg).
* Transformers Generation 2: when Starscream used the power of the Matrix to merge himself with the Warworld (http://tfwiki.net/mediawiki/images2/7/73/G210_starscream_warworld.jpg).
* Transformers The Battle of the Stargate: Starscream merged himself (http://tfwiki.net/mediawiki/images2/1/13/Stargatebattles_starscream_trigger.jpg) with the Trigger (http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Trigger). Hmm... there seems to be a recurring theme here... :p
* Beast Wars: retconned G1 Starscream as having an indestructible mutant Spark, which merged with^possessed Waspinator (http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/transformers/images/9/9d/STARSCREAM.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130401235136&path-prefix=es). And as we all know, Maximal scientists created Rampage (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3l6aD4WfkCM) in an attempt to replicate Starscream's Spark mutation (creating a Beast Wars Transformer with a nigh-invulnerable Spark).

So yeah, while G1 cartoon Starscream was a rather lame character, he is by no means the only version of G1 Starscream. :)

G1 comics Starscream...
"Blind me with your awful light! Thrill me with your darkest secret! Fill me with your unholy power! GIVE YOURSELF TO ME!"

G1 cartoon Starscream...

31st May 2016, 11:40 PM
A close tie between Cyclonus and Thundercracker. The former has such a sleek cool design that I also loved as a kid. However, Thundercracker comes out on top with his fantastic sky blue, voice in the cartoon and characterisation (not brought out in the cartoon).

1st June 2016, 12:14 AM
I actually prefer Thundercracker's G1 toy colours over his sky blue cartoon colours. The original toy has this beautiful darker metallic blue. The first Transformer to have metallic coloured plastic.

6th June 2016, 10:10 PM
Cyclonus here. I also had Ramjet, but I wasn't a fan of the transformation; plus, I lost parts.

8th June 2016, 12:18 PM
Boo! I demand more options!:p

What about Darkwing and Dreadwind? Sure they were both Powermasters but they were most definetly Decpeticon jets and heirs to the legacy of the seekers, with real jet modes not like Cyclonus and the large Targetmasters.

My favoruite Decepticon jet as a child was originally Skywarp cause of his cool seek black and purple style, and because I got him first, but when Dreadwind and Darkwing came out they blew Skywarp out out of the air with their cool jet modes, and tough looking robot modes.

These days my favourite jet would be Dreadwind mostly thanks to Simon Furmans morbid but quirky characterization of him, plus he does look cool. Second would be Thundercracker as they finally fleshed him out as a chracter (after how many years?).

8th June 2016, 12:22 PM
There will be more polls for other sub groups later. I just didn't want to flood this section with too many of them all at once. ;)

14th June 2016, 11:01 PM
Never owned any of the G1 jets until post G1 when a friend gave me Scourge so I voted for him. Thought it was pretty cool how most of his body fitted into his bat wings. My cousin had Dirge & Starscream but I really disliked the toys where you had to attach the fists to complete the transformation (Yes, even Prime). As for personae can't go past Starscream, very much appreciated the comic relief He & Megatron gave us all over the years. Christopher Collins & Frank Welker must have been in riotous fits of laughter working together. But overall my first & favourite jet I owned was Triggerhappy. I think Astrotrain & Blitzwing could have been added to this poll, would've voted for Astrotrain as I had him. I Remember 1 hot summers day when we returned to the car from grocery shopping & I actually burned my hand picking him up in the car as the toy had been in direct sunlight for hours. Miss the days when Transformers were diecast, except that one!:o

15th June 2016, 12:27 AM
Targetmasters are a separate sub-group from the Seeker Jets, and not all Decepticon Targetmasters are jets (i.e. Spinister, Quake). "Jets" is used here as a descriptor of the sub-group, so called by Hasbro in the catalogues. It's not intended to be a description of the alt mode, otherwise this poll would include every jet-moded Decepticon and it'd be massive! Astrotrain and Blitzwing (funny how you haven't included Octane) are Triple Changers. And Astrotrain's jet mode is a space shuttle, which isn't a fighter jet... or any kind of military vehicle (they were used for space exploration).

There will be separate polls coming soon for Targetmasters, Triple Changers and other sub-groups. :)

15th June 2016, 08:59 AM
I was always impressed with Cyclonus, still am.

15th June 2016, 09:20 PM