View Full Version : Will Deluxe Brainstorm come to OZ?

28th June 2016, 12:03 PM
Over on TFW they report that Deluxe TR Brainstorm will be a Walgreens exclusive (A chemist with TOYS :confused: ) so where do you speculate it will show up here? If it does that is

28th June 2016, 12:36 PM
Walgreens is more like a convenience store that is half chemist, which makes them very popular in America... and they have toy sections that are proportionate in size to the size of the store (the bigger the Walgreens, the bigger the range of toys), but most often have the sort of cheap novelty stuff you'd find in our bigger convenience stores here (which is why I rarely found Transformers at them, but one in Las Vegas I did, at hefty convenience store pricing - still cheaper than our prices though :p ).

I will ask the next time I'm talking to Hasbro (http://www.otca.com.au/boards/showthread.php?t=23083) (I don't know when that will be though).

28th June 2016, 01:05 PM
my bet it'll be local online sellers who would end up getting them, else it can only be TRU which would be the logical choice since they get pretty much most of those small special releases

28th June 2016, 04:01 PM
I'm not fussed about Brainstorm as I'm happy enough w/ my Generations Voyager figure. But I hope that the rest of them come out here.

*sigh* Just when I was looking forward to switching back to brick and mortar retail shopping... :rolleyes:

28th June 2016, 04:07 PM
I'm not fussed about Brainstorm as I'm happy enough w/ my Generations Voyager figure. But I hope that the rest of them come out here.

*sigh* Just when I was looking forward to switching back to brick and mortar retail shopping... :rolleyes:

Voyager Brainstorm will dwarf them

28th June 2016, 06:31 PM
Voyager Brainstorm will dwarf them

certainly fits his ego then.

(But yes, he even dwarfs most of my voyager class figures too)

29th June 2016, 12:12 AM
Voyager Brainstorm will dwarf them
Yeah, he's a jet. He should be bloody bigger than the others! ;) Although Highbrow should be a Voyager too - about the size of Generations Whirl would be good.

Besides, if you're gonna start worrying about toy scale, then I've got two words for you...

Cos here (http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/attachments/transformers-comics-discussion/27359943d1366673162-pic-request-idw-fortress-maximus-image5.jpg)'s how Fort Max scales in the comics, and here (http://www.geek.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/IMGP0623.jpg)'s how the toy scales. Also, my generation grew up with toys like G1 Blaster who scaled to other Transformers toys like this (http://news.tfw2005.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2014/03/1985-Toys_1396247315.jpg). ;) He's not so grossly out of scale that it makes it awkward or impractical for the toy to interact with others, which is the problem we had with some Beast Machines toys. :rolleyes:

29th June 2016, 03:13 AM
He means the size of the toys to each other.
The Gen-14 toy is a tall Voyager, while these Gen-16 TR Deluxes are a lot shorter and all about the same height, so the Voyager Brainstorm would dwarf the other Headmaster, who should be all the same size as toys (both now and in 1987).

30th June 2016, 01:27 PM
If they use the SDCC Brainstorm don't expect it to be the same scale as the 2014 release.

The Brainstorm in the SDCC 3 set is much smaller than the Generations version from 2014.

The colour of the SDCC one is also a much nicer pale blue as opposed to the more teal colour of the Generations figure.

Despite being small the SDCC Brainstorm is a really lovely figure in my opinion so one would hope that also translates into any potential individual releases.

30th June 2016, 09:07 PM
He means the size of the toys to each other.
The Gen-14 toy is a tall Voyager, while these Gen-16 TR Deluxes are a lot shorter and all about the same height, so the Voyager Brainstorm would dwarf the other Headmaster, who should be all the same size as toys (both now and in 1987).
By this logic Bumblebee should never be any larger than a Legends size figure. :o

1st July 2016, 06:48 AM
No... he means that for the retail releases, there will be three Autobot headmaster toys that are about 15cm tall, and one that is going to be about 25cm tall because one is a voyager from two years ago.
Nothing to do with scale of characters.
It's about failing to replicate the four toys from 1987 who were all the same height.

If they use the SDCC Brainstorm don't expect it to be the same scale as the 2014 release.
The Brainstorm in the SDCC 3 set is much smaller than the Generations version from 2014.

That's actually his point.... the fourth Autobot 2016 Headmaster toy is not a regular release toy, so a lot of people might end up with one of the four being the 2014 toy that doesn't display well with the three 2016 toys.

7th July 2016, 10:36 PM
Over on TFW they report that Deluxe TR Brainstorm will be a Walgreens exclusive (A chemist with TOYS :confused: ) so where do you speculate it will show up here? If it does that is

Premium collectables has it at 8:30pm tomorrow night, just a heads up.

8th July 2016, 10:07 PM
Still in stock at PC, and Robotkingdom has it now as well.

4th August 2016, 09:12 PM
Video review already out:


5th August 2016, 03:41 PM
No... he means that for the retail releases, there will be three Autobot headmaster toys that are about 15cm tall, and one that is going to be about 25cm tall because one is a voyager from two years ago.
Nothing to do with scale of characters.
It's about failing to replicate the four toys from 1987 who were all the same height.

That's actually his point.... the fourth Autobot 2016 Headmaster toy is not a regular release toy, so a lot of people might end up with one of the four being the 2014 toy that doesn't display well with the three 2016 toys.

I'm actually happy with 2014 Brainstorm for the reason that it keeps the numbers on each side roughly equal within the Titans Return line. As in, there are three G1 Autobot headmasters getting remakes, and three G1 Decepticon headmasters. I can understand how it might drive G1 fanatics nuts to have one toy completely out of scale, but on the other hand, remaking Brainstorm again is a waste of a slot that could have gone to somebody else.

10th August 2016, 10:53 AM
Any ideas on where I can get him now? I just can't deal with LG Brainstorm not having a face plate.