View Full Version : Who is your favourite Ultra Beast Wars Transformer?

13th July 2016, 10:34 PM
As with the other polls, this is based purely on toys and what you thought of them at their time of release.

^Damn impressive design and engineering for a pair of 20 year old toys! :cool: :D

Combiner Beast Wars?
Although Magnaboss and Tripredacus are technically Ultra Class (re: price point) figures, they have been excluded from this poll (for obvious reasons :p). I will make a poll that will cover all of the Beast Wars gestalts separately at some point in the future.

13th July 2016, 10:39 PM
At the time, standing in the shop looking at both of them, I thought Meggs was a clear winner. Primal's monkey-mode was not convincing.

Nowadays, the original Op Primal (and its subsequent re-releases) is one of my favorite molds.

13th July 2016, 11:12 PM
Optimus Primal was my very first Beast Wars Transformer toy. I bought him in a heartbeat as soon as I saw him. Megatron on the other hand was the complete opposite. It was the design of the robot mode that I found off-putting, having not even a single hand. For a long time I just used my Basic Megatron as my only BW Megatron figure, even after the show came out. I'd even stare at this toy for ages when I found him in stores, but always just putting him back on the shelf. Megatron was the last BW Transformer that I bought in late 1997 after there was pretty much nothing else left for me to buy... I bit the bullet and bought him. And yeah, I'll admit that the toy far exceeded my expectations and I grew to love it. :) But Primal was the clear favourite for me then and still is now.

13th July 2016, 11:17 PM
I got Optimus my brother got Megatron... love Primal :D

13th July 2016, 11:51 PM
Optimus and Megatron were my first 2 Beast Wars toys. Walked 40 mins to the nearest toy store, not even knowing if they had any BW toys, to get them.

I always liked Megs, but just couldn't stop transforming and playing with OP. For me he has the most iconic transformation in the transformers franchise, period. Which is probably why I'm a little disappointed with the MP.

13th July 2016, 11:57 PM
I'm on the complete opposite side of the fence to the Primal lovers, Megatron's the winner for me no contest, he was the first larger than Deluxe Beast Wars toy I got, Primal just never impressed me as much.

While I do like both of them Meg's turns into a dinosaur which for me is the more awesome of the two alt modes and I always found Primal's gorilla mode rather goofy (I prefer the Transmetal gorilla). Also Megatron has some of my favourite examples of well implemented gimmicks, particularly his water spray and thigh missiles. I also love the headsculpt on the toy.

And then I saw him in the cartoon and liked him even more, for the first time in an animated Transformers series the villains had competent leadership.

I sure hope they make an MP version, even though in my mind there's even less to improve upon with this toy than Primal I want one just as a homage to a great toy.

14th July 2016, 11:24 AM
Primal, just. Love the gimmicks on Primal and it's head sculpt is awesome. I was never able to put the lever back in so it could look flush and I hated how the extra flaps just hung there when you flipped out the shoulder cannons. But the swords were awesome and the mace as well. Plus, I'm always a sucker for Optimus Prime-type toys :D

14th July 2016, 02:41 PM
Got Primal way back when and thought he was a top notch toy and so much more fun the last big TF I'd got (which was G2 tank Megatron who is great too but Primal was something else!). Couldn't get past the "no hands" thing to get Megatron. Eventually got one of the reissues many years later with the show colours and he's alright (but I much prefer the transmetal T-Rex)