View Full Version : Who is your favourite Transmetal 2 toy (carded)?

20th July 2016, 10:50 PM
You know how it goes. :)

This poll includes redecos of TM2 toys which are also in the Beast Wars continuity (e.g. Beast Machines). Redecos of these toys that were used for continuities outside of Beast Wars (e.g. Universe, CR/RiD etc.) aren't included here. The same rule will apply for the upcoming Boxed TM2 poll (not included here due to poll size limit). To be honest, I won't be making a poll for Universe, so if you want to vote for one of those figures, feel free to vote on the original mould here and specify via a reply on this thread.

20th July 2016, 10:52 PM
Can't see any poll... :confused:

Edit: All good now! :)

20th July 2016, 11:07 PM
Dinobot... :D

20th July 2016, 11:32 PM
Dinobot... :D

Me too:D

21st July 2016, 12:47 AM
None of the above. I disliked all the Transmetal 2 toys and didn't buy any of them. And given than 1999 only had Transmetal 2 toys (I'm not counting Animorphs) I think I only got older stock on clearance that year (and also didn't think TFs were ruined forever or quit, I just said no thanks to these toys).

I got some eventually, like 10 years later (importing RID repaints mostly) but in the spirit of this poll I abstain. :)

21st July 2016, 01:52 AM
Out of those I have, it is Spittor for me. I don't have Dinobot, but if I did he probably would've gotten my vote.

21st July 2016, 11:47 PM
Out of those I have, it is Spittor for me. I don't have Dinobot, but if I did he probably would've gotten my vote.

I have Dinobot, but I still prefer Spittor, dunno if it's the colours to the transformation but he hits all the right notes with me.

Dinbot is nice, but he's a bit bland.

Ode to a Grasshopper
22nd July 2016, 09:04 PM
I don't have all the ones I'm after yet, but of the ones I do have (all acquired as an adult btw) I have to give it to Ramulus.

I totally dig TM2 Dinobot as a concept/in theory (biomechanical, undead velociraptor...sure, sign me up!), and I really did/do like the toys in general, but as a toy Ramulus is really good. If they'd made his head more poseable in beast mode he'd be even better, but he's still a solid toy with interesting design elements.

I would have voted Dinobot, except his toy really isn't all that good. Pity...it was a cool design.:(

Tetsuwan Convoy
27th July 2016, 08:08 PM
Yay, someone else voted for Optimus Minor!

I bought him because he has Optimus in his name. Crap toy, weirdness all over the place, but I like it. I have no idea why.

27th July 2016, 09:58 PM
I bought him because he has Optimus in his name.
Isn't this the only reason why people bought this toy? :p

Optimus Minor's beast mode fails on multiple levels.
* He stands upright. Humans are the only primates who can do this. Apeface, Beastbox, Optimus Primal and B'Boom are all correctly hunched over.
* Limb proportions are just wrong. Humans have shorter arms to legs, while monkeys and apes have longer arms to legs. Optimus Minor's arms are about the same length as his legs, which means that they look too humanoid in beast mode and too bestial in humanoid robot mode!
* The hands look like feet and the feet look like hands.
* The lack of a nose makes it impossible to tell if it's meant to be an Old or New World Monkey, as Old World Monkeys have raised narrow noses with downward facing nostrils, and New World Monkeys have flat broad noses with forward facing nostrils. The nose on the robot mode (which is not visible in beast mode) bears closer resemblance to New World Monkeys, but the tail lacks the prehensile loop, which is a distinctive trait of Old World Monkeys.
* The large (and goofy looking) head bears closer resemblance to a great ape than a monkey.

Ode to a Grasshopper
27th July 2016, 10:18 PM
I kind of liked it...it was a fun little toy.

Seraphim Prime
28th July 2016, 03:03 PM
I don't have all the ones I'm after yet, but of the ones I do have (all acquired as an adult btw) I have to give it to Ramulus.

I totally dig TM2 Dinobot as a concept/in theory (biomechanical, undead velociraptor...sure, sign me up!), and I really did/do like the toys in general, but as a toy Ramulus is really good. If they'd made his head more poseable in beast mode he'd be even better, but he's still a solid toy with interesting design elements.

I would have voted Dinobot, except his toy really isn't all that good. Pity...it was a cool design.:(

Basically all of the above for me too.

The three TM2 deluxes my brother and I had were Dinobot, Prowl, and Ramulus.

Out of those Ramulus was just really clean and simple with a unique alt mode that was just fun.

31st July 2016, 07:42 PM
Scarem was the bomb, had scythes for hands ... true bug bot ...