View Full Version : Who is your favourite Beast Wars Second/Neo Maximal?

23rd July 2016, 11:58 PM
You know how it works. :)

This poll only includes toys that are either original moulds or retools. So no repaints. This is due to poll limit size and also because I just want to make the one poll-thread for Japanese BW Maximals (the next one will be for Predacons). I've also included Moon... although he's not marketed as being either a Maximal nor Predacon, he's always been portrayed as an ally of the Maximals, so... yeah. If Junkions count as Autobots and Sharkticons count as Decepticons, then Moon can count as a Maximal. ;) Also, totally not going to make a one-robot poll for Moon. :p

Note on spelling
Where possible I'm using the same spelling as TFwiki unless I deem the TFwiki spelling to be inaccurate (don't even start me about all the mistakes on the wiki... :rolleyes:). But IIRC the wiki's spelling has since become official in Anglophone continuity thanks to IDW, but I'm going with authorial intent. In this poll there are two differences:
1. Colada. TFwiki spells it as "Cohrada," but I disagree with this for two reasons...
a. In Japanese Katakana, the name is written as コラーダ (koraada). The long vowel is on the second syllable, not the first. So "Corahda" would be more accurate than "Cohrada."
b. The Japanese word for Piņa Colada is ピニャ・コラーダ (https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%94%E3%83%8B%E3%83%A3%E3%83%BB%E3%82%B3%E3%8 3%A9%E3%83%BC%E3%83%80) (pinya koraada). Given the Latino/cowboy theme of this character, I'd say that "Koraada" is meant to be "Colada," hence I am using that spelling.
2. Heinlad (as opposed to tfwiki's spelling of "Heinrad"). This is how I've always spelt it. Note that 'l' and 'r' are indistinguishable in Japanese phonology, so really it can be either "lad" or "rad". Given the nature of the character, 'lad' makes more sense to me.

24th July 2016, 08:13 AM
Can't go past Longrack, but most of the figures on the list are worthy of a vote. He was the first figure that interested my wife as a toy. Sadly he barely leaves his beast mode as she loves the giraffe mode so much!

Except maybe Beak, I love him but he is the epitome of a shell former, even more so than Big Convoy.

24th July 2016, 10:02 AM
As I only own Big Convoy and Lio Convoy I went with Big C just cause I like to toy better

24th July 2016, 10:49 AM
I'm not the biggest fan of Big Convoy anymore, but I know that by 1999 my favourite was definitely Big Convoy. I loved the style of the robot mode and was absolutely enarmoured by the fact that he came with a removable Matrix. But yeah, he's one frustrating shellformer. If I had to pick a favourite out of these toys now, it would be hard because they are all so good. But as a 'retro toy' poll, my fav was definitely Big Convoy.

24th July 2016, 08:37 PM
Big Convoy for me :D

27th July 2016, 11:33 AM
Mach Kick :D You really need to appreciate that alt mode.

Almost forgot that I had a Heinlad - should pull him out as I'm missing a clock in the study :p

Tetsuwan Convoy
27th July 2016, 07:59 PM
I went for Heinlad, he's a nice figure, and a clock. I really like Big Convoy, but man he is a pain to transform, so Heinlad is number 1