View Full Version : Reissue G1 minibots

Chevron Action Flash
13th September 2016, 09:48 PM
Can anyone tell me if there has ever been an official reissue of the G1 mini autobots?: Bumblebee, Cliffjumper, Windcharger, etc. and I don't mean the keychains!

I see plenty on ebay claiming to be 'reissue' and they look the part but I'm assuming they're all knock offs. As KO's has anybody got experience with one? Whats the quality like? Or should one just give 'em a swerve.

Cheers guys.

13th September 2016, 10:56 PM
So aside from the keychain reissues, the following Autobot Mini Vehicles have been reissued:
* Bumblebee (twice - TFC & Encore)
* Cosmos
* Gears※
* Huffer
* Outback
* Pipes
* Powerglide
* Swerve
* Tailgate
* Warpath
* Wheelie

※Although from a Japanese POV it's not a reissue as Gears was never released before in Japan. Similar to how Ricochet (Hasbro ver. of reissue Stepper) wasn't a reissue from a Hasbro market POV.

13th September 2016, 11:15 PM
Yes some Minibots have been reissued officially by Takara, but if you're seeing G1 Minibots in G1 style packaging on eBay called Reissues, they are knock offs.

If they don't say Reissue and seem cheap, they are also knock offs.

This is a good resource if you're not sure if something is a KO or not:

There's an off chance they are a Chinese 90s releases but odds are if they are on eBay they are knock offs http://highendtfs.com/?q=node/15

14th September 2016, 12:07 AM
Good point.

The TFC reissue set containing Bumblebee, Powerglide, Gears, Huffer, Cosmos and Warpath looks like this:

And the Encore reissue of Bumblebee, Pipes, Tailgate, Swerve and Outback looks like this:

But yeah, if it's on an original G1 card, then I'd say it's probably a counterfeit.

Chevron Action Flash
14th September 2016, 01:02 PM
Thanks guys. Great advice. Cheers.

15th September 2016, 05:36 PM
There's also an Ehobby release of many of those minibots recoloured as deceptions too. It's a sweet set