View Full Version : LED light assembly for custom figure

7th January 2017, 12:16 AM
Hi guys, can anybody point me in the direction where I can purchase a small LED light bulb and a battery pack to power it for a custom figure?

What would I be looking at for a cheap basic kit?


7th January 2017, 12:24 AM
Your best bet would be Jaycar or EBay.


7th January 2017, 10:20 AM
Your best bet would be Jaycar or EBay.


Thanks Thurmus, I think I'm after something like this: https://www.jaycar.com.au/2aa-switched-battery-enclosure/p/PH9280

As for a white LED, Jaycar have a pretty big range and I've got no idea when it comes to LED's and their brightness and voltages etc.

Would something like https://www.jaycar.com.au/white-5mm-led-18000mcd-round-clear/p/ZD0195 be able to be electric taped to the wires of the battery pack for a simple circuit or am I missing something?

7th January 2017, 11:44 AM
I am not an expert but that won't work. LEDs aren't quite like the old type of globe.

They really need the exact amount of current and voltage. Also there are different brightness levels based on the quality.

Looking at that LED it won't work. 2 x AA batteries will put out 3 volts max. The globe you are looking at requires 3.3 volts. You either need more battery power or you need to look for one that is under 3 volts. Also if it is less than three volts, you will need a resistor to drop the voltage from three to what is required.
If you look at the LED in the link, it says down the bottom of the description that if you have a certain voltage, what size resistor to use. You also need to make sure you wire the positive and negative correctly to the LED.

Without knowing how much space you have in your custom, another option could be the button batteries. I just got an oversized KO MP-12 Sideswipe that the headlights work on. It has three AG4 thick button batteries (not the largest size ones) that power the headlights. They would be putting out 4.5v but take up bugger all space.

So in summary, lower your lumens or increase your voltage and add a resistor.

Have a look at the two links below. One of them has someone with a similar problem. The other may explain things better than I.

Hope this helps.



7th January 2017, 11:58 AM
I am not an expert but that won't work. LEDs aren't quite like the old type of globe.

They really need the exact amount of current and voltage. Also there are different brightness levels based on the quality.

Looking at that LED it won't work. 2 x AA batteries will put out 3 volts max. The globe you are looking at requires 3.3 volts. You either need more battery power or you need to look for one that is under 3 volts. Also if it is less than three volts, you will need a resistor to drop the voltage from three to what is required.
If you look at the LED in the link, it says down the bottom of the description that if you have a certain voltage, what size resistor to use. You also need to make sure you wire the positive and negative correctly to the LED.

Without knowing how much space you have in your custom, another option could be the button batteries. I just got an oversized KO MP-12 Sideswipe that the headlights work on. It has three AG4 thick button batteries (not the largest size ones) that power the headlights. They would be putting out 4.5v but take up bugger all space.

So in summary, lower your lumens or increase your voltage and add a resistor.

Have a look at the two links below. One of them has someone with a similar problem. The other may explain things better than I.

Hope this helps.



You're the man Thurmus! Much appreciated.

Very keen to see how your Sideswipe comes out!

7th January 2017, 12:10 PM
I didn't do it. He came that way.

https://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.toybento.com%2Fmedi a%2Fcatalog%2Fproduct%2Fcache%2F1%2Fimage%2F1100x1 687%2F66480f0fb689a9432892e707df223ccd%2Fk%2Fo%2Fk o-mpf12-03.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.toybento.com%2Ftanaka-mpf-12-oversized-lambor.html&docid=GpPi_alwDv9e4M&tbnid=_VBGDgLaE_urfM%3A&vet=1&w=1100&h=1687&client=firefox-b&bih=1050&biw=1920&q=tanaka%20oversized%20mp-12&ved=0ahUKEwjCuJPc7K7RAhWBmpQKHTTTAhgQMwhdKDcwNw&iact=mrc&uact=8