View Full Version : Toy Review - Robots In Disguise Stormshot

12th February 2017, 10:35 PM
Coup de Tempête^STORMSHOT
Série - Robots Déguisés (http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Transformers:_Robots_in_Disguise_(2015_toyline))
Taille/classe - Gurrier (http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/merchantrpg/images/9/97/Warrior.png/revision/latest?cb=20150103234253)
Nouveau/modifié - Nouveau
Assortiment - 9
sortie - Février 2017
Prix de vente conseillé - $29
Taille approximative - 13,1cm
Allégeance - Autobot
Transformation - Aéronef à décollage et atterrissage verticaux d'un avion de combat (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VTOL)
caractéristique principale - non applicable
Couleurs principales - bleu, blanc, rouge (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4K1q9Ntcr5g) et noir
Accessoires - Deux pistolets (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d0/46/15/d04615ddeaab204f123fbd0c4bbc59f3.jpg)

Robot Mode


Stormshot stands out wearing the colours of the Tricolore (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_France) with black accents throughout. This may also be the first Autobot in this series to have red eyes (which is good as it contrasts with the blue helmet). Stormshot has a decent range of posability with 11 points of articulation, although the head joint on mine is really stiff. The two shoulder pylons obstruct with Stormshot's side view much in the same way as the G1 Seekers (although RiD Starscream's pylons have been moved to sit behind the shoulders and thus doesn't present this issue for the character). The toy also comes with two black guns, one large and one small. The vertical stabilisers on the back of the lower legs act as heel spurs and give this toy superior balance.


Vehicle Mode


I had raised hopes for this toy being one that isn't based on a show character, thus allowing HasTak greater creative freedom. But alas, it's not much better than other recent RiD Warrior Class figures. Having said that, the level of design/engineering in recent Warrior Class figures seems to be notably better than in early RiD Warriors. But basically the body is an immovable block with the limbs and kibble forming around it. Note that I didn't transform the shoulders properly in my photo, they do sit more flush to the body when transformed properly. :o

I do like how the shoulders become intake vents rather than just sitting there as blocks as with Windblade and Starscream. I also like the way that they've incorporated the Combiner Wars style open-swing-and-close style transformation with the legs, and we've seen this in other recent RiD Warriors too (even MPs have been using this feature on some parts). The underside of the cockpit/nosecone looks incomplete. The toy makes no effort to conceal the head (whereas Windblade and Starscream do), which I find pretty disappointing for a Warrior Class figure.


Unless Stormshot originated as a cartoon character (whose show model has already been made but has yet to appear in the cartoon), then this toy really should've been better. It's not a bad toy but it's not fantastic either. But points to Hasbro for originality. It's nice to have a toy that is an entirely new character and design that isn't based on derived from any other existing Transformer. Strongarm and many of the Decepticons fall into this category too, but we don't see too many really original Autobots in RiD.

12th February 2017, 10:59 PM
I got mine for $25... overall I quite like the figure. The legs are a little loose but no where near as bad as other figures I have owned.

12th February 2017, 11:14 PM
I got mine for $25... overall I quite like the figure.
So did I, and overall the toy is okay, but I just had higher expectations/hope for this figure as the first non-show-based RiD Warrior. I thought that it'd be like TFP Frumble (http://www.otca.com.au/boards/showthread.php?t=15866) where the designers would've used the greater creative freedom offered to them to make a better toy. Compared with other RiD Warriors this toy is fine though, not inherently better or worse than his case mates. But yeah... I was expecting more from this toy. :o

13th February 2017, 09:16 AM
This guy is a tad plain, but I think he's a very fun robot! Jet is a tad toy-looking and the fact you can't spin the face around (so he's not looking right at you) is a shame, but that aside really like the dynamicness of the figure.
Always good to get not car Autobots.
Guns are unique but the size difference is a little odd... combination is cool so points for that!
Overall a nice addition to the RID line.

Omega Metro
13th February 2017, 09:54 AM
I jumped at this when I saw it at Target. Love it. Especially for $8.

13th February 2017, 12:50 PM
Ho, Ho, Ho. Baguette.

Seraphim Prime
14th February 2017, 07:14 PM
I jumped at this when I saw it at Target. Love it. Especially for $8.

How'd you manage that!?

I think he's a very good figure, but not worth the full $29 I paid at Target. If you can get him between $20 and $25 go for it!