View Full Version : RID McDonald's Toys 2017?

10th March 2017, 07:07 AM
I read online back in January that McDonald's in Australia was getting a series of five RID toys, but I haven't seen any on eBay. Did these come out? I'm looking for a set. Anyone have an extra set?



10th March 2017, 10:38 AM
Been and gone... and it wasn't easy getting just one set by those of us wanting a complete set.
I was planning to get a few sets to sell to others but dropped that idea when it was impossible for me to find the first figure (Bumblebee), then the 4th figure (Strongarm). It was lucky I didn't try to do that because I would have been stuck with incomplete sets.

12th March 2017, 07:35 AM
I was afraid of that. Thanks for the info. Hopefully they will come out in some other countries later this year.


Been and gone... and it wasn't easy getting just one set by those of us wanting a complete set.
I was planning to get a few sets to sell to others but dropped that idea when it was impossible for me to find the first figure (Bumblebee), then the 4th figure (Strongarm). It was lucky I didn't try to do that because I would have been stuck with incomplete sets.

12th March 2017, 10:52 PM
Probably worth keeping an eye out at op shops and Savers and the like as Happy Meal toys routinely pop up there in the weeks and months (even years) after their release. I've picked up a few that way over the years.

Of course, it's a crap shoot whether they turn up at all and in what condition and levels of completeness.

14th March 2017, 08:38 AM
So, these are apparently showing up in Europe as well, at least most of them. I bought a set from a seller in Turkey, but it only includes Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Grimlock, and Strongarm. They aren't getting Drift. So, if anyone has an extra Drift for sale, let me know, and if you need a set of the other four, take a look here:


The seller also has singles up. FYI, I offered $19.99 for a set and it was accepted with free shipping.

