View Full Version : Youtube Videos of your Transformers

10th March 2017, 09:57 AM
Hey guys, do any of you showcase your thoughts and fav bots on YT?

Any negative feedback or rude commenters? Like to share and find like minded fans but would like to look at your personal channels to get a feel for what I am getting in to.

Not interested in professional channels such as emgo who do that for a living more the fan channels. Will take the techniques from the pro channnels but more of just making good videos of hopefully to result in chatting with like minded fans. ( You like the repaint of bla bla too! Me too! You recommend this if I like that? Wow I do like that too!) etc etc XD lololol. You can fit much more in a video. than a few sentences on a forum.

10th March 2017, 09:48 PM
I honestly find photographs and text commentaries to be far better than videos. Photos can often be taken and posted in better resolution than videos, and you can look at photos at your own pace rather than hitting pause, forward or back on videos. It's also much easier to control lighting on photos than on videos in my experience. e.g. I can use the flash on my phone's camera when taking photos but not if I'm taking a video.

When it comes to toy reviews I absolutely prefer those with text and photos over videos as I find video reviews are often more just boast videos rather than reviews. A review isn't just about showcasing something but actually about critiquing it. And the typical video reviewer doesn't know how to critique, rather they just go on about how awesome every toy is. This makes their reviews utter rubbish, much like in the episode of The Simpsons when Homer becomes a food critic and gives every restaurant, "3 thumbs up," which gives him zero credibility as a critic. Or the other type is nothing more than just showing and explaining the toy, but otherwise not actually appraising it. The only good thing video reviews are occasionally good for is watching the transformation as a reference if you ever get stuck. :p But as reviews I find them to be generally poor and I for one refuse to even click on any video review links. I'll happily read people's written reviews though. :) That has a far greater impact on me than any video. e.g. KingGrimlock's recent comments on the TR Megatron review thread (http://otca.com.au/boards/showthread.php?t=23930) has me seriously rethinking my stance on purchasing TR Blitzwing. I've never been influenced to purchase a toy based on a video review though.

11th March 2017, 03:40 PM
I honestly find photographs and text commentaries to be far better than videos. Photos can often be taken and posted in better resolution than videos, and you can look at photos at your own pace rather than hitting pause, forward or back on videos. It's also much easier to control lighting on photos than on videos in my experience. e.g. I can use the flash on my phone's camera when taking photos but not if I'm taking a video.

When it comes to toy reviews I absolutely prefer those with text and photos over videos as I find video reviews are often more just boast videos rather than reviews. A review isn't just about showcasing something but actually about critiquing it. And the typical video reviewer doesn't know how to critique, rather they just go on about how awesome every toy is. This makes their reviews utter rubbish, much like in the episode of The Simpsons when Homer becomes a food critic and gives every restaurant, "3 thumbs up," which gives him zero credibility as a critic. Or the other type is nothing more than just showing and explaining the toy, but otherwise not actually appraising it. The only good thing video reviews are occasionally good for is watching the transformation as a reference if you ever get stuck. :p But as reviews I find them to be generally poor and I for one refuse to even click on any video review links. I'll happily read people's written reviews though. :) That has a far greater impact on me than any video. e.g. KingGrimlock's recent comments on the TR Megatron review thread (http://otca.com.au/boards/showthread.php?t=23930) has me seriously rethinking my stance on purchasing TR Blitzwing. I've never been influenced to purchase a toy based on a video review though.

Very true and Very Valid points!!! Agree with you especially about the boasting bit.

I would like to find like minded transformer fans based on the videos that they watch, as I am sure not everyone likes the figure I do, maybe the video would lead to like minded fans, who knows.

But yes I very much agree with you :)

I like forum boards but there just isn't a good enough interface that showcases a or the particular transformers in question.

Maybe a 3d plugin that has the 3d model of the transformers rendered, via 3d scanners which are cheap now (around 150 $ ) but obviously not the everybody has access to one range of price. Maybe in the future when we have 3d glasses with built in cheap sensors.

11th March 2017, 06:21 PM
I like forum boards but there just isn't a good enough interface that showcases a or the particular transformers in question.
I find the reviews section of this board (http://otca.com.au/boards/forumdisplay.php?f=9) is usually all I need to discuss or read about good opinions on individual toys, and there are separate threads for each toy as well as opinion polls on each thread. :)

11th March 2017, 11:30 PM
I find the reviews section of this board (http://otca.com.au/boards/forumdisplay.php?f=9) is usually all I need to discuss or read about good opinions on individual toys, and there are separate threads for each toy as well as opinion polls on each thread. :)

Hey mr expert :) I was looking for the release date (tentative) for figures in australia, but I swore I had the page sometime before but can't find the page now. I looked around the board maybe I was looking at the 2016 version all along but I swore I saw a 2017 projected release date for transformers figures (in a list) ? Do you have any idea where that could be? Thanks! :)

11th March 2017, 11:55 PM