View Full Version : Leaked movie toys - spoilers

16th March 2017, 11:25 PM
An image has leaked (http://news.tfw2005.com/2017/03/15/transformers-last-knight-infernocus-combiner-revealed-335413) of what looks like a packaging mockup for a new Movie toy, called Infernocus, a combiner made up of five Infernicons - Glug, Gorge, Infernocon Thrash, Rupture and Skulk.

The toy(s) is in grey, which I would imagine is a pre-production copy... and not it's actual release colour.

But what will be more obvious to some is that it is mostly a reuse of the Beast Hunters Abominus combiner... with a new figure as the core of the combiner (replacing Hun-grrr).

The big SPOILER though is that the "packaging" notes that Infernocus is a guard for the character Quintessa, who is being represented as a figurine in this pack.
There were rumours that the concept of the Quintessons might be in this fifth movie, particularly when Optimus flew off to look for the "creators" at the end of the fourth movie... and the early trailers for this movie showed a second world near earth.

The packaging also notes that the toys have hidden glyphs that a decoder will reveal... which might be a gimmick with the other Movie toys.



17th March 2017, 07:08 AM
Such a heavy retool suggests to me it's a non-screen character...

17th March 2017, 07:08 PM
When I first saw the pics I had a moment where I thought we were seeing toys that could become the basis of CW-compatible animal combiners. Then I recognised the limbs for what they were.

Kinda like the names though for a group of evil Dinobots (or close enough).

Just noticed though Skulk doesn't have a beast mode. He's just robot and torso. That's a bit weak.

17th March 2017, 10:42 PM
Thank you, Hasbro for saving me more money. :o

<insert.300-word.rant.about.the.stupid.name> :rolleyes:

17th March 2017, 10:55 PM
So many retools and repaints in this line.

Apparently they're even gonna include a retool of that Generations IDW Megatron from several years ago.

Link: https://www.seibertron.com/transformers/news/transformers-the-last-knight-deluxe-megatron-and-decepticon-nitro-toys-revealed/37553/

Jetfire in the sky
18th March 2017, 01:30 PM
Thank you, Hasbro for saving me more money. :o

<insert.300-word.rant.about.the.stupid.name> :rolleyes:

Someone with some sense :p

18th March 2017, 05:43 PM
This character model has already shown upon the Transformers Annual IDW comic from last month. In the comic they refer to him as Onxy Prime, the leader of the combiners from TCOP, ironically spouting the warning the hologram gave from the G1 Cosmic Rust cartoon episode.

Seems a bit much of a coincidence

18th March 2017, 10:17 PM
Looks like these might be related to the leaked combiner, as they have the same background, and are greyscale pre-production toys.

Skullitron - said to be a reworking of the Steelbane toy.

Deluxe Megatron - reusing the GEN-13 Stealthbomber toy.

Decepticon Nitro - looks like a new mould, but can't quite tell what it turns into.


18th March 2017, 11:40 PM
In Hasbro's defence, shoehorning non-Movieverse figures into the Movieverse is nothing new. Even back in 2007 we had a number of Energon and Cybertron figures redecoed as Movieverse toys. I have at least two "shoehorned Movieverse" figures in my collection:
+ TF1 Big Daddy: Cos I just like the Cybertron Downshift mould and think that the redeco looks cool. ;) Easy to repurpose as CHUGUR Big Daddy.
+ AoE Rollbar: Cos I got the Breakout Battle box set as a freebie from Hasbro.

But considering that I've only ever purchased one of these shoehorned redecoes in the past 10 years, I don't see myself rushing to buy any of these new ones in The Last Knight. That's not to say that these redecoes look bad or anything, but just not my cube of Energon.

19th March 2017, 10:11 AM
As bland as they are, i think Infernocus, Nitro, and Skulltron are finished product. They are each officially photographed, and on packaging, and have some tiny paint apps. My guess is Hasbro is saving money on paint and using the plain plastic (in Infernocus' and Skulltron's case) to represent dirty, old, robots.

19th March 2017, 06:28 PM
As bland as they are, i think Infernocus, Nitro, and Skulltron are finished product. They are each officially photographed, and on packaging, and have some tiny paint apps. My guess is Hasbro is saving money on paint and using the plain plastic (in Infernocus' and Skulltron's case) to represent dirty, old, robots.

Oh dear. I hadn't thought of that possibility. That is REALLY penny-pinching if that's what they're going with. I'll skip and wait for Takara.

19th March 2017, 11:09 PM
How boring would your toy shelf look if they were all grey just to be more "screen accurate" the Bay's bots.
Then again, when Hasbro gave the Dinobot toys different colours for the TF4 toyline, people were unhappy with them having odd colours that didn't make them look like the movie Dinobots.

(also, most of the on-screen Decepticon toys since the very first movie have been fairly colourless, with the only real exception being the Constructicons... ALL the rest have been black, grey or military coloured)

20th March 2017, 04:49 AM
I think these were shown in the second trailer. All dark grey. They follow batmans rule

20th March 2017, 08:03 AM
How boring would your toy shelf look if they were all grey just to be more "screen accurate" the Bay's bots.

Honestly, I think that it would be impossible to tell the difference between who's who if you put them all on one shelf :D

21st March 2017, 11:02 PM
The colours of the Decepticons is indicative of the way that Michael Bay treats most Decepticons (and Dinobots) in the movies -- as nothing more than generic set pieces. Absolutely zero personality. They're just so forgettable. (-_-)

13th April 2017, 08:49 PM
Apparently there is a second Bumblebee toy for wave 3 in the Deluxe size, and it is said to be a new mould... with this scan said to be from its instructions (http://news.tfw2005.com/2017/04/11/transformers-last-knight-deluxe-class-wave-3-bumblebee-instruction-sheet-leaked-336913) (it doesn't show much other than a gun/hand swapping gimmick).

30th April 2017, 08:00 PM
I wonder if they'll reuse more of the dragon moulds from the BH line?

30th April 2017, 08:20 PM
I guess Hasbro can pad out the movie line with non-movie toys (like they did with the Walmart exclusives with the first movie, and the Dinobot minicons for the fourth movie), but they just can't go the other way and use movie toys for non-movie lines.

9th May 2017, 02:19 PM
Leaked artwork this time, of 1-step Cogman (http://news.tfw2005.com/2017/05/08/transformers-last-knight-1-step-turbo-changer-cogman-front-packaging-art-leaked-338563), holding the (Excalibur?) sword that has been featured quite a bit in the images and trailers so far.