View Full Version : With 7 weeks to go, what do you expect of the TF5 Movie?

5th May 2017, 01:16 PM
With 7 weeks to go, what do you expect of the TF5 Movie?

- It looks like it will definitely be the best one yet
- Looking like it could be one of the better ones so far
- So far looks about average for the Live Action Movies
- Looking like it could be one of the worst ones so far
- Definitely looks like it will be the worst of the five
- Don't know - avoiding all contact to prevent spoilers
- Don't care - haven't been following the news on this one

5th May 2017, 01:19 PM
Going for average (only because the terrible quality of 2 and 4 means the bar is set very low).

Not getting hopes up, cannot be disappointed. Not even all that interested in going to see it, but probably will.

Ralph Wiggum
5th May 2017, 01:48 PM
Whilst I had hopes with a new writing team, the trailers make me think it will be more of the same.

5th May 2017, 02:26 PM
Don't care either way. I'll still go and watch it and enjoy the experience :)
I'll enjoy reading all of the bitching and moaning about it afterwards too. I may even roll my eyes a few times to boot.

5th May 2017, 02:42 PM
Quite the early consensus for it being average (which I voted for also).

I agree with Trunks that 2 and 4 were the weakest of the films so far. Perhaps it will positively surprise but I won't be going in with high expectations. In fact this is probably the least hyped I've been for any of the films. Getting stung with the hype of Dinobots last time got me.

5th May 2017, 02:53 PM
Don't care either way. I'll still go and watch it and enjoy the experience :)
I'll enjoy reading all of the bitching and moaning about it afterwards too. I may even roll my eyes a few times to boot.

yeah this sums up my answer perfectly

5th May 2017, 02:57 PM
Don't care either way. I'll still go and watch it and enjoy the experience :)
I'll enjoy reading all of the bitching and moaning about it afterwards too. I may even roll my eyes a few times to boot.

Hahaha... this needed to be a poll selection. Cause I agree :D:D:D

5th May 2017, 05:52 PM
Fans complain because they care. You don't whinge about stuff that you aren't emotionally invested in. The Warcraft movie was complete rubbish but I don't complain about it because I also don't care about it. :)

Jetfire in the sky
5th May 2017, 06:29 PM
Fans complain because they care. You don't whinge about stuff that you aren't emotionally invested in. The Warcraft movie was complete rubbish but I don't complain about it because I also don't care about it. :)

There's a Warcraft movie? :confused:

5th May 2017, 06:40 PM
Fans complain because they care. You don't whinge about stuff that you aren't emotionally invested in. The Warcraft movie was complete rubbish but I don't complain about it because I also don't care about it. :)

Very true.

I've been bitching and rolling my eyes since 2007.

5th May 2017, 06:44 PM
Average. Obeying the pattern of laws of diminishing returns the other films seem to follow, this one wil probably be the worst. Having said that, I would always add the caveat that it's only a likely scenario, and that I will reserve judgement until others I trust have reviewed it for me (I've already decided not to go see it at the cinemas unless a free ticket magically finds it's way to me, and even then I'd probably see some thing else. Bay simply hasn't shown himself to be worth my time or money with the TF franchise).

Omega Metro
5th May 2017, 07:00 PM
Age Of Extinction was an abomination. Worst TF movie ever. TLK looks quite good though. Looking forward to it.

5th May 2017, 07:40 PM
I haven't followed he spoilers/reveals/trailers all that much. Partially to avoid spoilers partially from a lack of interest.

But from what I have seen/heard, with it supposedly delving more into the mythos and lore of the transformers it could potentially be one of the better ones
Easily better than ROTF at least

5th May 2017, 09:27 PM
+ Lots of live action scenes. Tick
+ Over abundance of destruction. Tick
+ A bit of T&A thrown in for good measure. Tick
+ A few memorable one-liners. Tick
+ Slo-mo running scene of Laura Haddock's character. Tick

Fans complain because they care.
Fan-boys & girls complain cos their own lives are as boring as sh!t. You know it's true.

You don't whinge about stuff that you aren't emotionally invested in.
Ahem ... keyboard warriors wave their internet fists at any bandwagon topic, then jump on to the next 'it' topic just like a flock of sheep. No disrespect to any sheep.

5th May 2017, 09:35 PM
I can clearly remember seeing each of the trailers for the films from ROTfF onwards and thinking "looks very promising - this looks better than the last one!"... and then being wrong. Fool me thrice...

6th May 2017, 11:24 AM
TF5 looks kind of predictable. But then I don't like the Bay movies at all (understatement) and this fifth one does not interest me in the slightest. Granted "Megatron" (Baytron) is back (yay?) but I get the feeling his role in it will be very predictable also.

Bay TF movies formula = if you are a named Transformer appearing on screen then you will, sooner or later, experience the thrill of getting your head blown off or similar... unless your name is either Optimus or Bumblebee (maybe others). And if you happen to be on the lucky team, i.e. a "Decepticon" (Baycon) then you will be able to enjoy the experience of that thrill sooner rather than later, much more often and with much brutality, so that the heroes (Auto-baybots) can actually look like heroes and appear to be doing something worthwhile for a change. Also you will lack any kind of personality and your existence will be pretty much meaningless (I know, such words do not mean much to Mr Bay and the genius team of creators but, oh well).

I apologize for the facetiousness (not). :p I voted Average.

6th May 2017, 06:30 PM
Considering that this movie is the beginning of what is to come from the recent writer's room, I believe that this movie won't be as bad as people think, especially with Ehren Kruger out of the picture. While I think that this movie will be miles better than the sequels, I have doubts that this will be better than the first one. Imo, nothing beats the first one (at least so far).

Ploughmans Lunch
6th May 2017, 06:31 PM
Not much.

6th May 2017, 09:14 PM
I voted average. I would normally vote "don't care" since I'm not a fan of the live action movies. But the fact that it's got Hot Rod in it, and a character who's a Headmaster ; I'm a bit curious about this one.

Tetsuwan Convoy
6th May 2017, 09:44 PM
The Warcraft movie was complete rubbish but I don't complain about it because I also don't care about it. :)
Felt this way about the live action Dragonball movie too. To me it was amusingly bad, so I enjoyed it. The whingeing and moaning from DB fans tho that I met....

I haven't followed he spoilers/reveals/trailers all that much. Partially to avoid spoilers partially from a lack of interest.

Also this.

I don't expect it to be worse than the previous movies, mainly since aside from #1 I haven't really enjoyed any of them. However I very much doubt it'll be better than the others as well. All of the Tf movies have had great trailers that made me think "Wow, this time they'll do it right" and each time it has not been so.

I've been avoiding news as I'll get around to seeing it one day. I just don't think it'll be any time soon. Maybe when it shows up on TV.

7th May 2017, 12:11 AM
I'm still a bit in two minds about this one so far.
It has potential, with Hopkins, historical flashback scenes, and the return of Lennox... but past experience has shown that Bay has a one-track vision for each scene so that they aren't easily stitched together into a movie... spoiling consistency or coherency, especially in the characters, both robot and human (big names like Malkovic, and returning characters like Epps).
I guess we just have to wait and see if the "writers room" of mapping out the future of Transformers, makes any difference on the individual movie, and the short-sighted "scene by scene" vision of Michael Bay.

7th May 2017, 01:03 AM
Slow running from explosions
Late afternoon shots
Cheap deaths
Some dubious humour
Ample product placement
Great action sequences
Pacing issues
Awesome sound
Contradictions just like this below..

I am aware what i will be viewing. Still excited for it.

7th May 2017, 09:55 AM
Don't care either way. I'll still go and watch it and enjoy the experience :)
I'll enjoy reading all of the bitching and moaning about it afterwards too. I may even roll my eyes a few times to boot.

yeah this sums up my answer perfectly

+2 :D
Though I reckon I'll get sick of the bitching pretty quick

Hahaha... this needed to be a poll selection. Cause I agree :D:D:D

I think Griffin needs to add it - there are a lot of us :D

I've been bitching and rolling my eyes since 2007.

Yes, we know you have :rolleyes:

7th May 2017, 01:54 PM
Mate, a lot of people have been whinging since 1987, which was the year that we also started seeing a decline in G1 (as evidenced by the cancellation of the US G1 cartoon series). But I remember that was the year when I first started seeing people quit Transformers and offloading their collections. Which was good for people like me who could pick up G1 figures for cheap. :o Mmm... $5 loose complete in box Gnaw and Soundwave... ;) - and in following years a lot of people just gave toys away for free. Mmm... free loose complete in box Sixshot... ;) Too bad the G1 Acquisition Thread (http://otca.com.au/boards/showthread.php?t=19005) (or the internet) didn't exist at the time I was pickin' these figures up. :p

7th May 2017, 05:16 PM
Mate, a lot of people have been whinging since 1987 ,p

I thought bitching for a decade was bad but if people have been bitching for 30 years they need a new damn hobby ;)

Ralph Wiggum
7th May 2017, 06:28 PM
Sooo...are we allowed to say what we didn't like about the movie? Or is it only worthy of praise and glory?

7th May 2017, 06:39 PM
Sooo...are we allowed to say what we didn't like about the movie? Or is it only worthy of praise and glory?

There will be opportunity to dissect it at length after it comes out... should be fun to watch!;)

7th May 2017, 06:39 PM
There is no other hobby - there is ONLY Transformers! Transformers izzz llllliiiiiifffee! :D

Ralph: I think people can say whatever they want. I think that the key thing to being a good reviewer all lies in how your present or justify your opinion, although there is greater onus if your opinion sways against the general consensus.
e.g. a person may come along and say that IDW's G1 is complete and utter garbage - that's perfectly fine, but as the majority of fans think that it's really good and you are presenting a view that flies against the consensus, then you are obligated to defend that view.

But there's no such thing as a right or wrong opinion, unless that opinion is based on inaccurate facts
"I think that The Empire Strikes Back is the best Star Wars movie." - most people agree with this so you can quickly state this without needing to go into detail to explain yourself.
"I think that The Empire Strikes Back is the worst Star Wars movie." - okay, you're entitled to that opinion, but as many people would disagree with you you'd better be prepared to back yourself up.
"I think that watching the Empire Strikes Back causes autism." - this is just plain wrong.

7th May 2017, 08:26 PM
Sooo...are we allowed to say what we didn't like about the movie? Or is it only worthy of praise and glory?

How the hell should I know? It hasn't come out yet :confused:

BTW: I'm not saying people can't complain about TF movies from years ago - I already conceded defeat in that regard and admitted I seem to be in the minority (http://www.otca.com.au/boards/showpost.php?p=555230&postcount=21) ;)

There is no other hobby - there is ONLY Transformers! Transformers izzz llllliiiiiifffee! :D

Ralph: I think people can say whatever they want. I think that the key thing to being a good reviewer all lies in how your present or justify your opinion, although there is greater onus if your opinion sways against the general consensus.
e.g. a person may come along and say that IDW's G1 is complete and utter garbage - that's perfectly fine, but as the majority of fans think that it's really good and you are presenting a view that flies against the consensus, then you are obligated to defend that view.

But there's no such thing as a right or wrong opinion, unless that opinion is based on inaccurate facts
"I think that The Empire Strikes Back is the best Star Wars movie." - most people agree with this so you can quickly state this without needing to go into detail to explain yourself.
"I think that The Empire Strikes Back is the worst Star Wars movie." - okay, you're entitled to that opinion, but as many people would disagree with you you'd better be prepared to back yourself up.
"I think that watching the Empire Strikes Back causes autism." - this is just plain wrong.

Well said

7th May 2017, 08:30 PM
I'm not expecting much. Especially after the last one.
But of course I'll still go see it, coz... Transformers.

7th May 2017, 09:19 PM
Sooo...are we allowed to say what we didn't like about the movie? Or is it only worthy of praise and glory?

Hey dont feel dissuaded to give your honest opinion just because some people here will watch anything. Everyone's allowed to have an opinion. But one thing Barformers is worthy of praise and glory is attracting more adults and children (and some man-children apparently) to fuel the Transformers brand. This benefits the entire fandom :)

7th May 2017, 09:26 PM
Hey dont feel dissuaded to give your honest opinion just because some people here will watch anything. Everyone's allowed to have an opinion. But one thing Barformers is worthy of praise and glory is attracting more adults and children (and some man-children apparently) to fuel the Transformers brand. This benefits the entire fandom :)

Someone seems a teeny bit salty. Relax, your blood pressure will thank you for it ;)

7th May 2017, 09:27 PM
The movie isn't out yet. I have yet to get salty ;)

Ralph Wiggum
7th May 2017, 09:49 PM
Hey dont feel dissuaded to give your honest opinion just because some people here will watch anything. Everyone's allowed to have an opinion. But one thing Barformers is worthy of praise and glory is attracting more adults and children (and some man-children apparently) to fuel the Transformers brand. This benefits the entire fandom :)

I have no problems being honest in saying what I like and didn't like about the movie...when it comes out. I also make it clear when I nitpick or have significant gripes about something.

I just don't want other forumers being afraid in expressing their dislikes or negative thoughts for fear of being labelled bitching and moaning. For that matter, people shouldn't be labelled fanboys for liking the movie either :)

7th May 2017, 09:49 PM
I have a feeling this will be the worst movie of the lot because of the level of low quality reached by AOE and (excuse my pessimism) I won't be expecting an improvement due to the fact these movies need a Christopher Nolan instead of a Michael Bay. Secondly, I find Mark Wahlberg is excellent in true story movies (Lone Survivor, Deepwater Horizon and Patriots Day) than Transformers (he's more annoying than Shia LaBeouf). And thirdly, I,ve been fooled by fancy trailers before and so I'm not getting my hopes high.

7th May 2017, 10:07 PM
I thought bitching for a decade was bad but if people have been bitching for 30 years they need a new damn hobby ;)

You still whinge about Beast Wars.

7th May 2017, 11:16 PM
Regardless of whether it's good or bad, it's best not to take it too seriously. After all, it's only a movie.. one that's inspired by plastic robots originally from Japan.

7th May 2017, 11:27 PM
You still whinge about Beast Wars.


8th May 2017, 09:13 AM
You still whinge about Beast Wars.

You loved my Waspinator gallery - you said it was the only thing that kept you going through the dark times.


Smint - Word to the wise buddy - Trent and I have been at this for years and taunt each other for mutual amusement and the entertainment of our fans. We might even do a podcast when I hit NSW (what an idea!)

Don't try to jump on his bandwagon thinking he is being serious - you ain't big enough to ride this train son ;)

Anyway, I don't wanna derail this thread further by... er... agreeing with what Sinner and others before me have said. Big Trev out! :cool:

8th May 2017, 10:34 AM
It was a funny comment. Triggered by an emoji :confused:

8th May 2017, 11:21 AM
It was a funny comment. Triggered by an emoji :confused:

Ok mate, my mistake, good luck to ya.

Big Trev definetley out!