View Full Version : M.S.G Heavy Weapon Unit 16: Overed Manipulator

15th May 2017, 06:12 PM
Does anyone know about these giant hands? They look like an awesome fit for big robots. Any feedback with Frame Arms is welcome here to aid with this purchase!


Frame Arms M.S.G Heavy Weapon Unit 16: Overed Manipulator

I am looking at buying a pair but I am unsure of their suitability for attaching to Transformers.

1) Do they break or fall apart far too easily?
2) Can anyone give me a size comparison of the hand (or a frame arm) and say a Classics Seeker?

15th May 2017, 08:28 PM
Does anyone know about these giant hands? They look like an awesome fit forr big robots.


1) Do they break or fall apart far too easily?
2) Can anyone give me a size comparison of the hand (or a frame) and say a Classics Seeker?

This is a kit ... and it be way to big for a normal seeker .... it big like metroplex hand .... if you want hands it be 1/100 for MP size ...but they are alot skinner if you looking at bandia model kits

15th May 2017, 08:42 PM
This is a kit ... and it be way to big for a normal seeker .... it big like metroplex hand .... if you want hands it be 1/100 for MP size ...but they are alot skinner if you looking at bandia model kits

Yes the seeker mold was only a suggestion for an easy comparison as most people would have it. I am thinking of adding them to a Titan, not an MP.

I find pics of these hands posed with many Frame Arms basic kits but I'd like some reference image back to the Transformer-sphere AND some advice on the quality and durability (or playability as Gok would say) of the hands or Frame Arms in general.

15th May 2017, 10:24 PM
Buy from amiami or cdjapan. They have these. I was looking into this once

18th May 2017, 12:16 AM
Buy from amiami or cdjapan. They have these. I was looking into this once
Thanks for the shops!

Does anyone have pics of Tfs and popular Frame Arms or any other FA feedback?

18th May 2017, 12:43 PM
Thanks for the shops!

Does anyone have pics of Tfs and popular Frame Arms or any other FA feedback?

the frame arms girls are as big as MP wheeljack in size

18th May 2017, 12:45 PM
https://scontent-syd2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/18558738_1220717228057197_2399654456164278937_o.jp g?oh=dd12ee5c62e8b278a9fcbea928731e7b&oe=59B4C2FC