View Full Version : TFC's part replacement opportunity

31st May 2017, 05:19 PM

I just asked TFC part warranty guy about certain parts replacement. He says if I have any other parts needed, better tell him all together.

So if anyone here still need parts from previous TFC toys, you may tell me to give it a shot. just send me transformers@diamondvalley.cn with the following:

1. photos of what is broken/needed/missing;
2. screenshot of original proof of purchase, TFC will not cover used item purchase;
3. a short description of what's happening and what parts you think need if the photos don't speak for themselves.

this round does not cover anything Piranacon/Seacon yet.

The TFC will advise later if your replacement is free or with some fees.

Here are some simple translation of their warranty policy:
1. the problem must already have affected the toy's function or looking;
2. within 12 months of purchase, or the parts might not be free;
3. photo and purchase proof are needed;
4. average waiting time is 10 days before sending.
