View Full Version : Megatron or Galvatron question. Mild Bayverse spoilers inside.

31st May 2017, 10:03 PM
Ok, so in AoE we had Galvatron as the lackluster bad guy. Galvatron is always what comes after Megatron. So why are the TLK toys all saying Megatron? Is Bay retconning Galvatron into Megatron or something? This has been bugging me for months now. Anyone know the answer?

31st May 2017, 10:13 PM
When I've seen it discussed other times people just fall back on "well it was just the humans in AoE that called him Galvatron, he never called himself that". I can't remember if that is true or not but that's one idea

31st May 2017, 10:20 PM
When I've seen it discussed other times people just fall back on "well it was just the humans in AoE that called him Galvatron, he never called himself that". I can't remember if that is true or not but that's one idea

Then they must have watched a different movie (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPUF1JMdIWI) lol :p
Skip to 2:20'ish

And in answer to your question, *shrug*

31st May 2017, 10:41 PM
Maybe this is Bay's version of the Unicron trilogy (http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Megatron_(Armada)/Cartoon_continuity)...

Megatron, to Galvatron, to Megatron, to Galvatron, to Megatron, to Galvatron... without too much of a big deal being made about it.

31st May 2017, 10:53 PM
It's all Evil Betty's fault (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkMNQ8qz-LU). :p

1st June 2017, 06:52 AM
Then they must have watched a different movie (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPUF1JMdIWI) lol :pOk yep sounds a lot like "I am Galvatron!" to me, as I said I couldn't remember lol.
Well another idea is that tfwiki says Galvatron is a sparkless clone of Megatron and not the "real" Megatron so maybe this clone rescues his other self in between the two movies and helps him rebuild his body?
But yeah it is a Bay movie so probably better to just ignore continuity issues like this because BAYPLOSIONS! and ~jokes about balls/weed/human mating rituals!~

8th June 2017, 01:35 PM
I expect literally zero explanation of any of this in the forthcoming film.

7th July 2017, 10:26 AM
I'm thinking bay missed an awesome opportunity here. I remember the original comics when megatron clashed with galvatron. It was epic. And it could have made an awesome side plot to the movie. It's a giant screw up though I think you will find.