View Full Version : combiner wars Sideswipe

26th October 2017, 10:50 AM
Sunstreaker needs his brother...

Repainted a CW Dead End and added a Universe Sideswipe head.

It's not a complete success - the head is slightly too big for the engine base to shut tight in car mode (but most of my Transformers are in bot mode) and the head is slightly off centre, but it was a real pain making a new head peg and there's not a lot of room to drill a new hole for one.





26th October 2017, 10:55 AM
That is some super clean paint work!

1st June 2018, 10:13 AM
Added a Shapeways hood/chest thing


1st June 2018, 11:28 AM
That really works well!

1st June 2018, 12:23 PM
I admire your effort ST...the paint job looks great. Red definitely suits that mould.

The head on the other hand...hmmm

I never really like the Universe sculpt for a start. I always felt it was never as good as the G1 toy. I think the scale of the Universe head is wrong on the CW Breakdown figure IMO. This I imagine is due to Hasbro's constant down scaling/cost cutting

Thanks for sharing BTW..I wonder if shapeways could print you a smaller version of that head?

1st June 2018, 02:55 PM
Thanks for the comments.

Credit should also go to the Shapeways designer Steamshield.

The head is a smidge big - I had to carve material out from the bonnet for alt mode - but I like it for Sideswipe. It was also the only spare I had.... If I find something better I'll consider it.