View Full Version : WTB G1 Starscream/T-Cracker/Devastator Accessories

7th December 2017, 11:09 AM
I've been trying to complete a few of my vintage G1 Transformers and with eBay International shipping killing most deals, I thought I'd try local.

G1 Starscream - Left & Right rear rudders (grey)
- All 4 missiles (1 set/pair will do)

G1 Thundercracker - Body
- Left & Right rear rudders (blue)

G1 Devastator - Left & Right fists (purple)
- Wing/stomach piece that came with Long Haul (green)


7th December 2017, 06:46 PM
Hey dude, I have the two L+R grey rudders for starscream and possibly some of the devastator parts, just need to check my bag of spare vintage G1 parts.

Do you have any vintage G1 parts/figures for trade?

7th December 2017, 10:01 PM
Hey mate! Thanks for the reply.

I've managed to source the Starcream rudders from a UK collector (Been on a G1 kick all day) but still need everything else.

I also forgot to mention I need a new lower torso for Hook as mine is broken (See pic) as well as the green gun he comes with.


I do have a few spare Seeker parts and some random weapons i.e Stunticons, Grimlock and a Wheelie /w reprolabels & tech specs.


7th December 2017, 11:27 PM
Hey mate

Just be careful with the rudders, the posts need to be the right side for the vertical fins.

I'll have a look at my bag of spares tomorrow evening (just got home) and will let you know


9th December 2017, 12:09 AM
Hey mate

Sorry only have the green head laser for Hook

11th December 2017, 10:12 AM
Yeh mate, I made sure the G1 rudders were the small tab ones.

I'm still keen on the green laser. Will send you a PM when I get my account off scrub mode (I cant even go to my account)...