View Full Version : Toy Review - POTP DLX Dreadwind

3rd January 2018, 05:23 PM
(Please post comments, photos or even a fully comprehensive review - these are just some brief details to start you off)

Series - Generations
Sub-line - Power of the Primes
Size/class - Deluxe
New/remould/redeco - Heavy remould of CW Skydive/Airaid
Wave - 1
Released here - January 2018 (Asia & America DEC 2017)
Approximate Retail Price - (probably about AU$25-35) US$17
Approximate Size - 14cm?
Allegiance - Decepticon
Alt-mode - Fighter Jet
Main Features/Gimmicks - Combiner limb & combines with Blackwing to make bigger jet
Main Colours - White, blue, grey, purple
Main Accessories - gun, combiner fist


(note - official images of the jet modes at the bottom are wrong - the wings should be further forward, as the wings are only at the rear when combined with Blackwing/Darkwing)

3rd February 2018, 09:02 PM
This remold was one I was somewhat apprehensive about-personally I loved the CW molds and designs (I find the figures are very 'fun' and posable), but I did get sick of them looking same-y by the end.

Thankfully, this guy looks different enough to stand out-the crazy colour scheme combined with the new parts allow for a different profile (e.g. I fold the wings forward to create a foot guard/leg skirt rather than have them hang back) and the headsculpt is so evil and epic! Prime armour is silly, but the insert looks cool as a shield plugged into the side of an arm... (the clear one from Jazz makes a great weapon for Slash also, they're much more suited size-wise to legends class figures).... and they've done a nice job of distracting from the combiner port.
Keen to see him with his partner (and 2 more planes for a Starscream combiner??)

6th March 2018, 11:31 AM
Really happy with this guy. He could have been a very plain remould of one of the CW jets, but he’s a significant enough remould to be a very different looking toy, especially in robot mode. He’s got some very obvious screws visible in robot mode that don’t look the best, but the rest of it looks good enough that this can be overlooked. A very nice head sculpt too!

I have a slightly different fan-mode that makes it even more different, folding the main wing tips forwards towards the feet in robot mode.

6th March 2018, 12:57 PM
He's nice, do love the colours. Only thing that irks me a bit is the use of rubber tail fins. One side is damaged like a knife has cut into it a lil and is misshapen. My Legend sized Thundercracker rubber was damaged too. Prefer just solid plastic on parts

22nd April 2018, 10:17 PM
I'm not familiar with CW Skydive but I'm glad I got Dreadwind. I like it how the wings can be adjusted to be placed further back in jet mode as Griffin has shown. It's a look that kind of reminds me of a Mirage/Rafale/Viggen jet but with small aerodynamically unfeasible wings. Also like how the exhaust ports on the robot's shoulders can hold weapons.

One more thing. I like the colour scheme so much that this guy could act as the aerial lookout for the Seacons/Piranhacon.