View Full Version : Rescue bots Salvage

17th January 2018, 08:09 AM
Hi trying to complete the rescue bots line for my nephews. Does anyone have a salvage for sale. Don’t really want to be paying high Ebay prices for that type of toy just to give to a young child. Cheers

17th January 2018, 07:43 PM
It's not a great toy. After about a dozen transformations the hinges and tabs that hold it together in both alt and not mode get really loose and it just goes all floppy. My son's is held together in alt mode with a rubber band.

Would not recommend for children.

20th January 2018, 01:16 PM
He was short packed and is really hard to find in this country. He is cheaper on Amazon than Ebay but still goes for about twice the price of the other bots :(

He is the only main cast character I’m missing from the show too

20th January 2018, 04:45 PM
It really amazes me why they don’t release more of him (maybe the will after the next series is released). It’s not like alder toys they cannot mass produce.
I got a slightly oversized ko version for my collection but my nephew didn’t like it as it wasn’t the right colours lol