View Full Version : Toy Review - Siege Ultra Magnus

25th January 2019, 09:10 AM
Series - Generations
Sub-line - Siege
Hypo-line - War for Cybertron
Size/class - Leader
New/remould/redeco - New
Wave - 1
Released here - January 2019
Approximate Retail Price - $100
Allegiance - Autobot
Alt-mode - Cybertronian Car Carrier
Main Features/Gimmicks - Evolution
Main Colours - Blue, White, Red
Main Accessories - Detachable Armour, Shoulder Missiles, Three Guns

https://i.ibb.co/CKK62gX/50487748-10157449392382137-7275761323403640832-o.jpg (https://ibb.co/4RR2dzD)
Other than being a bit chunky there is nothing to complain about with the core bot. Very good range of articulation, including ankle tilts and wrist swivels.

https://i.ibb.co/T0x17Hq/50732323-10157449392657137-2739190705275535360-o.jpg (https://ibb.co/NNdrJLn)
Transformation between the modes is fairly intuitive, with some very clever things such as a rail system at the back which allows you to move the back kibble up, but also splits to still allow waist movement.

https://i.ibb.co/cyqyp32/50081004-10157449345212137-2263517004159778816-o.jpg (https://ibb.co/VL6Lh9M)
What can I say, the armoured up mode is what we all came here for and it just looks amazing! While I don't like the look of the high missiles, I understand they are designed that way to still allow shoulder movement, in fact, no articulation from the smaller bot mode has been sacrificed. I don't even mind the battle damage apps, although I'll probably get around to removing them eventually. :p

https://i.ibb.co/zW3LR5z/50589141-10157449344912137-8056388551622787072-o.jpg (https://ibb.co/35x8Nsn)
As someone who grew up with RID2001, as well as G1, this marriage of the two series is just awesome! Unfortunately, the bottom section of the car carrier cannot really fit anything, but aesthetically it works for me.

Overall thoughts:
Plastic feels solid and heavy in hand just like Sideswipe (my only other Siege figure at the moment). I realise that the size of these figures has been reduced from previous lines, but I'm okay with that if the quality has gone up - and it certainly has.
I highly recommend Siege UM, the setbacks it has are minor and forgiveable.

25th January 2019, 11:02 AM
I also agree that overall this is a great figure. Much like Shockwave, Ultra Magnus is basically a Voyager that comes with its own upgrade armour kit, but UM's armour feels more substantial than Shockwave's so it feels like better value for money than Shockers. Shockwave's super robot mode is basically the same 'bot with shoulder pads and shoes. Ultra Magnus on the other hand is a more properly armoured/upgraded super robot mode. And I think that it's done a lot better than the Power of the Primes Evolution Leader Class toys.
Some downsides include:
* Truck cab doesn't conceal the forearms/hands... at all. But still, it's a tighter looking truck cab than POTP Optimus Prime.
* The try-hard battle damage on the robot mode doesn't look great to me. I'll be removing mine. Although on truck mode it's isolated to the front grill section and looks okay there.
* Look, ma! Painted hubcaps! (somewhat sad that something that was standard practice a few years ago is now exceptional)
* Objectively speaking this is more of a Partsformer than say Ti Series, MP or CW Ultra Magnus. So from an engineering POV the transformation is more of a cheat and isn't nearly as clever as the Ultra Magni who transform both the cab and trailer as a single unit (which is what I really appreciate about those toys). Having said that, I personally love that they've made him a Partsformer because it's a great callback to G1 Ultra Magnus for obvious reasons -- but this is my G1 fanboy bias kicking in, so it's a subjective criterion. But this is what this toy is unapologetically targeting -- the fans. If you're the kind of person who doesn't have this bias and would prefer a better engineered figure that's not a Partsformer, then you have Ti Series, CW or MP Ultra Magni to satiate that desire. But for those of us who want more contemporary Ultra Magnus toy that's also a small white cab-robot inside like the Diaclone based G1 toy, then this toy is a Hoist (https://i.ibb.co/HpMKcp7/temp.jpg) dream come true. ;)

25th January 2019, 11:35 AM
* Objectively speaking this is more of a Partsformer than say Ti Series, MP or CW Ultra Magnus. So from an engineering POV the transformation is more of a cheat and isn't nearly as clever as the Ultra Magni who transform both the cab and trailer as a single unit (which is what I really appreciate about those toys).

Objectively speaking you are right, it is a partsformer, but there's no way around having both a core bot and larger bot in one toy without partsforming (or if I'm wrong, show me :p ), so I can't fault it for that. Yes, in the past we've had versions of JUST the core bot or JUST the larger bot which don't involve partsforming, but I would expect nothing less when they only have to be one or the other.
I get where you are coming from Gok, but even Takara engineers have limits to their magic. ;)

25th January 2019, 01:04 PM
I get where you are coming from Gok, but even Takara engineers have limits to their magic. ;)
Not without making MP prices look like spare change anyway. ;)
Nah, I get it. And I voted "Yes" in the poll as to this toy being worth its price. :)

I don't think the engineering is worse than CW Ultra Magnus, but just different because it's aiming to achieve something else. Both are great for different reasons - and I plan on keeping both and consider them separate individuals who represent the same identity; i.e. CW Ultra Magnus = Minimus Ambus, Siege UM is someone else. :cool: I actually now regard all of my Ultra Magni as as separate individuals, only my G1 UM is the original person.

25th January 2019, 02:07 PM
I am really really keen for this figure.

This looks like it's being done at a higher level than the POTP Leader class figures.

If this is to be the gimmick for the leader class for the next little while (power up armour) then long live it, I say.

The only flaw I can see going in is that the feet don't sit horizontally flush in vehicle mode.

25th January 2019, 02:31 PM
The Siege line is a nice turnaround after Cyberverse. I'm really liking the G1 Cybertronian aesthetic, and most of the figures look pretty darn cool.

Ultra Magnus looks great too...price is a bit iffy though but if I see him for $80 or there abouts, I may be forced to get him.

25th January 2019, 02:37 PM
Ultra Magnus looks great too...price is a bit iffy though but if I see him for $80 or there abouts, I may be forced to get him.

Oh I know I "overpaid" at the $100 mark, but I wanted this figure as soon as I saw it, so was willing to pay a bit extra to just have him.
I'm sure you'll be able to pick one up for $90 or less. One person reported seeing the Siege leaders for $79 at Toyworld Wauchope.

25th January 2019, 02:58 PM
Overpaid? $100 is the standard rate for a Leader Class toy. Obviously cheaper is better but I don't think that $100 for a Leader Class toy is bad by AU RRP standards. And for a small independent store like HobbyCo, their prices have gone down since last year (re: their initial prices for POTP).

Plus it means you have it now instead of having to spend time (and cost of transport) hunting it down later. Or go with some cheap online store with the risk of it delivering 7 months later or never at all. :rolleyes:

25th January 2019, 03:00 PM
Overpaid? $100 is the standard rate for a Leader Class toy.

For some reason I thought it was $90. I don't care personally anyhow, I'm just happy to have it. :p

26th January 2019, 01:14 PM
This guy seems like a bit of a step down as compared to Optimus Prime. The engineering on the cab is sub par compared to even Classics Ultra Magnus, the cab has the same problem as CR God Magnus (the figure requires the trailer to hide the kibble and make the cab completely work as a cab) - though to be fair, not as bad as CR God Magnus - and it can't hold any cars in the trailer.

He's definitely one of the few let downs for me in the line atm.

27th January 2019, 12:25 AM
Okay, finally got this figure for myself and I'm enjoying a whole lot. The Siege UM that I first saw was mistransformed by its owner leaving a gap in the top deck that I thought was a flaw of the toy, but having transformed it correctly myself I can see that there is no gap. To be honest, most of the drawbacks of this toy are pretty understandable and easily forgivable.
e.g. Ultra Magnus' armour head is not concealed but rather dangles from the trailer ceiling, but honestly there's not much else you can do the cover it up. I prefer to just spin it 180° to cover the face. It's not nearly as bad as Energon Ironhide whose head sits atop the vehicle for no apparent reason and you know that they really could've easily done something to conceal it.

There's just one flaw in this toy that I think could've been avoided or done better, and that's the angle of the feet on the armoured robot mode. The feet tilt inwards which looks fine when the robot has its feet apart at just the right width, but otherwise it looks weird, especially if the robot is just standing normally with the legs together. It also makes the rear of the trailer look weird. The feet are able to tilt inwards but not outwards so it cannot be corrected. They should've either given the feet the ability to tilt outwards (enough to straighten them) or just hard mould them in a neutral straight position. The thing is, the inner cab robot has full ankle tilts. I would've preferred to see the armoured robot given better ankle tilts and sacrificed the ankle tilt on the cab robot.

I'm not a fan of the battle damage so I tried to remove it. Managed to get most of it off. Be careful with the red tummy panel as it is white plastic that's painted red. I accidentally faded a small portion of the panel (which isn't visible in robot mode and only forms part of the top deck in truck mode, so it's not devastating) despite being careful. Might be best to cover it with masking tape.


Armoured robot mode

See how silly the feet look when you don't have the legs apart at exactly the right width?

While the ankle tilt on the cab robot is nice, I could've done without if it meant giving better ankle tilts to the armour.


Truck cab

Rear view - like a Cosplayer

Truck mode - upper deck

Front view

Rear view - again, not a fan of the permanently inward tilting feet

After attempting to strip off the battle damage decos


Cleaned up cab robot

G1 comparison


Ah, the joys of the 5mm gun post :)

27th January 2019, 11:56 AM
The top of the white cab goes further Gok, so that the tiny notches on the folded up forearms fit into the gaps on the hip skirt. It's got an extra click in it.

28th January 2019, 12:14 AM
The top of the white cab goes further Gok, so that the tiny notches on the folded up forearms fit into the gaps on the hip skirt. It's got an extra click in it.
Ah cheers, thanks. :)

Disclaimer: These photos were taken before I read your post so the slight mistransformation is still there and I'm too lazy to redo them. :p

I managed to find a way to fit my TR Ultra Magnus into Siege Ultra Magnus' cab. The irreducible Magnus! ;) #loadbearer

Cab/chest closes just fine with the Magnus Titan Master inside


Comparison with Combiner Wars Ultra Magnus (http://www.otca.com.au/boards/showthread.php?t=21015)

I've measured both toys (the heights on the CW UM review were rough approximations - this time I've used a ruler :p) and here's how they compare...
CW UM: 23.5cm head height, 26.8cm to the top of the shoulder stacks
Siege UM: 19.3cm head height, 21.1cm to the top of the shoulder stacks
So headwise Siege UM is shorter by 4.2cm, but by the shoulders he's 5.7cm shorter.

On Siege UM I was able to fit 1 Scout car, 1 Deluxe (just) and on the lower deck I could only fit a Mini-Con.

Compare this with CW Ultra Magnus...

Now in all fairness, having a detachable cab that transforms into a white Optimus Prime-like robot is the pièce de résistance of Siege Ultra Magnus. It's really something that hasn't been done since... well... since 1986! :eek: Other Ultra Magnus toys are typically based on either Ultra Magnus' armoured robot mode (e.g. MP22) or his unarmoured robot mode (MP2).

On top of this, both robot modes on Siege UM need to be articulated and also fully encasing the core robot (whereas G1 UM is nekkid from the back ;)). This necessitated Siege UM being a partsformer - it meant that the trailer needs to separate into components and reassemble as UM's armour. At least at the Leader Class price point. If you wanted to have a G1 Ultra Magnus toy whose trailer can do all this without being a partsformer, then prepare to have a ridiculously expensive MP. But obviously on what is still essentially a child's toy for the common mass market at the Leader Class price point, this is about as good as it gets. Sure, CW UM has a core robot too, Minimus Ambus. But Minimus is a completely autonomous robot who basically pilots the Magnus armour, he doesn't wear it. And I do like how parts of Siege UM's core robot, such as the thighs and fists, actually remain as those parts on the armoured super robot mode.

And honestly, I think that this is better than the POTP Leaders. I make this comparison because Siege UM basically has an "evolution" gimmick, which is essentially the cab/small robot component (Orion Pax, Hot Rod, Optimus Primal) combining with the trailer to form the Super Robot mode (Optimus Prime, Rodimus Prime, Optimal Optimus). In the year that's passed since POTP came out I think that they've made notable improvements. And this is the CHUG Ultra Magnus that fans have wanted since the beginning. When Classics Ultra Magnus first came out, many people lamented that it was nothing more than a repaint of Optimus Prime and wished that it had a trailer that could transform into a suit of armour for the robot. Let's face it, many of us only got Ultra Magnus because we wanted Skywarp. :p

Furthermore, Siege Ultra Magnus does actually improve on some things over CW UM, such as...

The hands have fingers which can open and close, but unfortunately they cannot seem to hold any of the weapons firmly. I would have personally preferred solid fists with 5mm holes
Wish granted! :D

+ Hubcaps really should be painted silver.

+ The red used for the chest panel is a distinctly darker shade of red than that used on the plastic for the body/trailer. As such, they do clash.
Granted! Consistency is victory. :)

And personally for me, better QC because mine wasn't missing a wheel! :p ;)
In all honesty, both CW and Siege UM are designed to achieve entirely different objectives. Just wish that Siege UM could've been a bit bigger and as mentioned in my last post, had better ankle tilts on the armour.

And now to address the BW Ironhide in the room -- the truck mode. It's clearly not based on G1 Ultra Magnus' car carrier mode but rather that of God Magnus from Transformers Car Robot (although obviously with a clearly Ultra Magnus colour scheme). This personally doesn't bother me as part of Siege's theme is having Cybertronian alt modes, so they're not going to base the truck cab on a Freightliner (although neither was CW UM). Basing the car carrier mode gives additional meaning to UM's Cybertronian car carrier mode. With other Siege toys (e.g. Hound, Sideswipe, Optimus Prime etc.), their vehicle modes are a hybrid of being Earthen and Cybertronian, and sure, so is UM's, but it has an additional depth of being an homage to God Magnus. It also allows them a bit more creative freedom because you don't have to worry about making an articulated truck mode (since God Magnus' truck mode was never articulated). And this really helps to conceal the exposed arms on the back of UM's truck cab, and having and exposed truck cab rear was something that POTP OP was criticised on. Or the exposed almost everything on the back of POTP Optimal Optimus. :p

29th January 2019, 01:05 AM







29th January 2019, 03:40 PM
A slightly difficult figure to write a review for because there's so much going on. In short it's a fun playable figure with several entirely excusable flaws.

Baby Magnus truck mode - This is probably the weakest of the four configurations with the fists and feet hanging out in the back not really doing much to disguise themselves. Otherwise, it's fine. Passable. Not the worst thing in the world.

Big truck mode - Glorious. A lovely G1/2001RID fusion. It can't actually carry any cars so to speak, but I don't really care. It's solid, covered in hard points, and the colours are definitely on topic. The angled feet at the back make the rear bumper look wonky.

Robot Modes
Baby Ultra Magnus - This actually looks great. It has strong proportions, is quite well articulated, and has big heels to support posing. While the Baby Truck mode suffers for the combination gimmick, the Baby Robot mode certainly doesn't.

Big Ultra Magnus - This is what we're here for. It retains almost the whole range of articulation from the Baby Robot Mode - you lose a bit of range in the knees, but that's about it. It's incredibly stable too. Everything stays on tight. No significant kibble issues. Aesthetically, it is basically just G1 Ultra Magnus, for better or for worse.

This partsforms, as others have touched on in this thread. I don't think that's an issue though, given the subject matter. It's intuitive and produces stable combined modes.

My only criticisms are that the shoulder pads are a bit difficult to get on (some eagle eyed folk have spotted that the smoke stacks on the Baby Magnus shoulders are a bit longer than the proto, so maybe that might have caused this?). Once they're on they stay on though.

Otherwise, I'd have loved if the trailer did something when Baby Magnus isn't attached. You can sort of use the two black guns as legs to prop it up, but a base/turret/barricade/gun emplacement mode would have elevated this. I might sit down if/when I get Cog and try to fan-mode something out using trailer.

I love this. THREE guns, and two shoulder rockets. So much choice.

It is on the smaller size, in terms of height at least. It has heft though. It's a quite dense figure, height notwithstanding.

Overall, this is easily worth the asking price.

The last leader figure I bought was Sixshot, which just wasn't worth the money as far as I was concerned. This is a rather spectacular return to form, fortunately.

29th January 2019, 03:44 PM
Oh, and re: fake battle damage - do it properly, or don't. The actual faux metal brushing looks pretty good, but if you're not going to apply it properly to the figure then just don't do it at all. For example, Magnus has the brushed metal battle dirt on one of the four panels making up his forearms. It just looks half assed.

29th January 2019, 03:51 PM
Oh, and re: fake battle damage - do it properly, or don't. The actual faux metal brushing looks pretty good, but if you're not going to apply it properly to the figure then just don't do it at all. For example, Magnus has the brushed metal battle dirt on one of the four panels making up his forearms. It just looks half assed.

Not only did they apply paint apps to one of four arm panels, but it's the inner panel you barely see too. Complete waste of budget!

Anyway, glad you like the figure overall. I agree with pretty much everything you've said, although I haven't had any trouble with the shoulder pads. Not saying you're wrong, maybe you got a bad one out of the bunch or I just got lucky. Has anyone else had this issue?

29th January 2019, 04:01 PM
Not only did they apply paint apps to one of four arm panels, but it's the inner panel you barely see too. Complete waste of budget!

Anyway, glad you like the figure overall. I agree with pretty much everything you've said, although I haven't had any trouble with the shoulder pads. Not saying you're wrong, maybe you got a bad one out of the bunch or I just got lucky. Has anyone else had this issue?

It's mentioned by a few people on this page of the TFW review thread. (https://www.tfw2005.com/boards/threads/wfc-siege-leader-ultra-magnus.1165865/page-14)

29th January 2019, 11:49 PM
The trick with the shoulder pads is getting the grey clips to connect properly with the white tabs on the back of Infans Magnus' shoulders. I find angling the shoulders as you do it can help, but yeah, once those clips are tabbed in properly then the shoulders will connect fine. But if you don't then they are easy to detach because they're not attached properly.

3rd February 2019, 11:34 AM
The Mystery of Ultra Magnus...
...and his shoulders ;)

It's a matter of ensuring that the tab on the back of the core robot's shoulders are tabbed in correctly with the slots on the grey clips on the shoulder armour. If you've done it correctly then you can see that the shoulder armour will sit more flush, and importantly, it locks the shoulder armour into place.

Hope this helps. :)

9th March 2019, 09:15 PM
For those who have removed the paint on the chestplate, how easy was it? I'm really starting to warm up to the idea of this guy to chuck on my cartoon shelf with my Legends deluxes, especially with the Springer reveal.

Not too thrilled on a white Optimus in armour, but it looks to pull it off quite well. Does he seem solid in the armoured state?

10th March 2019, 10:58 AM
Not too thrilled on a white Optimus in armour, but it looks to pull it off quite well. Does he seem solid in the armoured state?

Very solid, to the point where I'd definitely class him as 'chunky'.

10th March 2019, 02:11 PM
For those who have removed the paint on the chestplate, how easy was it?

I've removed all the battle damage on him except for his front bumper (as that damage makes sense to me).
Just watch for the red bits attached to the chest as that is paint so will rub off easily. Otherwise, not a hard task.

18th March 2019, 04:49 PM
The only other Ultra Magnus in my collection is the Animated version. So the closest comparison I can make is with TR Powermaster OP who I understand is somewhat based on CW Ultra Magnus.

My thoughts on the Siege version are that 3 out of 4 of the modes are OK to very good (battle robot mode is best and basic truck mode is OK). The problem with my version is the trailer truck mode. Only about four to six wheels actually touch the ground with the front and back two being the ones that make definitive contact.

18th March 2019, 06:04 PM
This is rapidly becoming this years leading candidate for the 'I can't stop fiddling idly with this figure while watching TV' award. It's so playable.

Previous winners: Studio Series Starscream (2018), The Last Knight Voyager Megatron (2017), Titans Return Triggerhapy (2016).