View Full Version : All Hail Megatron #7 Cover

5th November 2008, 11:14 PM

Amazing! I still haven't started reading the series though :o

5th November 2008, 11:19 PM
Looks awesome, still haven't read any either (waiting for the TPB, it's easier for me), really can't wait for it to come out, still a while I know...

6th November 2008, 09:50 AM
So far the Covers have been the high point of the AHM series.

Wish I was joking.

6th November 2008, 11:18 AM
So far the Covers have been the high point of the AHM series.

Wish I was joking. He he he

I read the McCarthy got upset on the Allspark when that board's members questioned him about the many continuity issues with his supposedly in-continuity series.

6th November 2008, 12:46 PM
I'm not judging AHM's continuity at all until after IDW's "-ation" series has 'caught up' to it. I'm hoping that IDW delivers on their promise of AHM making sense after we see the bigger picture... if not, then all this fan angst will be justified. But I'm remaining impartial on it until we actually that 'bigger picture.'

6th November 2008, 01:28 PM
Nice cover, but it does suggest the storyline has not progressed much since Issue 5, afterall this event could easily have happened in that issue. I hope that we have some suprises, and its not just Ironhide wrongly blaming Mirage.

I'm with Goktimus on the continuity to, so far there's been no visible atempt to tie the two, but we'll see.

6th November 2008, 01:48 PM
I read that McCarthy got upset on the Allspark when that board's members questioned him about the many continuity issues with his supposedly in-continuity series.

lol :D

Us Transfans don't hold back the tough questions... ;)

6th November 2008, 02:44 PM
I'm not judging AHM's continuity at all until after IDW's "-ation" series has 'caught up' to it. I'm hoping that IDW delivers on their promise of AHM making sense after we see the bigger picture... if not, then all this fan angst will be justified. But I'm remaining impartial on it until we actually that 'bigger picture.'

Not sure if this covers all of them, but this would be some items IDW have to work towards matching:

But yeah, it's best to wait until afterwards to see if the 'bigger picture' works out in the end.

6th November 2008, 11:19 PM
I'm not judging AHM's continuity at all until after IDW's "-ation" series has 'caught up' to it. I'm hoping that IDW delivers on their promise of AHM making sense after we see the bigger picture... if not, then all this fan angst will be justified. But I'm remaining impartial on it until we actually that 'bigger picture.'

I dunno, don't you think they're justified now to make the call as to whether they're happy or not? They are the end consumer and the ones IDW want to come back each and every month. You can't keep telling people that this is something it's not and expect them to keep buying in the hope that all will be revealed.

It annoys me that the comic fandom is so fickle some times. Readers should not have to wait and see through to the end of an arc to justify their opinion. These guys went out there and bought the book and hated it. Fair enough. You didn't do a good job of making them want to come back. That's the nature of a serial book. You can hope that a reader holds out for your bigger picture but you can't turn around and have a swipe at those readers for not waiting out. I'm an old school loyalist myself. I'll read to the end of an arc before dropping but I perfectly understand why other people are frustrated and just vent and off and just leave. It's like watching a show on TV. If you don't like it, you switch off. This is a serial comic and you pay bloody good money for it ($7 these days, that's lunch!) and you goddamn right have a reason to be pissed off if the book isn't satisfied and people try to keep you on the hook by saying "wait n see, you'll be satisfied"

Personally, I'd like to have IDW just had this book announced as stand alone so that it got away from all the Furman stuff which though in principle was good, was pathetically executed. It would've also stopped this problem.

6th November 2008, 11:26 PM
Personally, I'd like to have IDW just had this book announced as stand alone so that it got away from all the Furman stuff which though in principle was good, was pathetically executed. It would've also stopped this problem.

I disagree with your comment on the execution of the Furman stuff, well some of it there certainly were exceptions. But I agree completely about it should have been a stand alone, or a re-set. The AHM universe from the outset feels different from the rest of the IDWverse so far. It should have been cut loose so fans could enjoy it solely for the new concepts and ideas it brings rather than the many as yet unexplained continuity errors.

I think IDW, just wanted to have thier cake, and eat it to.

7th November 2008, 09:34 PM
I dunno, don't you think they're justified now to make the call as to whether they're happy or not?
Of course. What I meant is that all these calls of dissatisfaction with AHM continuity will be validated or invalidated by the fandom depending on how it manages to "re-insert" itself into the main IDW continuity.

AHM must address all those continuity anomalies that so many readers are concerned about in order for readers to accept AHM as part of the main IDW continuity, otherwise no matter how much McCarthy or IDW may claim it to be part of their main continuity, they may find that the fandom itself will reject it and view it as out-of-continuity. It happened during G1 with the Earthforce saga... initially meant to be part of regular G1 continuity as a means to promote the Classic reissues, subsequent events in G1 canon displaced it and as a result the fandom came to perceive it as an out-of-continuity story. Furman has since officially retconned Earthforce as being out-of-continuity (although it still has ripple-effects in mainstream G1 continuity, which was pivotal in the battle against Unicron :p).

But I'm gonna wait until I can see the big picture before making a final judgement about how AHM fits into the IDW universe.

They are the end consumer and the ones IDW want to come back each and every month. You can't keep telling people that this is something it's not and expect them to keep buying in the hope that all will be revealed.

It annoys me that the comic fandom is so fickle some times. Readers should not have to wait and see through to the end of an arc to justify their opinion. These guys went out there and bought the book and hated it. Fair enough. You didn't do a good job of making them want to come back. That's the nature of a serial book. You can hope that a reader holds out for your bigger picture but you can't turn around and have a swipe at those readers for not waiting out. I'm an old school loyalist myself. I'll read to the end of an arc before dropping but I perfectly understand why other people are frustrated and just vent and off and just leave. It's like watching a show on TV. If you don't like it, you switch off. This is a serial comic and you pay bloody good money for it ($7 these days, that's lunch!) and you goddamn right have a reason to be pissed off if the book isn't satisfied and people try to keep you on the hook by saying "wait n see, you'll be satisfied"
Fair point, and I agree with those sentiments. It sucks that we have to wait until next year before we find out how AHM will re-insert itself into the IDW universe. Bleh.

I'm also not enjoying how AHM dogmatically sticks with characters from the first 3 seasons of the G1 cartoon. One thing I really enjoyed about the rest of the IDW universe, and it's one advantage of having someone like Furman aboard, is the ample use of a very wide range of characters... Wreckers, Headmasters, Axelerators, Pretenders et al. I hope that changes. Although the plus side is that AHM would be quite easy for me to adapt as a photocomic as I own at least one toy of every TF character who's appeared in this series! One thing that makes Furman's stuff harder to do is that there's often at least one character in every issue that I don't own! :p

7th November 2008, 10:10 PM
I'm also not enjoying how AHM dogmatically sticks with characters from the first 3 seasons of the G1 cartoon. One thing I really enjoyed about the rest of the IDW universe, and it's one advantage of having someone like Furman aboard, is the ample use of a very wide range of characters... Wreckers, Headmasters, Axelerators, Pretenders et al. I hope that changes. Although the plus side is that AHM would be quite easy for me to adapt as a photocomic as I own at least one toy of every TF character who's appeared in this series! One thing that makes Furman's stuff harder to do is that there's often at least one character in every issue that I don't own! :p

Yeah this is something I really liked about the various Furmanverse's. You never know who you'll see, or which insignificiant character he'll take and make into something interesting. Nightbeat and Bludgeon are obvious examples, but also characters like Dreadwind and Darkwing, who thanks to the comics to me have more personality than the seekers, bar Starscream of course.

It's been almost 25 years now, the seperating the chraracters by year thing just doesn't do it for me anymore. I also feel that these days all the new comics are afraid to kill of year one characters. This may be due to Hasbro but I think it's lame. Every year one chracter who's died since G2 has come back a few issues later. Hopefully AHM will break the trend, but atm I don't feel any suspense for any of the bots in AHM despite thier situation.

7th November 2008, 10:58 PM
... the Furman stuff which though in principle was good, was pathetically executed.

Again, I'll have to register my disagreement with your view on this, but shall say no more.

Although the plus side is that AHM would be quite easy for me to adapt as a photocomic as I own at least one toy of every TF character who's appeared in this series!

... and why would you want to do that? :p