View Full Version : Gigapower Gaudenter vs Fanstoys Soar

31st July 2019, 11:51 PM
I was wondering what your thoughts were on which unofficial version of Dinobot Swoop is the best and what makes it superior.


Wings are a nice shape

Head sculpt options are decent


Floppy ankles
Gold bits on thigh snap easily



Beautiful chrome blue colour
More contrast of colours on chest
Stand solidly
Comes with nice stand and spotlights


Wings look weird
Face sculpt is a bit meh
I don't own it

I have all the Gigapower dinobots except for Gaudenter and I'm trying to decide whether to replace Soar with Gaudenter.

1st August 2019, 12:49 AM
I'd just stick with Giga all the way.
Soar looks outdated.
Gaudenter originally had a decent looking head but somehow the folks at tfw2005 whined for a change and Giga did... I don't like the derpy head but it's on its way to me now anyway. Lol.

6th August 2019, 08:19 AM
Gigapower! Yeah head sculpt is not the best but Soar is urggh.


6th August 2019, 05:40 PM
I have both and to be honest i like them both,
i have two blue FT and one red giga , i should probably sell one of the FT's

10th August 2019, 12:40 AM
If Gigapower had've gone with the original design they proposed, it would have been an easier decision to make. That dude was a beefcake, and would have fit in even better with the rest of the team.

Lots to think about, going to sit on the fence a little while longer...

Great comments, thanks. It really seems to come down to personal preference. It's interesting to see what others think, and why they made their choice.

10th August 2019, 10:45 AM
IMO I like Fantoys better to be with Masterpiece line, but saying that Gigapower has its own place and is interesting.

Soar knee cap has to be sought with the metal ones, mine snapped but the new replacements which are metal was good.

@primatives, my Soar head isnt the one you have, I changed mine and is Heaps better. Did you check out the other face plates?
If you look at BBTS, that face is definitely better than that one you posted.

End of the day though, I don't think there is a serious complaint that one is actually better as is subjective to your preference.