View Full Version : Legends-sized Sentinel Prime

8th April 2020, 12:24 PM
Another discovery at the bottom of my parts box.

It's an overized KO of a minicon, I think called Firebot. The shape of the head sold me on it.

Yes he has seen some wear and here's why:

I had originally painted it yellow and red, thought it looked too much like Firestorm and put it away a couple of years ago.

Dug it out last week, primed it and sprayed it red. Changed my mind then sprayed it orange. So he's got about four layers of paint.

He looks alright on the shelf: it's just up close all the defects show.





8th April 2020, 12:45 PM
Chuck him into a jar of isocol rubbing alcohol for an hour if you decide to repaint him again btw did you use a KO Cybertron Starscream for that Dai Atlas?

8th April 2020, 05:34 PM
Thanks for the suggestion.
Re Dai Atlas, indeed I did. I thought it scaled well with Legends. I added a head fin from a section of toothpaste tube.

8th April 2020, 08:21 PM
Thanks for the suggestion.
Re Dai Atlas, indeed I did. I thought it scaled well with Legends. I added a head fin from a section of toothpaste tube.

It looks great, I bought a couple of the OS KOs a few years ago.