View Full Version : Quick question regarding Earthrise Sunstreaker

20th January 2021, 02:15 PM
Hey, just wondering, for anyone who has him, are Sunstreaker and Siege Sideswipes heads swap-able?

20th January 2021, 02:20 PM
I'm not about to start popping heads off, but by the looks of it both the Siege Sideswipe mould and Earthrise Sunstreaker mould have ball-jointed heads.

20th January 2021, 02:33 PM
G2 Sideswipe is in storage but have Red Alert out. Seems like you have to open the chest to get access to the ball joint inside. You can't just pop it off. I'll free Cordon and/or Spin-Out and get back to you regarding Sunstreaker mold.

Edit: Haven't freed Cordon fully yet but I could see the head joint structure and I'm going to have to say no, without opening the heads themselves but even then I'm not sure it would work. Red Alert's head is glued around a post with a ball joint on the other end in the chest. Meanwhile Cordon's head actually is on a ball joint but glued around it meaning you can't really pop it off either.

Hope this helps.

20th January 2021, 03:05 PM