View Full Version : Mighty Heroes AKA Greenlight Comics

1st February 2021, 03:51 PM
This is a small business located in Parkes (https://mightyheroes.com.au/transformers/), never heard of them before someone posted about them having ER wave 3 stock, turned out it they were pre-orders but they had an arrival date so I took the plunge and ordered a Sunstreaker.

Picked up the parcel from the local PO today and my purchase was shipped in sturdy cardboard box, with the boxed toy in a bubble wrapped envelope and that was cushioned by some butchers paper.

I was notified that the parcel had shipped Thursday/Friday and the parcel arrived at my PO today so pretty speedy too.

They have a physical store in Parkes (https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tVP1zc0TDLLyDPLjk82YLRSNagwSzJM TEoyMTEyMUoxNE9NsTKoSDVKtTBOMk60SEk2NrRMMvISys1Mzy ipVMhILcpPLVYoya8sBgAd2ha9&q=mighty+heroes+toys&rlz=1C1GGRV_enAU753AU753&oq=mighty+her&aqs=chrome.1.0j46i175i199j69i57j0l2j46j0j69i60.512 0j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8), according to google that trades under the name, "Greenlight Comics"