View Full Version : Differences between Megatron versions

26th November 2008, 02:05 AM
Which re-issues of Megatron do people have? Are there any major differences between them... I'm assuming all of the re-issues come out of Japan as america has strange laws regarding guns.

26th November 2008, 01:09 PM
Which re-issues of Megatron do people have?
As Paulbot said, I think it would be wise for Victorians to avoid answering this question publicly.

I have the 2001 "Complete Edition" reissue and e-Hobby Megaplex, which is essentially a reissue of Goodbye Megatron.

Are there any major differences between them...
+ Copyright stampage. Original was made in Japan whereas reissues are made in China.
+ The 'safety' switch is different on the reissue. The reissue has a semi-circle whereas the original has a 1/3 circle.
+ The part of the gun which form the robot upper arms/shoulders are both grooved on the original whereas the reissue only has one upper arm grooved (the other is smooth).
+ The scope on the original is three-pieces that can be disassembled. On the original it is one solid piece that cannot be disassembled. The crosshairs therefore cannot be adjusted (rotated).
+ The original Hasbro version of Megatron only came with the scope, silencer, stock and rifle for robot mode and could not fire bullets. It is also chrome. The reissues are chrome and also come with the sword from Goodbye Megatron (1986) and is able to fire toy bullets (up to 6m).
+ The TFC reissue comes with a purple flail weapon that you can attach to the hand, as used by Megatron in the cartoon. I don't know if the Encore reissue has this too or not.
+ Megaplex is a reissue of Goodbye Megatron, so it has flat grey instead of chrome and blue parts instead of red. It also comes with the Goodbye Megatron sword but it also has the scope, silencer and stock (as well as clip for the scope on the right arm), which the original toy never had. It also comes with a yellow version of the flail weapon that was made for TFC Megatron.
+ There was also a black version of the 2001 reissue which is being reissued next year.

I'm assuming all of the re-issues come out of Japan as america has strange laws regarding guns.
That is correct.

Complete Edition (2001) Megatron

e-Hobby Megaplex

Transformers Collection Megatron

Encore Megatron

26th November 2008, 01:47 PM
+ The TFC reissue comes with a purple flail weapon that you can attach to the hand, as used by Megatron in the cartoon. I don't know if the Encore reissue has this too or not.

there is no flail/mace in the Encore version just the sword and laser

so i've been told:p

26th November 2008, 04:03 PM
I think 1orion2many was asking on another thread... here's what the original G1 (1984) Megatron toy looks like.


26th November 2008, 04:23 PM

26th November 2008, 04:24 PM
So for all intents and purposes the definative version of all megatron re-issues is the Transformers Collection version?

26th November 2008, 08:09 PM
I don't own any because of the strict and unwavering unrealistic laws put into place by the arch-conservative and ultra-draconian, fascist bureaucracy here in the garden state of Victoria.

However.....if I did own a legally licensed replica Walther P38 that transformed into a representation of a megalomaniacal leader of an evil faction of transforming sentient mechanical alien beings, it would most certainly have to be the original release, retcon-designated Generation One representation in all it's grandeur and pomposity and maybe, just maybe, for good measure and just to ensure I had two of each so they could be displayed in both of their modes and in a completely legal and highly secured fashion I would have to grab the Takara Collection reissue with the purple transluscent flail mace.


Post Script: One day my father will die...it's just a fact...and I, or my brother, will inherit various weaponry of a ballistic nature from him, so, I am thinking, I should spend some time at the local rifle club and pistol club to ensure I am legally licensed to inherit said weaponry from him when the inevitable time comes. Also, as a bonus aside, I will be able to flaunt Megatron in front of my fellow collectors and spout such mocking statements as "It's all mine and it's totally legal baby!!!".
Food for thought.:)

26th November 2008, 08:43 PM
So a Victorian firearms permit also allows you to own Megatron?

So for all intents and purposes the definative version of all megatron re-issues is the Transformers Collection version?
If you want the flail weapon, yeah. It also comes with a big sheet of stickers choc full of Decepticon insignias of varying sizes. :) But flail and bonus stickers aside, I think all the Megatron reissues are pretty good. I imagine the Encore reissue would be the easiest to find as it's the most recent. Not that any of this is relevant for you until Victorian laws change in your favour. *cough*

26th November 2008, 08:56 PM
So a Victorian firearms permit also allows you to own Megatron?

It's not just one permit fits all. As I understand it (and I could be wrong) there's a permit for rifles, one for shotguns, one for pistols etc etc...depending on your intents and purposes of owning a firearm or replica. But having one type of permit (and purpose) opens the door for others and facilitates acquisition of subsequent permits.

26th November 2008, 09:08 PM
Okay. Because my permit only covers me for replica gun Transformers, nothing else.


26th November 2008, 09:17 PM
Okay. Because my permit only covers me for replica gun Transformers, nothing else.

I think it will sort of run like that in Victoria too, but a gun permit covering replicas will cover Megs as well (as there is no specific Megs permit here). Of course a lot of this assumption is an assumption but I know a little bit about it so I'm hoping I'm right.