View Full Version : Legion Perceptor

26th September 2021, 11:19 AM
I had a spare Ironhide and I'd seen this done elsewhere, so I thought I'd quickly give it a crack.
I was tempted to start with a red Enforcer Ironhide but instead I gave him this scratchy kinda dirty finish, for a bit more personality. My final lacquer was dirty too, you can see it in the original black areas.


He transforms nicely, I left lots of unpainted room around the rear wheel to evoke the tank-treads look.


Then I though, what about a microscope mode? Maybe a compound microscope? I guess this is as good as it gets.


And here he is, hanging out with my other Ironhide (whom I have added a few paint highlights).


Seraphim Prime
27th September 2021, 09:53 AM
Not bad

It's not what I would have expected when I read Legion Perceptor, but it evokes his Generations release very well.

30th September 2021, 09:43 PM
Oh yeah I forgot there was an actual legion Perceptor released, but it's an awful design, just a brick that stands really.
I have the "Onslaught" version but I can't bring myself to put it on display because it's just ridiculous, I created a custom Onslaught instead. Although I might slap an Autobot sticker on it and call it Rook...?