View Full Version : FansProject Classic/Henkei OP Trailer!!!

20th January 2009, 12:54 PM
FansProject has updated this news on their site!


Work in progress looks very promising~!


Seems to me there'll be a number of hidden gimmicks~! I wonder what these will be! :confused: Can't wait for FansProject to reveal more on their site!!! :)

23rd Jan Update:

FansProject has put more pics on their site~!



20th January 2009, 12:54 PM
THIS will be the one I'm getting. Not the other one :)

20th January 2009, 12:56 PM
Now that's more like it!

Count me in for a group order!

20th January 2009, 12:57 PM

20th January 2009, 01:38 PM
oh no.....more trailers in the making!
yeah, this looks better than the other.
got to see cashflow when it's about to be released.
but do we really need more rollers....prob yes, if it's classic size

20th January 2009, 01:45 PM
oh no.....more trailers in the making!
yeah, this looks better than the other.
got to see cashflow when it's about to be released.
but do we really need more rollers....prob yes, if it's classic size

It seems to come with the trailer, so I'd guess yes. :p

Hot Rodimus
20th January 2009, 04:48 PM
I have to agree that this trailer looks a hell of a lot better than the other one and if I was to purchase a trailer for my classic OP than this would be it.

Will wait and see how much it will sting my wallet before I get too excited though

20th January 2009, 04:55 PM
Much better than the other one... I wonder why the other one went with such a different look, perhaps they heard about this one and thought they better make their own version...

20th January 2009, 09:43 PM
have we got an expected release date?

20th January 2009, 10:02 PM
This one looks good!

20th January 2009, 10:45 PM
have we got an expected release date?

They haven't announced one yet.

20th January 2009, 10:58 PM
Do I smell a group order? :)

20th January 2009, 11:10 PM
Why does everyone thing think its better? I honestly think each has its merits. I think this is far too G1 and doesn't go as well with the curves on Henkei Prime while the other one has more edges and texture which makes it a better fit plus opens not only storage but a base mode as well.

20th January 2009, 11:20 PM
I'm holding out for Powermaster armour myself... :)

20th January 2009, 11:22 PM
Why does everyone thing think its better? I honestly think each has its merits. I think this is far too G1 and doesn't go as well with the curves on Henkei Prime while the other one has more edges and texture which makes it a better fit plus opens not only storage but a base mode as well.

i agree
must buy both i fear...

21st January 2009, 12:46 AM
Why does everyone thing think its better? I honestly think each has its merits. I think this is far too G1 and doesn't go as well with the curves on Henkei Prime while the other one has more edges and texture which makes it a better fit plus opens not only storage but a base mode as well.

I guess we're a bunch of Geewunners and like the Geewun feel... :p
In my opinion the other one went a bit overboard and has a little too many curves and edges for my taste. Plus, this one is still a work in progress so we aren't seeing any texture or surface details yet. And you don't reckon this one can also open or have a base mode? ;)

Gutsman Heavy
21st January 2009, 12:54 AM
Powermaster trailer pls

21st January 2009, 12:57 AM
One step at a time. :p

21st January 2009, 01:09 AM
I guess we're a bunch of Geewunners and like the Geewun feel... :p
In my opinion the other one went a bit overboard and has a little too many curves and edges for my taste. Plus, this one is still a work in progress so we aren't seeing any texture or surface details yet. And you don't reckon this one can also open or have a base mode? ;)

Yeah the other one doesn't pass as a realistic vehicle and that hurts it. It would have been better if that was his Cybertronian mode trailer or something.

21st January 2009, 10:42 AM
From the RK website (http://www.robotkingdom.com/services/eshop/main.php?action=details&CatType=&II=TFAOP01&lang=us), this is what the other trailer would look like (painted).


Just can't wait for FP to release their coloured version.

21st January 2009, 11:50 AM
Why does everyone thing think its better? I honestly think each has its merits. I think this is far too G1 and doesn't go as well with the curves on Henkei Prime while the other one has more edges and texture which makes it a better fit plus opens not only storage but a base mode as well.
Because the other one is fussy. :S
Looking at the coloured pic, I'll probably get both - if anything just so I can display it all playset like
but really the other one seems to have started with one idea and then literally midway changed to incorporate g1ish aspects of it.

Personally, I'd be more for it if it stuck with the front half and went that way with the WHOLE thing rather than a half-and-half. It's almost like a half aussie pizza with half ... ice cream... two things that don't necessarily work together, y'see?

Aussie pizza OR ice cream on the other hand - much nicer :) (Or both but one after the other, not the same thing).
Stick with one idea and run with it -

Powermaster trailer pls
+10 :D

I guess we're a bunch of Geewunners and like the Geewun feel... :p
In my opinion the other one went a bit overboard and has a little too many curves and edges for my taste. Plus, this one is still a work in progress so we aren't seeing any texture or surface details yet. And you don't reckon this one can also open or have a base mode? ;)

Like I said in response to STL's it's got curves, which are cool - but it's half-half that kills it.
That said, having a Geewun like trailer in itself is (personally speaking) awesome :D
I did after all repaint my horribly mis-matched-paint henkei convoy G1 colours and stripes for a reason :D

21st January 2009, 12:16 PM
Just can't wait for FP to release their coloured version.

I'd give FP the necessary time to turn theirs into perfection. I'm biased towards FP after their proven quality with CC, SC, Gas Tank and Cliffjumper kits. :D

21st January 2009, 12:21 PM
Granted, that trailer looks a lot better in color but still, the unrealistic 'sci-fi'ish portion of the trailer kind of looks out of place and its distracting.

21st January 2009, 12:22 PM
So will we be getting a Powermaster Prime/Ginrai type trailer in the future? :)

21st January 2009, 12:55 PM
Granted, that trailer looks a lot better in color but still, the unrealistic 'sci-fi'ish portion of the trailer kind of looks out of place and its distracting.

I think the trailer looks better coloured and it does seem to fit with the look of the cab, while the other trailer is just about recreating the G1 look. I prefer the latter.

21st January 2009, 01:16 PM
I still prefer the Fans Projects trailer by miles. The other trailer may look better painted but its design still has no appeal to me.

21st January 2009, 07:44 PM
All this excitement over a box :p

21st January 2009, 08:16 PM
Don't know about this one at this stage. The other one coloured looks really nice, but doesn't look like it sits close enough to the cab..

I do think that there are now too many groups all trying to be the first to come up with new parts to exsisting toys..

21st January 2009, 11:55 PM
Don't know about this one at this stage. The other one coloured looks really nice, but doesn't look like it sits close enough to the cab..

I do think that there are now too many groups all trying to be the first to come up with new parts to exsisting toys..

I think with City Commander, they all realised there was a very big market if they got it right. Prime's trailer is one of the few things that makes a lot of sense and there's bound to be competition for it. But beyond that, I can't see too much else being that compelling.

22nd January 2009, 12:02 AM
But beyond that, I can't see too much else being that compelling

... yet. :D

22nd January 2009, 01:31 AM
... yet. :D

Now you've got me interested. :D

I do expect it to open up though I'm hoping hte insides are a departure from the G1 trailer. I'd like to see something that's a bit of a revision on it rather than being virtually identical. That's one of the things I like about the other one, the way its not a symmetical base mode.

Either way though, I'll be getting both. :D

22nd January 2009, 09:49 AM
I agree. If you end up liking both, why not? :p

22nd January 2009, 03:20 PM
I like how the trailer on the non FP one matches the futuristic trailer thing. I think it looks nice.
I kinda like both though

22nd January 2009, 03:49 PM
Oh man, then later go to go find extra Henkei Primes and Nemesis Prime, one for each trailer... :rolleyes:

So in total you need
5 Henkei / Classics Primes:
1 for Opening
1 for FP G1 Trailer
1 for New version Trailer

4 Classics Ultra Magnus
1 for Opening
1 for City Commander Kit
Possible extra one for robot mode

4 Universe/Classics Nemesis Primes
1 for Opening
1 for Shadow Commander Kit
Possible extra one for robot mode

:rolleyes: Almost 10 figures of the same mould just different colours. *I wished I had the mould for this figure. :D

Vector Sigma 13
22nd January 2009, 04:09 PM
I am in love with the FP trailer- I normally dont go for non licenced add ons but i might have to break the rules for this one.

I also like the Powermaster concept as well- although maybe the City commander set would be better modified or repainted for that?

22nd January 2009, 06:33 PM
i like them both as they both have their merits, so is anyone doing a group order?

22nd January 2009, 11:40 PM
Oh man, then later go to go find extra Henkei Primes and Nemesis Prime, one for each trailer... :rolleyes:

So in total you need
5 Henkei / Classics Primes:
1 for Opening
1 for FP G1 Trailer
1 for New version Trailer

4 Classics Ultra Magnus
1 for Opening
1 for City Commander Kit
Possible extra one for robot mode

4 Universe/Classics Nemesis Primes
1 for Opening
1 for Shadow Commander Kit
Possible extra one for robot mode

:rolleyes: Almost 10 figures of the same mould just different colours. *I wished I had the mould for this figure. :D

Just wondering ... do you intend to start some kinda TF figure museum? :)

23rd January 2009, 10:13 AM
Just saw a couple more prototype pics of the Non-FP OP Trailer on BBTS website which somebody like me havn't seen em yet.



23rd January 2009, 10:18 AM
Just saw a couple more prototype pics of the Non-FP OP Trailer on BBTS website which somebody like me havn't seen em yet.




23rd January 2009, 10:25 AM
Well Ill get both versions. Hmmm the non FP one would look nice with Nemesis, but then Im getting SC for him, aaaargh so many things to buy!

23rd January 2009, 10:43 AM
Well Ill get both versions. Hmmm the non FP one would look nice with Nemesis, but then Im getting SC for him, aaaargh so many things to buy!

You'll never display your Nemesis Prime in truck mode again after putting on SC. That said I have to go whip my friend again. :o:D

23rd January 2009, 03:51 PM
Just wondering ... do you intend to start some kinda TF figure museum? :)
Hehe don't all our collections qualify to start TF Figure Musuem anyway? :p

23rd January 2009, 04:15 PM
23rd Jan Update:

FansProject has put more pics on their site~!



23rd January 2009, 05:53 PM
Yay! I didn't like that caravan-looking one. Modern trailers do not look like that. They are still essentially boxes as space is money!

This one is on my list. I will now sit here and tap my fingers on the desk waiting patiently... tap...tap tap... tap tap tap...[patience wearing thin]... tap... [remember to breathe and regain control!]... tap...

Thanks again Kyle for including us!

23rd January 2009, 06:20 PM
You'll never display your Nemesis Prime in truck mode again after putting on SC. That said I have to go whip my friend again. :o:D

Oh please do. I emailed him re:Battle roller as Ive yet to receive the order :(:(
but havent received any replies :(:( I was hoping it'll be here before Parramatte fair so I can offoad to kup his BR there.

23rd January 2009, 06:25 PM
Oh please do. I emailed him re:Battle roller as Ive yet to receive the order :(:(
but havent received any replies :(:( I was hoping it'll be here before Parramatte fair so I can offoad to kup his BR there.

I'll use a bigger whip this time...