View Full Version : "JAAM" reference on Universe Hot Shot

20th January 2009, 08:19 PM
Love the license plate! :D


20th January 2009, 08:30 PM
okay what is "JAAM" :confused:

20th January 2009, 08:35 PM

20th January 2009, 11:38 PM
Hasbro has sold me on their version. I'll be getting Universe Ratchet for his license plate to. Those Hasbro rat-bastards in their knowledge of the fandom! :p

20th January 2009, 11:45 PM
They know our weakness... :( Now it's the best license plate EVER vs. superior paint job. Maybe I have to get both... :o

20th January 2009, 11:50 PM
hahahahahaha not effain way!!!!!

Go hasbro or takara or whoever was smart enough to chuck in the reference

Golden Phoenix
20th January 2009, 11:55 PM
I love it. I really hope they do the same for the Henkei one.. doubt it but ridiculously funny.
I wonder if he can break dance too.
JAM for the win!

21st January 2009, 12:20 AM
As much as I hate Armada and Hot Shot in particular, that license plate alone is selling me this toy!

21st January 2009, 12:40 AM
As much as I hate Armada and Hot Shot in particular, that license plate alone is selling me this toy!

its upping the 'should i buy it?' factor for me

i still have my originale

Gutsman Heavy
21st January 2009, 12:53 AM
Who ever did that better get some huge ass pay rise!

21st January 2009, 01:12 AM
I think I'll get both versions of Hot Shot and Ratchet.

hahahahahaha not effain way!!!!!

Go hasbro or takara or whoever was smart enough to chuck in the reference Hasbro, as it's a Hasbro fandom specific joke.

21st January 2009, 01:18 AM
Ha I can't believe they really did that. :D Awesome.

Hot Rodimus
21st January 2009, 10:58 AM
very nice

21st January 2009, 11:07 AM
I think I'll get both versions of Hot Shot and Ratchet.

Hasbro, as it's a Hasbro fandom specific joke.

maybe the jap version will have the japanese word for JAam written on it:D

21st January 2009, 12:00 PM
That's a really nice fan tribute and kudos to Hasbro for doing it. The colours look like an interesting mix between Armada and Energon Hot Shot. I don't like the "broken" spoiler though. The see-through visor is a nice touch.

Overall I'm still not convinced if I want to get any of the post-G2 Universe characters... to me "Classics" is a re-invisionment of G1 (re: Fun Publications' Classics continuity) and I don't see how these characters would fit into their world.

Meh... undecided. It looks like a nice toy to get if you don't have the Armada/Micron Legend version.

21st January 2009, 08:21 PM
Nice nod, but sorry Hasbro, the Henkei version still wins overall for me.
I do agree with you Gok though -- adding non G1 characters into Classics seems wrong.

21st January 2009, 08:25 PM
its not classics though

Its universe 2

21st January 2009, 09:55 PM
its not classics though

Its universe 2

Yeah I thought this was the 25th Annivesary line, if so I'd really like to see a character from every year of production or close to anyways.

Overall Hotshot looks pretty cool though, I might get it then he an Cyclonus can be my whole Armada collection.

21st January 2009, 11:47 PM
Universe has subsections.

- Classics
- Armada series
- 25th Anniversary
- Mics

Unfortunately as was predicted, this system was bound to cause confusion not only with the consumers but also with Hasbro as the differences between lines have been grayed and are no longer clear such as Classics with 25th anniversary.

Henkei in Japan however has kept things simpler but still a bit on the weird. Why put G1 characters mixed up with Beast Wars and now Micron Legend? I am hoping that the little comic stories that come with the toys explain this in a better form than Megatron drinking some bad Energon and becoming Galvatron.

21st January 2009, 11:58 PM
I see no concern at all. Especially when it has "25th Anniversary" and is marketed as "Transformers Universe". It's not supposed to be G1 only and therefore not Classics. I still call it Classics 2.0 b/c that's the way I like to think of the line. I have no problems with any of the other toys being released as part of it either as long as they're good and Hot Shot looks a stand out. If others are as good as it, I dont mind seeing more.

22nd January 2009, 12:04 AM
I actually wish after Cheetor and Dinobot, they'd continue with Rattrap and Rhinox...

22nd January 2009, 12:09 AM
I actually wish after Cheetor and Dinobot, they'd continue with Rattrap and Rhinox...

That would be utter heaven. I've longed for a better Rhinox than the original for a long time now!

I think it was mentioned by a Hasbro designer that he'd love to do a Rhinox after the movie line and that it'd be a Voyager size. I can't wait for the movie to be over (which feels quite strange to say :eek:)

22nd January 2009, 12:12 AM
In response to people griping at non-Classics in Universe: Dudes, they're just toys. At least Hasbro isn't forcing them into a singular mixed continuity like what is happening in Henkei.

22nd January 2009, 12:25 AM
In response to people griping at non-Classics in Universe: Dudes, they're just toys. At least Hasbro isn't forcing them into a singular mixed continuity like what is happening in Henkei.

Who is gripping on non-Classics in Universe?

All that its being said is that the continuity or toy 'subsections' of Universe are becoming a little blurred when it comes to what is what.

Like for example, are Universe Beast Wars and Hot Shot Classics? They are not repaints but new molds. It could be argued that they are 25th Anniversary but so are other new mold G1 character toys.

Yeah the Japanese are making their own weird things but the comics so far appear to be no less weird than their previous G1 mangas although I am curious to see what craziness they come up with to justify the Beast Wars Henkei characters.

22nd January 2009, 12:34 AM
The problem isn't Hasbro. The problem is the fandom treating Universe as though it's entirely Cassics, hence the intense anger and feeling of resentment that emanates when a non-Classics mold is redecoed in this line.

As for blurring, if people don't know, they won't care so long as they like the toy. If they do know, then they won't be confused over the different "series".

Cheetor is Beast Wars Series and Hot Shot is Armada Series, mainly as a point for collector fans to differentiate the continuities the toys come from. Kids won't care.

22nd January 2009, 12:44 AM
The problem isn't Hasbro. The problem is the fandom treating Universe as though it's entirely Cassics, hence the intense anger and feeling of resentment that emanates when a non-Classics mold is redecoed in this line.

As for blurring, if people don't know, they won't care so long as they like the toy. If they do know, then they won't be confused over the different "series".

Cheetor is Beast Wars Series and Hot Shot is Armada Series, mainly as a point for collector fans to differentiate the continuities the toys come from. Kids won't care.

Even with people sorting out the different line/continuities themselves, that doesn't make Hasbro's execution less messy. It would have been better if they just called all the toys just 'Universe' instead of labeling some toys as 'Classics' or 'Armada' series while at the same time leaving several others in obscurity.

Personally, I have liked several of the Universe repaints as some are well thought out. My only complaints with the repaints is that they should use more variety in their extensive mold library as too many repaints of the same mold are reoccurring. My other complain would be their insistence on repainting large and very new molds into micromaster characters although this is more of a personal dislike at the approach rather than something clearly wrong or lazy.

Aside from that, they have done a reasonably good job in the repaint department when compared to the original Universe or movie/Animated repaints.

22nd January 2009, 12:55 AM
Yeah, but my point still stands, if you know what Armada and G1 means, you'll understand and not be confused. If you don't, then you won't care and will just buy whatever you like.

Me, I like mixing my toys anyway.

22nd January 2009, 01:19 AM
Yeah, but my point still stands, if you know what Armada and G1 means, you'll understand and not be confused. If you don't, then you won't care and will just buy whatever you like.

Agreed absolutely. A lot of the Classics 2.0 toys are meant to stand out on their own. It's not longer a G1 solely series and Hasbro has gone to some degree to do that by adding a label on the back of their packaging to indicate what era they come from - even repaints.

But FFN got it right. If you know, it adds something for ur appreciation. If you don't know, your ignorance won't mean you've lost anything.

I think the Takara version is much worse if they combine the continuities. Sounds like Robot Masters...

Me, I like mixing my toys anyway.

I do too. I mix a lot of Movie/Cybertron/Classics 1.0-2.0, Energon around a lot.

22nd January 2009, 08:52 AM
Any links to the comic to then really get where the excitement comes from? That one panel in the wiki is just so "so what"?

22nd January 2009, 09:44 AM

It's the thought from Hasbro that counts. :o

22nd January 2009, 06:18 PM
Any links to the comic to then really get where the excitement comes from? That one panel in the wiki is just so "so what"? Did you not notice the link at the bottom of the page in the External links section? :p

22nd January 2009, 09:39 PM
MV75: It was also something that was widely known throughout Transfandom during the Armadaverse years. :)

22nd January 2009, 11:03 PM
well at least now i know where that picture that Gok uses very frequently of Hot Shot saying "why my shoulders hurt" came from

23rd January 2009, 02:40 AM
MV75: It was also something that was widely known throughout Transfandom during the Armadaverse years. :)

The point is (and MV75 can be forgiven for being as puzzled by this as I am), it was never explained why 'JAAM' of all words was used, and why it was such a cult thing. I never really understood it, and never gave it much attention then, or now. Sure, the tfwiki explains it as being a retarded Hotshot thinking *green* stuff is jam, but that only makes it a little less confusing.
It's just going to be one of those in-jokes that a large number of fans will now learn about, a small portion of the fandom will fully understand, and none of the general public who make up the bulk of the sales, will even recognise as anything significant. Like the heart inside Universe Powerglide.

23rd January 2009, 04:48 AM
The heart in Universe Powerglide is much more streamlined as even passive fans have seen the G1 cartoon, specially recently as there have been several DVD releases of the sunbow series.

23rd January 2009, 09:59 AM
Best. Fandom. Reference. Ever.

I am going to buy this toy just for that.

Golden Phoenix
23rd January 2009, 11:11 AM
The point is (and MV75 can be forgiven for being as puzzled by this as I am), it was never explained why 'JAAM' of all words was used, and why it was such a cult thing. I never really understood it, and never gave it much attention then, or now. Sure, the tfwiki explains it as being a retarded Hotshot thinking *green* stuff is jam, but that only makes it a little less confusing.

From what I remember, it was made at the start of Armada, before the toys were released. They released or leaked that comic early to the fandom, and some who didn't have a good impression from Armada made fun of it. I think Hot Shot was the target because he appears to be the kid-appeal character. They used that comic because it had the big tri language speech bubbles

23rd January 2009, 12:25 PM
The problem isn't Hasbro. The problem is the fandom treating Universe as though it's entirely Cassics, hence the intense anger and feeling of resentment that emanates when a non-Classics mold is redecoed in this line.

Yeah this I don't get. I don't care for this toy - and I don't like Armada generally - but I can't say I give a toss. Why work myself up over something I won't own and will barely pay attention to?

I'll give kudos to Hasbro for the reference, even if I never found the original injoke to be that funny - because it was a fairly widespread joke amongst fans at the time. It's not enough for me to want the toy - I've got my Micron Densetsu Hot Rod (the Japanese Hot Shot, done in a nice yellow, not that **** off yellow Hasbro used), which is more than enough for me, but good on Hasbro for paying such close attention.

23rd January 2009, 01:39 PM
Gotta agree with dirge thanking Hasbro for the reference even though I found the original joke to be quite unfunny. I will be picking up this toy.

23rd January 2009, 01:55 PM
I thought the original comic was HILARIOUS myself - then Ben Yee made it cool buy basing is personal rating system around it.
e.g.: an awesome toy would be "Yum Jam!", a kinda crappy toy would be "WhY mY ShOuLd3Rs hUrT?" and an epic fail toy would be "mY LiFe iS pAiN." :D

23rd January 2009, 08:53 PM
I thought the original comic was HILARIOUS myself - then Ben Yee made it cool buy basing is personal rating system around it.
e.g.: an awesome toy would be "Yum Jam!", a kinda crappy toy would be "WhY mY ShOuLd3Rs hUrT?" and an epic fail toy would be "mY LiFe iS pAiN." :D

Ben's reviews were how I learnt about this "joke" but like others I never thought it that funny and I gave up looking at Ben's reviews because it was a lousy way to rate a toy.

Hasbro doing this is a nice nod to fandom though and I appreciate them doing it.

23rd January 2009, 09:01 PM
I don't find it very funny at all

But yeah, well done to Hasbro for the thought

23rd January 2009, 10:07 PM
Well humour is a matter of personal taste. :p Either way, it's a neat obscure fandom reference. :) While it's not enough to make me personally want to buy this toy, I will give kudos to Hasbro for it. (^_^)