View Full Version : Masterprime

23rd January 2009, 03:51 PM
I really didn't like some aspects of MP-04... a gray and blue gun... c'mon... and what's the deal with the yellow belt?
Yeah, I didn't want to paint a $200 toy, but now that I have a plentiful supply of MP-04's... this is what I did;

23rd January 2009, 04:13 PM
Yeah, I've done the same thing with my gun, couldn't stand the sight of the grey gun so that was repainted black... To be honest, I don't mind the yellow bits on his waist.. Each to their own I guess

turtle boy
23rd January 2009, 04:25 PM
The "yellow belt" is what he had in the G1 series.. So thats why thats there.. I just painted around the yellow.. Silver legs/waist, Yellow belt. Also, I just used one of my many Magnus guns..

23rd January 2009, 10:24 PM
I really didn't like some aspects of MP-04... a gray and blue gun... c'mon... and what's the deal with the yellow belt?

The "yellow belt" is what he had in the G1 series.. So thats why thats there..
turtle boy is right - Masterpiece Convoy is going for G1 cartoon likeness. G1 Prime cartoon image (http://tfwiki.net/w2/images2/b/b4/RevengeofBruticus_Primefiringguns.jpg). He had those yellow bits in the G1 comics too as you can see here (http://www.tfarchive.com/comics/marvel/covers/us12.jpg).

Your modification does make your MP Convoy more G1 toy accurate though (see here (http://tfwiki.net/w2/images2/2/2d/G1_OptimusPrime_toy.jpg)), as the original G1 Prime never had those yellow bits! All you need to do now is repaint those eyes yellow (which looks better on Prime than blue IMO). :D

23rd January 2009, 10:28 PM
Yeah, I didn't want to paint a $200 toy, but now that I have a plentiful supply of MP-04's... this is what I did;

ahh the exact reason i need a new MP, for $100 i can handle giving him a complete makeover :P

28th January 2009, 08:39 AM
The "yellow belt" is what he had in the G1 series...

Sometimes. Then at others it is just the 2 headlights... so 2 yellow squares. I personally put those yellow headlights on roller instead of g1 prime.

28th January 2009, 08:43 AM
ahh the exact reason i need a new MP, for $100 i can handle giving him a complete makeover :P

Are you taking him apart? I'm not so confident about taking the pins out of his chest. If you do this (or if others have) let me know how easy it is.