View Full Version : Stan Bush for Guitar Hero, BotCon, TF2 and the troops.

19th March 2009, 06:15 PM
Stan Bush, the one who did 'The Touch' and 'Dare' for the 1986 Movie, plus a number of new Transformers tracks for BotCon 97, has been very busy lately.

First up, he has done a tribute to the US military, with his 'classic' song, The Touch.

He's also had that track included in Activisions' free download selection for Guitar Hero.

Plus, he's stated that he 'should' be a guest for BotCOn this year (will find out this week).

AND... said that there are 2 TF2 toys in the first assortment that have 'The Touch' track included (maybe in the 'new' Ultimate Bumblebee and something else similar), while he is submitting a new edit of The Touch to the Movie people, to be considered for the movie, or soundtrack.

All that, and a link to his Troop Tribute clip, can be found here:

Fungal Infection
19th March 2009, 09:08 PM
Bah!! Had me all excited - the track has yet to be released for Guitar Hero and a release date has yet to be announced. I can just imagine how the missus will react to me playing it on the guitar, drums and mic..... :p

19th March 2009, 09:23 PM
The Touch playing towards the end of the closing credits would be nice. I remembering waiting through all the credits of the first movie hoping for some familiar music (like the Spider-Man movie playing the Spider-Man cartoon theme).

Fungal Infection
30th May 2009, 09:21 AM
Stan Bush's "The Touch" for Guitar Hero World Tour has hit the PS3 store as a free download - downloaded it last night and played it as well. Not a bad song to play, I kept on quoting Megatron and Optimus Prime in my head while I played it on the guitar - "One shall stand, one shall fall!" :p

30th May 2009, 06:04 PM
It was being demonstrated today in the Dealer room at the Games section, next to Activision's mulit-station gaming set-up for the Movie game. Both Guitar Hero and the Movie game were there to be tried out by fans.