View Full Version : Where are you guys getting your Animated Wreck Gars and Longarm/Shockwaves from?

16th April 2009, 08:23 PM
It appears that Hasbro Australia had decided to skip Animated Wreck Gar and Longarm/Shockwave. Considering that I work just around the block from Hasbro AU HQ there's a temptation to pop in there and <bleep.bleep.bleep.bleep.bleep.bleep.bleep.bleep> until <bleep.bleep.bleep> in their <bleep.bleep>, and that'd be really uncomfortable! :p

So anyway, my question is - what recommendations can you guys give me for a place to import Animated Wreck Gar and Longarm/Shockwave from?

I'm quite inexperienced at importing HASBRO toys since I live in a <bleep> Hasbro market country. I import TakaraTOMY toys if the toy is either not available from Hasbro or if I just prefer the Japanese version, but otherwise I usually get all my Transformers locally. But I just can't stands it anymore... if Hasbro AU refuses to distribute the toys locally then I frankly have no other choice but to buy from overseas.

Golden Phoenix
16th April 2009, 08:41 PM
Online stores. duh

But there are heaps of them that have the Animated stuff.
ebay also has them. Should be able to find a decent deal somewhere
Only problem is shipping. That will increase price. But I am sure there are plenty of people who will do a group order.

Try RK, or BBTS (yeah shipping's a rip, but you can pile of loot it until you have a boat load of stuff)
Ebay is probably the best place I know for Wreck-Gar. He's poplar so what do you expect.

You might also want to get both Wreck-Gar and Longarm in their respective Waves. They are paired with re-paints. They will probably go cheaper when paired up (well not cheaper, but e.g. you'd get 2 voyagers for 40 instead of 1 for 30)

16th April 2009, 08:46 PM
I had trouble finding Wreck-gar online, all my usual online stores were out of stock for him. I had to resort to ebay and it ended up costing me about $75 AUD with shipping. :(

Robot Kingdom only has Shockwave left if you get him by the case: http://robotkingdom.com/services/eshop/main.php?action=details&CatType=&II=TFANIG5SST&lang=us&CatID=

Which means you end up with 2 Shockwaves and 2 Skywarps. Ends up being about $50 per figure (with shipping) though, which is reasonable as that is about what it'd cost at retail anyway. At least that's how much it cost me when I had a case shipped to WA.

16th April 2009, 09:01 PM

I just checked BBTS and it's the same story there. :( Does anyone know of any online stores where I can get these Voyagers individually?

Golden Phoenix
16th April 2009, 09:17 PM
You are going to be incredibly hard pressed to find them separately else where

16th April 2009, 09:30 PM
Hmmm I guess if we do a per area group buy as the buggers seem to be sold by case we all end up with one each and some more to sell if need be. Prolly get the extras sold in that booth you were planning Gok........

16th April 2009, 09:46 PM
1. get a friend in America
2. wait till there on sale
3. ?????
4. profit

Golden Phoenix
16th April 2009, 10:39 PM
1. get a friend in America
2. wait till there on sale
3. ?????
4. profit

People are going to botcon. I'm sure if you asked real nice they'd grab you one

16th April 2009, 10:39 PM
I got both mine on ebay. Wreck-Gar was $30 bucks loose. (I got it because even I didn't need instructions for him) My Shockwave was pure luck. I won an auction for him shipped from Hong Kong for $51 MIB. It did take about a month of hunting on ebay every day.

17th April 2009, 09:37 AM
I'm getting a Shockwave from eBay from a seller in Singapore. Freakin' Americans either refuse to ship internationally, or if they do, their postage prices are obscenely expensive. It was _not_ easy finding a pre-purple Animated Shockwave for a decent price*... thanks to dirge for helping me find this toy. :)

*AU$43 for the toy plus AU$20 for postage.

17th April 2009, 02:06 PM
I reallly love wreckgar and purple shockwave so I would be up for a melbourne group order if there'll be any. :)


People are going to botcon. I'm sure if you asked real nice they'd grab you one

Pretty please. :o

The Scream Man
17th April 2009, 06:29 PM
Boy, I wish I d realised this a bit sooner, I would have gone for one before now.

What does this mean for Wasp and Prowl/Sidecar?

Ode to a Grasshopper
17th April 2009, 07:01 PM
They're out in Toyworlds here now - I have both (Prowl & Waspy I mean).

17th April 2009, 07:36 PM
You could ask a New Zealander, one of those in Auckland or the rest of the North Island (us in the South got shafted) to get Wreak Gars. They started appearing in the Warehouse's over here, and amazing just at the same time as 50% of sales...

17th April 2009, 08:15 PM
The_Scream_Man: Samurai Prowl and Waspinator were released in Australia. I got Samurai Prowl from Parramatta TRU and Waspinator from Castle Hill TRU and I've seen the around other stores in Sydney. So keep hunting and you ought to find them. :)