View Full Version : Devs in packaging

23rd May 2009, 11:57 PM



23rd May 2009, 11:58 PM
Whish they'd put another toy in for scale.

24th May 2009, 02:35 PM
Looks awful. The trade-off for having non-transforming components should have been an awesome gestalt, but what do we get? A monstrosity with stunted legs and an unpainted hasbro-grey head. Easiest pass in years.

Tetsuwan Convoy
24th May 2009, 08:49 PM
Damn right. Might be an impressively sized toy, but the box certainly doesn't make it look sexy. I too wich to see it compared to another fo scale.

24th May 2009, 11:10 PM
I'm a massive tf combiner fan and seeing this thread actually made me want to buy my first and only rotf figure! but no...he looks terrible. Looks like a boring "combine" transformation too :p


25th May 2009, 08:31 AM
Legends combiner wins!!

25th May 2009, 09:49 AM
Shouldnt it be posed to be on all fours, as it is shown in the movie?

Keeping true to the movie theme...damn fugly.

25th May 2009, 12:49 PM
The quality of some of these ROTF figures is really disappointing... from what I can see in these images, I think Devs is the epitome of that!

Gutsman Heavy
25th May 2009, 01:00 PM
I hope thats a test shot. Or Hasbro are really cheaping out on the paint apps

25th May 2009, 01:03 PM
I hope and think the same.

25th May 2009, 01:18 PM
An inside source recently informed me that they didn't call him Devastator as a G1 tribute - it's because his toy is so bad he leaves everyone who witnesses him 'devastated'. :(

25th May 2009, 05:47 PM
The Constructicons lost their vehicle modes for THIS?

25th May 2009, 06:03 PM
Looks awful. The trade-off for having non-transforming components should have been an awesome gestalt, but what do we get? A monstrosity with stunted legs and an unpainted hasbro-grey head. Easiest pass in years.

I never really noticed that until you mentioned it, but yea, looks very very plain. And that picture on the back is very much an out and out lie.

The Constructicons lost their vehicle modes for THIS?

? Looks like robot modes were lost to me.

25th May 2009, 07:04 PM
Easiest pass in years.

Legends combiner wins!!
+1 qft!

25th May 2009, 08:16 PM
+1 qft!

+2 QFT! :)

30th May 2009, 08:06 AM
Clearer Pic (http://tformers.com/ig.php?mode=view&album=11646&pic=IMG_2791.JPG&dispsize=800&start=80). I still think/hope these are test shots though.

30th May 2009, 09:00 AM
Yeah, the colours on Demolishor look Fisher Price. :/ But even if they improve the colours by release, the Demolishor mould itself looks like an oversized FAB.

30th May 2009, 11:58 AM
Yeah, the colours on Demolishor look Fisher Price. :/ But even if they improve the colours by release, the Demolishor mould itself looks like an oversized FAB.

Nope, looks about right to the voyager I saw @ bigw yesterday. Easy easy pass. EDIT: you mean scavenger right?

The voyager prime has a little moulded driver in the cabin though. Voyager screamer looks very good underneath too.

30th May 2009, 12:54 PM
"Scavenger" comes with Devastator. "Demolisher" is the Voyager. When asked about it today in one of the panels, they said it's not an error and the difference will be clarified.

30th May 2009, 02:13 PM
I have Voyager Demolishor, and as disappointing as that toy is, it's better than what I'm seeing of this Demolishor in the picture. Voyager Demolishor has better colours and better more detailed sculpting, whereas the Demolishor in the link pic looks like it has a simpler sculpt and combined with the brighter colours makes it look more PlaySkool.

30th May 2009, 02:46 PM
"Scavenger" comes with Devastator. "Demolisher" is the Voyager. When asked about it today in one of the panels, they said it's not an error and the difference will be clarified.

I thought Scavenger formed the arm and Demolisher formed the backbone?

30th May 2009, 03:58 PM
I thought Scavenger formed the arm and Demolisher formed the backbone?

Scrapper is the arm. Scavenger is the name they have used here for what we otherwise know as Demolisher:


30th May 2009, 05:56 PM
Scrapper is the arm. Scavenger is the name they have used here for what we otherwise know as Demolisher:


And I'll form the head!


I was half-keen with this... but if the final looks like this - ... this ... playskool toy... I won't be up for it :(

31st May 2009, 10:33 AM
"Scavenger" comes with Devastator. "Demolisher" is the Voyager. When asked about it today in one of the panels, they said it's not an error and the difference will be clarified.

This has been clarified:

*** SPOILERS ****

There are about 15 Constructicons and only 6-7 are needed to form Devastator at any one time, so Scavenger IS NOT Demolisher. This is also reinforced by the scene of Demolisher's head exploding in the ShoWest footage. Screenshot provided upon request :D

1st June 2009, 12:48 AM
THe 'treat' we were shown at the Paramount party was a couple scenes from the movie, and one was the merging of Devastator. And the impression many of us got was that the central figure appeared to be absorbing rather violently the smaller figures, almost against their will. It was a fairly lengthy scene, like the intro of Optimus in the first movie.

THe other scene shown, for those wondering, was Bumblebee fighting 2 Decepticons. (not saying here who, because it's a spoiler).

1st June 2009, 05:51 PM
I think im going to wait around a see if they release a G1 color scheme devesator...Im sure they will, and if they don't meh

4th June 2009, 10:06 PM
This has been clarified:

*** SPOILERS ****

There are about 15 Constructicons and only 6-7 are needed to form Devastator at any one time, so Scavenger IS NOT Demolisher. This is also reinforced by the scene of Demolisher's head exploding in the ShoWest footage. Screenshot provided upon request :D

tell me in PM plz

4th June 2009, 10:49 PM
Visible in (*** spoiler ***) this post (http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/transformers-movie-discussion/219510-scavenger-demolisher-demolisher-constructicon-7-a-post3517059.html#post3517059) at TFW2005

10th June 2009, 07:54 AM
ok..the 'playskool' colours you are seeing...i think is just bad lighting/camera flash. If you look at this one in the box...with seemingly less lighting, it looks alot better.
And who is getting this for the vehicle modes??? no one. So why the hell does it matter if its an oversize excavator...aslong as its not an undersize Devastator torso. but then again, ill be waiting for a price to see if ill get this.