View Full Version : S****y Paint

28th May 2009, 08:42 PM
who else thinks the paint on the new rotf is s**t?

sideswipe and sideways especailly:mad: didnt buy them coz of that and the price

also leader megs left leg. the right leg was ok but the left always was messed up on all of them!!!:eek::mad:

28th May 2009, 09:56 PM
I agree. I searched through 5 Sideways before I found an acceptable paint job. Also, rampage is almost all yellow and not much detail. GRRRR:mad:

28th May 2009, 11:40 PM
I agree. I searched through 5 Sideways before I found an acceptable paint job. Also, rampage is almost all yellow and not much detail. GRRRR:mad:

ah ironic isnt. it says on rampages bio scratches from fighting and yet his is one of the more better paint jobs with no scratching! lol almost all were acceptable

Gutsman Heavy
29th May 2009, 12:52 AM
ah ironic isnt. it says on rampages bio scratches from fighting and yet his is one of the more better paint jobs with no scratching! lol almost all were acceptable

rampage has paint!?

29th May 2009, 01:47 AM
When i picked up my Sideswipe today, i went through the entire display to find the best one, so i looked at around 10! None ones i left were what i'd call shitty. I saw one that had a minor scratch on the roof. The most common looking flaw was instead minor divots in the plastic, but I really had to be looking to find them.

Overall i'm happy with paint on both Leader Prime and Sideswipe. Leader Prime in particular, i was prepared to be disappointed with the 'non-premium' paint job, but what is painted looks great, with no blotches, smudges or overspray anywhere.

29th May 2009, 07:40 AM
Hmmm wonder if were gonna be seeing in the future reissues a RED colored Sideswipe version like how they released a G1 Jazz colored one. I might hold off buying for now. Im more after (which I have now) the Scouts and Gravity bots actually.

29th May 2009, 09:12 AM
Paint quality is about the same as the first movie... not very good.

I was amused that the Voyager Starscream I saw last night seemed to have smudged black markings on it, not a good sign.

29th May 2009, 09:44 AM
Hmmm wonder if were gonna be seeing in the future reissues a RED colored Sideswipe version like how they released a G1 Jazz colored one. I might hold off buying for now. Im more after (which I have now) the Scouts and Gravity bots actually.

Red Sideswipe has already been announced and official pics on the internet...



29th May 2009, 12:07 PM
hmm - dubious about sideswipe. He looks more like an x-men character to me.

30th May 2009, 01:22 AM
i had to go through every sideswipe to find the one i have and thats has two lil glitches on it

one had what would appera to have a coffe stain on it?:confused: and a starscream had brown smudges on it. didnt get a dead end coz the paint job on all of them sucked:(

what does demolishers shovel arm meant to look like? ive seen barely any markins on it, then light grey and dark grey on the sides??:confused:

really peeved off about this, HASBROOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Tetsuwan Convoy
30th May 2009, 07:50 PM
I saw one with a brown stain on the roof as well. I went thorugh about 12 Sideswipes until I got one I was happy with, but after opening it there was a mark on the back which I couldn't see in the pack.

The thing that annoys me as that a lot of them I have seen have paint damage thats been caused by the twist ties whilst in package!:mad: