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12th June 2009, 04:05 PM
Mann some people have all the bad luck in the world.

So I organised for roses to be sent to my girlfriends work place yesterday and was told that delivery before 4 is guaranteed. But of course it didn't.

So then they offered me a refund for the extra I paid for delivery and promised to deliver it today.

Now I find out that my girlfriend of all days left work early and by the time they delivered it (which was cutting it so close at about 3:45pm) she had left already!

And so just then I had no choice but to call my girlfriend up to tell her to pick up the roses from her work place!

Bloody heck! It totally ruined the surprise for her :mad:

12th June 2009, 04:24 PM
sorry to hear that

Just remember son, its you against the World!!!

The other night, i went to a pizza place, they kept me waiting half an hour before telling me that they forgotten to start making it. Freakin 8 slice small pizza:mad: And they were rude to me

and this is the second consecutive time its happened, at a completely different shop

Dont worry man, i gots it alot worse.

Hopefully yer gal saw the effort u put in

12th June 2009, 04:35 PM
The other night, i went to a pizza place, they kept me waiting half an hour before telling me that they forgotten to start making it. Freakin 8 slice small pizza:mad: And they were rude to me.....

Hopefully yer gal saw the effort u put in

I know the feeling of waiting for food and then realising they hadn't made it. But you just don't know for sure, like if you tell them not to worry about it, they'll then say that its already been made, what do you do?!

yeah she was still happy about it, but I'm still peeved that she had to make the effort to go back and get it

13th June 2009, 09:10 AM
One time I had organised to pick my wife up from work so I bought a huge thing of flowers and I laid them across the back seat. When I picked her up She had had a really bad day and just threw all her work stuff across the back seat... crushing the flowers:(. then to make matters worse I had to spend the rest of the night reassuring her because she felt bad:(

Vector Sigma 13
13th June 2009, 09:26 AM
sorry to hear that

The other night, i went to a pizza place, they kept me waiting half an hour before telling me that they forgotten to start making it. Freakin 8 slice small pizza:mad: And they were rude to me

and this is the second consecutive time its happened, at a completely different shop

Dont worry man, i gots it alot worse.

Should have done a 3 stooges routine and give em a slap em around the chops! Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk!

13th June 2009, 06:05 PM
2/3 of the human population of the planet don't have access to clean water or a working toilet.
Put your little flowers in perspective.

13th June 2009, 07:24 PM
2/3 of the human population of the planet don't have access to clean water or a working toilet.
Put your little flowers in perspective.

but that is why we live in the lucky country where we dont have to worry about things like that :p

13th June 2009, 07:48 PM
try getting scammed 2 grand through paypal. american dollars.

every sh*tty thing that happens means you can learn something new.

13th June 2009, 07:57 PM
try getting scammed 2 grand through paypal. american dollars.

Did you get lucky enough to reverse the transaction???

every sh*tty thing that happens means you can learn something new.

Words of a sage.

Tetsuwan Convoy
14th June 2009, 12:38 AM
I know the feeling of waiting for food and then realising they hadn't made it. But you just don't know for sure, like if you tell them not to worry about it, they'll then say that its already been made, what do you do?!

Refuse to pay for it or just walk away. Although it depends on how hungry you may be;)
When I was in Sydney, I tool the missus to the revolving resturaunt. Took me an hour of waiting for my main after ordering. Lamb it was and to top it off the dish was supposed to be cooked rare. Why did it take so long? Luckily for them we managed to enjoy ourselves for the 3 hours we were there loking over the spectacular view and saw day/sunset/evening stages.

When I paid the bill the dude asked "How was the meal?" Well, "Meal was nice, shame it took so damn long to get to us." Won't be going there again.:D

14th June 2009, 01:28 AM
Did you get lucky enough to reverse the transaction???

I didnt. It was awhile back for some laptop. Needless to say I was an absolute noob on ebay and paypal. That event alone helped me learn alot of loopholes etc relating to pp. Something like that will never happen to me again but it was a very costly lesson.

14th June 2009, 11:14 AM
Refuse to pay for it or just walk away. Although it depends on how hungry you may be;)
When I was in Sydney, I tool the missus to the revolving resturaunt. Took me an hour of waiting for my main after ordering. Lamb it was and to top it off the dish was supposed to be cooked rare. Why did it take so long? Luckily for them we managed to enjoy ourselves for the 3 hours we were there loking over the spectacular view and saw day/sunset/evening stages.

When I paid the bill the dude asked "How was the meal?" Well, "Meal was nice, shame it took so damn long to get to us." Won't be going there again.:D

I've eaten at the revolving restaurant. I found the worst part going to the toilet after half a dozen beers only to come out and not be able to find your table:D

15th June 2009, 06:17 PM
Was working sunday, covering the music and DVD section for an hour while the regular guy went to lunch. Alll was going smooth until this woman called up and started telling me her life story while i had about 6 customers growing impatient. She finally hung up, then called back to see what football team i follow >_> I dont even like football!!

You guys should check out www.fmylife.com some funny stories on there for a laugh, helps when im mad.

15th June 2009, 06:27 PM
Some lonely people out there mate... or way too social.

Venting now, it's a little irritating when ebay sellers don't get back to you while they've got items for sale, and I mean 3 days after asking. I understand that there's many valid reasons as to why (having a life, volume of queries etc) but it's still fun to vent about something I have no control over. :)

16th June 2009, 09:10 AM
Time for me to vent on the morning I had...

Firstly, the train arrives for me to board, and some rude b**ch pushes in front of me to get on.
Secondly, time to get off the train and yet another rude b**ch pushes in font of me to get off.
Then all the way to work, people kept on walking fast to get in front of me and then stop.
God I was so ready to kick someone in the back coz it was pissing me off so much.
And when I'm at work, the friggin computer was running so slow because they put some sh**ty anti virus software on that take like an hour to load and do everything it has to.

(I like this thread, get to vent :P)

17th June 2009, 11:18 AM
Bloody Centrelink forms to supplement my wage from my job while I'm studying. I also do a bit of data entry on the side and had to register an ABN for that, it's extremely sporadic but they also demand all these forms and statements and blah - for an extra 80 bucks a fortnight or so they can shove it! :D :mad:

I feel sorry for whoever has to jump through hoops to get a pittance from them.

17th June 2009, 04:39 PM
I'm kinda angry a bit lately, my girlfriends over in the UK for quite some time, its been a long time since ive seen her, and itll be even longer before i see her again. You dont realize just how much you miss the little things in your relationship, until you cant experience them. I know i shouldnt be angry, i shouldnt take it out on family, friends, work mates etc. But i cant help but get a big angry when i see people with their partner, and mines halfa world away.


17th June 2009, 04:46 PM
I'm kinda angry a bit lately, my girlfriends over in the UK for quite some time, its been a long time since ive seen her, and itll be even longer before i see her again. You dont realize just how much you miss the little things in your relationship, until you cant experience them. I know i shouldnt be angry, i shouldnt take it out on family, friends, work mates etc. But i cant help but get a big angry when i see people with their partner, and mines halfa world away.


I know the feeling, and it's amplified when your partner then goes on about how much fun they're having while you're suffering in solitude. :p When my partner came back from being in Japan for quite some time I found it extremely surreal to see her again - I didn't know what to do or how to act for a while! It's a horrible feeling I know but hang in there bud.

Ode to a Grasshopper
17th June 2009, 05:38 PM
Bloody Centrelink...Centerlink = Bastards filled with bastard filling, with a garnish of arseholery to top it off. Forgive/edit the language if need be but I dealt with them for years as a uni student and for months afterwards and it's fully warranted - nowadays I just starve for as long as I can hold out rather than deal with the CLink. What's worse is the (very rare) nice ones still have to follow the BS rules and so still have to act like buttheads - I've had CLink workers near to tears over the crap they have to enforce.:(

@PaulBot - I still don't know of you're a dude or a chick, condolences if you're a boy-who-likes-boys 'cos that's usually even rougher than the @$&*$ 'nice guy' BS I used to get stuck with. At least with the Just Friends Game you can eventually (be driven to) become a selfish neglectful prick and reap the benefits thereof yourself - beats playing the sucker role anyday.:rolleyes:
Misogyny ain't nice but for some reason it consistently works.:confused:

17th June 2009, 07:51 PM
Before you diss Centrelink, can imagine being one of the counter staff dealing with the sort of people that usually come in all day? I think if you weren't a bastard before you started working there, give it a few months and you'll either be well on your way to becoming one yourself or a blubbering mess in the corner. Centrelink isn't the most stress affected work area in Australia for no reason. I'm surprised the waiting area isn't dubbed the 'rumpus room' it usually contains so many useless/annoying bums. I don't know how they do it...

21st June 2009, 09:36 PM
This is a good chance to vent, and something I need help with...

So I have complete ass****s for neighbours in my apartment. They arrived here about 18 months ago, announcing their arrival by kicking a soccer ball off the walls around their apartment - these are single-brick shared/common walls... you get the idea...

About 9 months or so ago they started making weird noises against the wall I share with them - spraying of aerosoles, running water through a faucet, squeaking tap, sound of a bucket filling up - kinda odd seeing as there shouldn't be a tap there. Also the really abrupt sounds of the clanging of metal pipes and the thumping of various sounds agains the wall like cupboards or a bench.

I can't really work out what they have done there, but it's extremely invasive and constantly annoying - the pipe clanging and banging anyway. All through the weekends and almost every day before and after work.

I'm wondering if it might be some sort of...you know... gardening... or maybe not. They were almost constantly at it today when they had guests over.

They used to play movies or games really loudly late at night too, but they seemed to have stopped that, I think they have had some confrontations with other neighbours already, not sure.

So... I'm also wondering if anyone has any experience dealing with this sort of thing. As I understand it there are laws forbidding intrusion of peace in another person's living areas. But I'm not completely sure what the paramaters are. Also they shouldn't be able to make any sort of permanent installations without strata consent (I gather). They are owner occupiers too - which would make an actual eviction of any sort really difficult :( . I essentially own this apartment, although it's in my family's name it is rented in mine.

Any serious help or advice appreciated. :)

And no, I've never actually talked to them. :mad:

21st June 2009, 09:41 PM
2 options
ring the terrorist hotline, tell them you think theyre making bombs
second one:
slip a piece of foil under the door on a string, go stoner fishing. if they chase it out into the hall, you know theyre bongheads :D

Golden Phoenix
21st June 2009, 09:46 PM
second one:
slip a piece of foil under the door on a string, go stoner fishing.
Just don't kiss them and throw them back

21st June 2009, 09:50 PM
Just don't kiss them and throw them back

nup, i keeps them in a bucket :D

21st June 2009, 10:01 PM
I can hear kids running around in there, I don't actually thing they are growing anything, but it beats the crud out of me what they are actually doing :confused:

21st June 2009, 10:03 PM
I can hear kids running around in there, I don't actually thing they are growing anything, but it beats the crud out of me what they are actually doing :confused:

maybe theyre growing kids?
could explain banging and crashing....:rolleyes:

22nd June 2009, 10:54 AM
This is a good chance to vent, and something I need help with...

So I have complete ass****s for neighbours in my apartment. They arrived here about 18 months ago, announcing their arrival by kicking a soccer ball off the walls around their apartment - these are single-brick shared/common walls... you get the idea...

About 9 months or so ago they started making weird noises against the wall I share with them - spraying of aerosoles, running water through a faucet, squeaking tap, sound of a bucket filling up - kinda odd seeing as there shouldn't be a tap there. Also the really abrupt sounds of the clanging of metal pipes and the thumping of various sounds agains the wall like cupboards or a bench.

I can't really work out what they have done there, but it's extremely invasive and constantly annoying - the pipe clanging and banging anyway. All through the weekends and almost every day before and after work.

I'm wondering if it might be some sort of...you know... gardening... or maybe not. They were almost constantly at it today when they had guests over.

They used to play movies or games really loudly late at night too, but they seemed to have stopped that, I think they have had some confrontations with other neighbours already, not sure.

So... I'm also wondering if anyone has any experience dealing with this sort of thing. As I understand it there are laws forbidding intrusion of peace in another person's living areas. But I'm not completely sure what the paramaters are. Also they shouldn't be able to make any sort of permanent installations without strata consent (I gather). They are owner occupiers too - which would make an actual eviction of any sort really difficult :( . I essentially own this apartment, although it's in my family's name it is rented in mine.

Any serious help or advice appreciated. :)

And no, I've never actually talked to them. :mad:

I realise you probably don't want to talk to them. But I think that's your first point of call. If that does you no good, you can try going through a mediator (the Fair Trading website has some information on this). If you can prove that your neighbours are doing something wrong you can report it to Strata Management. If their is a concierge you can report it to them as well. I think your last resort is to goto the cops and make a noise complaint. But understand that this kind of complaint is pretty low on their priorities list.

22nd June 2009, 09:07 PM
Tober, any legal avenue you want to pursue would take awhile given this is nuisance that we're really talking about. I'd recommend that you contact them as a first port of call, and then if that didn't work, write a formal complaint, then if that doesn't work, follow it up with the relevant authorities. The police will be able to pop around if the times they do this are at ridiculous times of the day - like at night or whatnot. If not, the police should be able to advise you as to how to proceed to take the matter to court. Generally though, the court process takes awhile.

22nd June 2009, 10:40 PM
This is a good chance to vent, and something I need help with...

So I have complete ass****s for neighbours in my apartment. They arrived here about 18 months ago, announcing their arrival by kicking a soccer ball off the walls around their apartment - these are single-brick shared/common walls... you get the idea...

About 9 months or so ago they started making weird noises against the wall I share with them - spraying of aerosoles, running water through a faucet, squeaking tap, sound of a bucket filling up - kinda odd seeing as there shouldn't be a tap there. Also the really abrupt sounds of the clanging of metal pipes and the thumping of various sounds agains the wall like cupboards or a bench.

I can't really work out what they have done there, but it's extremely invasive and constantly annoying - the pipe clanging and banging anyway. All through the weekends and almost every day before and after work.

I'm wondering if it might be some sort of...you know... gardening... or maybe not. They were almost constantly at it today when they had guests over.

They used to play movies or games really loudly late at night too, but they seemed to have stopped that, I think they have had some confrontations with other neighbours already, not sure.

So... I'm also wondering if anyone has any experience dealing with this sort of thing. As I understand it there are laws forbidding intrusion of peace in another person's living areas. But I'm not completely sure what the paramaters are. Also they shouldn't be able to make any sort of permanent installations without strata consent (I gather). They are owner occupiers too - which would make an actual eviction of any sort really difficult :( . I essentially own this apartment, although it's in my family's name it is rented in mine.

Any serious help or advice appreciated. :)

And no, I've never actually talked to them. :mad:

I have been experiencing dodgy neighbors too - its a long story and a bit of a long saga but the issue appears to have toned down significantly for now; specially when many of them were booted out.

Basically this is what the neighbors did which is part of a letter I sent the RE (they were an extended family of Tongans who lived on two ground floor units):

- Due to them all apparently being relatives, they constantly leave their front doors open during most of the day and can often be seen eating, drinking together outside between their residences in a very noisy manner.

- They enjoy playing very loud high base music at any hour of the day, particularly early weekend mornings; this becomes worse as they leave the doors open all the time so they can hear their music as they move from one unit to the other (The individual residents do not appear to live in one particular unit but they live in both as they are all one family).

- They have very little concept concept of hygene and too often they leave garbage from take away food, candy wrappers and even soiled baby nappies just on the ground outside and even in the driveway. It is also not unusual to find dirty plates and dining utensils around the building as they eat outdoors.

- They treat the whole unit block as if it were part of their own home so the kid's toys are often seen scattered all over the place among other things for weeks at a time.

- They also like to have loud gatherings outside other people's windows without any consideration to other residents.

- They allow the children to play with the garbage bins and as a result its very common to see garbage scattered by the wind all over the place.

- There is very little to no privacy as they allow the children to look through other people's mail - This is the reason why I have a PO Box.

- They have no consideration or respect at all for other residents as it is apparently believed by them that they can 'rule' the unit block due to their numbers.

- They like to use my Washing Machine without permission and due to this I have to take measures to prevent them from doing so as well as constantly be checking on it so they don't damage it.

- They treat the shared laundry and the back area of the building as their own private 'storage' space for the kid's toys, old clothing, etc.

- They see no problem with sleeping outside under people's windows so its very annoying to hear someone snoring while in my bedroom.

- The 'extended' family members seem to come and go with some leaving while new ones take their place and as a result I always see different people living in the building causing a security concern.

Originally this family also occupied a third ground floor residence but one of the units was vacated recently and as a result the 'extended' family members that lived there have divided themselves into their two remaining units. I noticed this because they always leave their doors open and I can see that they sleep on the floor of their living rooms and couches at night.

In the 6 months or so that I have been living in this unit, I have been very tolerant of this family but things reached boiling point when last Sunday morning some new 'residents' joined the existing ones and decided to play incredibly loud music at 8am. I went to politely ask them to turn down the volume but instead this bloke who I have never seen before but apparently now lives in the units came out and threatened to "Bash" me next time he sees me outside for asking them to turn down the music which he appears to have taken as a 'challenge' to the family's 'authority' over the building.


Confronting them did nothing - It only makes things worse and the story above has a sequel confirming that but what did do some good was notifying the real estate of the significant problems they were causing. Apparently the Real Estate was already aware of some issues and was in the process of booting them out when I sent my letter. Only one unit remained with them but they still caused some problems with odd behavior like sleeping on the drive way (pillows, bed sheets and everything)- When I confronted them about this they initiated a shit storm and the Real Estate apparently no longer gave a crap and without their backing you are stuck.

Due to this I was afraid for my property (car, washing machine, etc) but thankfully they did not do anything but I begun to park my car outside on the street as it makes it harder for them to do anything to it. Its been a couple of months now and nothing bad has happened or strange but I know that as long as they are there its only a matter of time.

22nd June 2009, 11:02 PM
Too much to read :p

I know the feeling. In my old place, had these really noisy neighbours downstairs.
Real Estate said they been trying to get em out when we were moving in. We were there for 6 months and they were still there when I left.
There were street fights, knives, drugs, booze, police... get the idea.

They finally got kicked out after we left.

Oh wells, hopefully wont have too much trouble when we move into our house :D

22nd June 2009, 11:07 PM
i know whatcha mean kup

in my Sydney house

their rabbit, that they let run around the streets, married our rabbit and decided to stay in our yard.

One of those ruffians just kept barging into our yard, whever they felt like owning the rabbit.

Fortunately we kept him in a hutch for a week and they thought he was gone.

But yeah, when i become President of the Republic of Australia i'll put a stop to any misbehaviour.

23rd June 2009, 04:10 AM
I realise you probably don't want to talk to them. But I think that's your first point of call. If that does you no good, you can try going through a mediator (the Fair Trading website has some information on this). If you can prove that your neighbours are doing something wrong you can report it to Strata Management. If their is a concierge you can report it to them as well. I think your last resort is to goto the cops and make a noise complaint. But understand that this kind of complaint is pretty low on their priorities list.

Tober, any legal avenue you want to pursue would take awhile given this is nuisance that we're really talking about. I'd recommend that you contact them as a first port of call, and then if that didn't work, write a formal complaint, then if that doesn't work, follow it up with the relevant authorities. The police will be able to pop around if the times they do this are at ridiculous times of the day - like at night or whatnot. If not, the police should be able to advise you as to how to proceed to take the matter to court. Generally though, the court process takes awhile.

Thanks guys :)

I really dont want to talk to them untill I fully understand what my rights are. And even then I would rather simply hit them with an abatement order or similar at the same time. I gonna have to speak to strata and council apparently. :(

I have been experiencing dodgy neighbors too - its a long story ... [snip] ... its only a matter of time.

Sorry to hear about it :( Truly feral.

Make sure their kids dont see your TFs :eek:

i know whatcha mean kup

in my Sydney house

their rabbit, that they let run around the streets, married our rabbit and decided to stay in our yard.

One of those ruffians just kept barging into our yard, whever they felt like owning the rabbit.

Fortunately we kept him in a hutch for a week and they thought he was gone.

But yeah, when i become President of the Republic of Australia i'll put a stop to any misbehaviour.

Arn't you Emperor of Oz yet?

25th June 2009, 01:04 PM
I know that after a certain time at night you're not allowed to make loud noises that disturb the peace or you can call the police. Back in my undergraduate uni days my friends and I would party on till odd hours of the night (and following morning) and a couple of times we had cops come and tell us to shut up because we were too noisy and neighbours had complained.

I can't remember what the time is exactly - maybe midnight? But yeah, there are laws regarding not disturbing the peace at certain times; find out what they are and contact your local police if you think those people are in violation of this law.

Ode to a Grasshopper
25th June 2009, 05:10 PM
I was gonna invite Paulie to a housewarming with a gay TF fan whose a friend from Perth, but it wasn't my house and we had some troubles with gatecrashers so it's prolly better I didn't...next time I'm over that way and there's a party I'll see what I can do.

Now to vent: Alright, it's gotta be said, besides the beautiful scenery Tasmania is really, really dull and insular. I've been here in Devonport all of 2 days and I'm going out of my mind, especially after having as blast in Melbourne. The weather's cold, the women where I am are all young-skanks-with-kids or jailbait-soon-to-be-skanks-with-kids, the beer is costly...get me outta here goldurnit! I thought Perth was bad but geez...this is like THE major port and it's tiny, expensive and there are hardly any TFs to be found. Totally the 'holiday isle' 'cos to live here would be suicide-inducing.

26th June 2009, 07:03 PM
Feel the love for Paulbot! :)

Time to vent right now...

My girlfriend's group for a uni project got an absolutely atrocious mark for their powerpoint presentation they had to email their tutor - she stated there was no content at all, and it was a pathetic assignment considering that it was the end of semester 1. She had attached the submitted (original) powerpoint document they had sent her, which had the marks annotated digitally.

So I had a quick look at it. The damn thing was nearly completely blank, except but I could see text boxes and a few headings. So I highlighted inside. I saw outlines of text present. So I changed the colour to black, and whaddayaknow, all the content IS in the assignment. The lady must have spent a while trying to mark this document, enough to write comments and all that jazz. I don't know why or how she didn't attempt to do this, considering she had written the comments in RED. She knew how to change font colours.

The document displayed fine on the PC before it was sent off, so something must have happened on the tutor's end. My girlfriend just sent off an email to the tutor telling her what I had found, and the instructions to prove that they had completed it as they were supposed to. She also attached the edited document with black font so she can cross-check her own.

Why am I venting? Because the person didn't contact them to ask questions as to WHY it was mostly blank. Plus they displayed the powerpoint presentation a week before it was due. ()*S)*)DS :mad:

Anyone have any experience with situations like this?

26th June 2009, 07:43 PM
A few people have personally heard this vent.

Afa figures shipped to wrong address.

Wrong address doesnt exist.

Tracking shows apparently shipped.


Its sorted out now, but the entire fiasco was an absolute joke.

EDIT: another graded figure was completed crushed and the casing crushed, usps returned the package back to the seller, who just filed an insurance claim.

Double nice....

26th June 2009, 08:09 PM
Feel the love for Paulbot! :)

Time to vent right now...

My girlfriend's group for a uni project got an absolutely atrocious mark for their powerpoint presentation they had to email their tutor - she stated there was no content at all, and it was a pathetic assignment considering that it was the end of semester 1. She had attached the submitted (original) powerpoint document they had sent her, which had the marks annotated digitally.

So I had a quick look at it. The damn thing was nearly completely blank, except but I could see text boxes and a few headings. So I highlighted inside. I saw outlines of text present. So I changed the colour to black, and whaddayaknow, all the content IS in the assignment. The lady must have spent a while trying to mark this document, enough to write comments and all that jazz. I don't know why or how she didn't attempt to do this, considering she had written the comments in RED. She knew how to change font colours.

The document displayed fine on the PC before it was sent off, so something must have happened on the tutor's end. My girlfriend just sent off an email to the tutor telling her what I had found, and the instructions to prove that they had completed it as they were supposed to. She also attached the edited document with black font so she can cross-check her own.

Why am I venting? Because the person didn't contact them to ask questions as to WHY it was mostly blank. Plus they displayed the powerpoint presentation a week before it was due. ()*S)*)DS :mad:

Anyone have any experience with situations like this?

Sounds like my former thesis co-ordinator. Does everything by the book, no grey-area for compromise. If this happened to me back then, I would've been told too bad, it is up to the student to ensure their work is appropriate for submission. You get dicks like that all the time. In our department we had a case where the tutor changed the solutions of people's mutiple choice answers (those who answered in pencils), because he thought it was funny. He got caught out in the end. That is the definition of an academic tool.

1st July 2009, 07:40 PM
okay my turn

well ive been trying to do the whole internet dating thing cause im sick of being single so i thought i would try a certain internet site easy....NOOOOOOO

you search through the profile find some you like and make contact sounds easy well you would be WRONG i have actually made contact with people and they have contacted me we both accept, and does the other person actually talk back.... well apprantely NOT!!!!! :(

i mean how hard is for the oppposite sex to actually to chat back with you aaaaaaargh!!! i introduce myself say hi etc etc and nothing but they dont actually remove you from their contact list WTF?!! talk or not just do something!!!!

Gutsman Heavy
1st July 2009, 07:57 PM
I long for the days when you could club a woman over the head and drag 'er to the cave.

1st July 2009, 07:58 PM
okay my turn

well ive been trying to do the whole internet dating thing cause im sick of being single so i thought i would try a certain internet site easy....NOOOOOOO

you search through the profile find some you like and make contact sounds easy well you would be WRONG i have actually made contact with people and they have contacted me we both accept, and does the other person actually talk back.... well apprantely NOT!!!!! :(

i mean how hard is for the oppposite sex to actually to chat back with you aaaaaaargh!!! i introduce myself say hi etc etc and nothing but they dont actually remove you from their contact list WTF?!! talk or not just do something!!!!

From what you say, I have a feeling that most people consider those dating services as some sort of Glorified chat room or Myspace page in which you add dozens and dozens of 'buddies' even if they don't know who they are just so they can say to have 'friends' on their profile.

Vector Sigma 13
1st July 2009, 08:18 PM
From what you say, I have a feeling that most people consider those dating services as some sort of Glorified chat room or Myspace page in which you add dozens and dozens of 'buddies' even if they don't know who they are just so they can say to have 'friends' on their profile.

Sounds like it.

I dont know many single chicks so i cant hook you up loopy!:D Ill keep you in mind if a lonesome gal crosses my path.

1st July 2009, 08:30 PM
From what you say, I have a feeling that most people consider those dating services as some sort of Glorified chat room or Myspace page in which you add dozens and dozens of 'buddies' even if they don't know who they are just so they can say to have 'friends' on their profile.

i know which is stupid your not there to make buddies grrrrrrrr......

Sounds like it.

I dont know many single chicks so i cant hook you up loopy!:D Ill keep you in mind if a lonesome gal crosses my path.

thats all i ask casue my chick friends are useless because they dont have any other chick friends to introduce me to

1st July 2009, 08:31 PM
I long for the days when you could club a woman over the head and drag 'er to the cave.

that would be awseome man shes hot!! next thing wack!! now shes mine :D

1st July 2009, 09:36 PM
From what you say, I have a feeling that most people consider those dating services as some sort of Glorified chat room or Myspace page in which you add dozens and dozens of 'buddies' even if they don't know who they are just so they can say to have 'friends' on their profile.

Funny thing is, I met my fiance on myspazz haha
Was a random add when she was bored and I was drunk haha

1st July 2009, 09:38 PM
Funny thing is, I met my fiance on myspazz haha
Was a random add when she was bored and I was drunk haha

Dat was me, stupid thing logged me out and I hadnt realised haha

2nd July 2009, 10:35 AM
I imagine finding a girl online would be hard.

Nah it's quite easy. There are a few websites in Romania, Kazakhstan and Moldova. Of course, you have to pay. And sponsor the visa application... :rolleyes:

2nd July 2009, 11:29 AM
I imagine finding a girl online would be hard. Good luck and I feel your pain.

I met a girlfriend through ebay.

2nd July 2009, 11:42 AM
...thats all i ask casue my chick friends are useless because they dont have any other chick friends to introduce me to

dude you are spot on with that! When I was single my female friends were absolutely useless. They either knew girls who were already attached or are too lazy/selfish to introduce me to their single friends, they weren't even that hot!

Dating sites are just as useless imho. A lot of the people on these dating sites seem to just be spammers or someone pretending to be someone else. I remember reading an article somewhere that a particular dating site had like 90% "fake"/fictitious users.

2nd July 2009, 11:50 AM
Nah it's quite easy. There are a few websites in Romania, Kazakhstan and Moldova. Of course, you have to pay. And sponsor the visa application... :rolleyes:

I met a girlfriend through ebay.

I'm currently filing a PayPal dispute on one who never showed up at the airport.

2nd July 2009, 10:36 PM
ARRGGHHHHHHH.... a friend had a G1 Longhaul figure...and he threw it out...jeez.

Ode to a Grasshopper
3rd July 2009, 12:01 PM
Nah it's quite easy. There are a few websites in Romania, Kazakhstan and Moldova. Of course, you have to pay. And sponsor the visa application... :rolleyes:I've always quite liked shaadi.com (http://www.shaadi.com/)...it gave me an idea for a great reality TV show. Must get onto that what with all the Indian student-bashings going on atm.

thats all i ask casue my chick friends are useless because they dont have any other chick friends to introduce me toYup. or else...

dude you are spot on with that! When I was single my female friends were absolutely useless. They either knew girls who were already attached or are too lazy/selfish to introduce me to their single friends, they weren't even that hot!My solution - which admittedly comes with a certain amount of risk - is to sleep with your friends. It can backfire royally, but for me at least it's worked pretty well. That said, a lot of my friends are hippie chicks so it probably won't work for everyone.
If not, start hitting on them and/or their sisters (if they have them - their mum if you're especially daring) anyway - betcha they'll suddenly remember someone who'd be just perfect for you.:rolleyes:
Again, comes with the risk of losing friends so exercise caution.

A lot of the people on these dating sites seem to just be...someone pretending to be someone else. I remember reading an article somewhere that a particular dating site had like 90% "fake"/fictitious users.Umm...If anyone sees a profile with a pic that looks suspiciously like Robin McGraw (Dr Phil's wife) maybe don't express interest...:o

:D :rolleyes: :D

3rd July 2009, 03:14 PM
If not, start hitting on them and/or their sisters (if they have them - their mum if you're especially daring) anyway - betcha they'll suddenly remember someone who'd be just perfect for you.:rolleyes:


4th July 2009, 12:50 AM
theres a dating site for female prison inmates;) they have a life sentence you just visit for 'those' meet ups then divorcce and go onto anohter one lol

4th July 2009, 01:52 AM
I met my wife after chatting on ICQ, not that it's the story *she* tells people though! Strangely enough, my boss met his wife through some early internet dating site - difference being she travelled from the UK to do so! :eek:

Ode to a Grasshopper
4th July 2009, 11:05 AM
KMart sales...I got Animated Shockwave for $50 (which I'd had budgeted for for a year or so), stupidly lost the receipt, got another one with decent paint for $40 and traded the first (a little underhanded sure, but KMart can afford to lose the $ more than me) for store credit to get some headphones (necessary), and now they're $35...If I'd been patient that'd be a saving of $15 - that's a 6-pack, or another Scout dammit.
At least Dirt Boss and co. were better than the $13 they have going now, and I got the Movie 1 Barricade diorama for $21 instead of no-Frenzy Barricade for $23, but still...:(
Boy am I glad I didn't import it for oodles and oodles.

EDIT - while we're (sort of) on the topic of online dating, this video from the Onion (http://www.theonion.com/content/video/online_dating_helping_pathetic?utm_source=a-section) made me laugh.

5th July 2009, 12:00 AM
And so just then I had no choice but to call my girlfriend up to tell her to pick up the roses from her work place!

Bloody heck! It totally ruined the surprise for her :mad:

You lost the surprise, through no fault of your own. I bet you she loved the flowers and loved the thought, yes? And she didn't blame you for a confluence of events you couldn't have forseen either.

It's a minor irritant that you lost the surprise you wanted, but keep it in perspective. You did a nice thing for your lady, and I bet you she still loved it.

Actually, she still got a bunch of flowers that she wasn't expecting, so it was a different surprise from the one you planned, but still a surprise for her. Be happy! :D

5th July 2009, 01:00 AM
You lost the surprise, through no fault of your own. I bet you she loved the flowers and loved the thought, yes? And she didn't blame you for a confluence of events you couldn't have forseen either.

It's a minor irritant that you lost the surprise you wanted, but keep it in perspective. You did a nice thing for your lady, and I bet you she still loved it.

Actually, she still got a bunch of flowers that she wasn't expecting, so it was a different surprise from the one you planned, but still a surprise for her. Be happy! :D

Thanx buddy. Yeah it was all good in the end. She loved the roses.

5th July 2009, 04:13 PM
Ever have those days at work that something goes wrong, then the whole day everything else goes wrong?
Ever have those days that when this happens, you just want to take a sledgehammer to the walls?

I keep on getting static shocked by anything metal.
I have broken at least 10 pens, stanley knife, nearly broke my stapler, and have a massive headache.

I just want to go home and enjoy a cold refreshing beer and forget about today and enjoy the thought that I dont have to come back until the following week and just unpack my boxes of Transformers and other sruff and set my new house up.

One thing I will dred is having to come in on tuesday to tell them that I will be leaving at the end of the month (providing I get this new job) otherwise I'm going to bonkers here and take everyone with me :p

6th July 2009, 06:03 PM
If not, start hitting on them and/or their sisters (if they have them - their mum if you're especially daring) : :D

I've got a real funny story about a similar experience... but I don't think I'll share it on a public board;)

7th July 2009, 10:38 PM
damn not getting holidays when we're meant to be on holidays :mad:

Ode to a Grasshopper
9th July 2009, 04:45 PM
Damn Centrelink, damn Australian tax office...
If KRudd has the moolah to censor the 'net WHY CAN'T WE HAVE CENTRELINK PHONELINES YOU CAN ACTUALLY REACH!? Or online tax services that ACTUALLY MAKE SENSE?! I've got 2 freaking Uni degrees and it's all gibberish.

Huff...huff...a pox upon all bureaucracies, a pox I say! :mad: :mad: :mad:

14th July 2009, 06:34 PM
Microsoft's Windows 7 pricing, especially with the lack of upgrade promotion bar the 'buy Vista now get a free Windows 7 upgrade later!" Why do the yanks get all the good deals??

16th July 2009, 11:34 AM
aaaaaaaaargh!!!! i finally got a complete G1 Jazz yesterday and i was playing with it last night and ive already lost his gun not happy :mad:

16th July 2009, 11:49 AM
Never thought Id need to vent but I think I just lost US$100 :(:(:(. I aid thru paypal and its already was past the 45 days dispute window, aaaaaargh. I ordered for 4 Alex Milne lithographs from TFCON - Cybertron Canada all is well they communicated with me and all that when I asked how long will it take - Answered back (email) 4-6 weeks..... So i waited - this was in May first week, Its now July for pete's sake. Emailed them back on the sixth week stating the items are a no show. They emailed back to say if the items dont show by end of week email back so they can re-send a new one. Which I did. its been 4 days now and havent heard a reply. I filed a Paypal dispute - of course they cant do anything anymore about it ( but they said still file a claim coz they have to monitor this user - yeah right) im guessing they would not reply to me anymore since I filed a Paypal dispute but hey Ive been very amicable, patient and courteous all the time, so have they in their email replies but this is ridiculous and loosing $134 is no laughing matter to be taken lightly, I freakin work hard just to earn that money, I could've just bought something else with it. Well Im still hoping somehow the posters magically arrive one day. If not, freakiin hell I 'll advice everyone to stay clear of Cybertron Ca then for anymore offers. ... hate to put labels and say it but what a rip-off!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

16th July 2009, 11:53 AM
What was the shipment method?

Canada surface sometimes take up to 3 months.

They are one of the worst carriers.

If it was shipped airmail.............. then they suck.

16th July 2009, 12:06 PM
Never thought Id need to vent but I think I just lost US$100 :(:(:(. I aid thru paypal and its already was past the 45 days dispute window, aaaaaargh. I ordered for 4 Alex Milne lithographs from TFCON - Cybertron Canada all is well they communicated with me and all that when I asked how long will it take - Answered back (email) 4-6 weeks..... So i waited - this was in May first week, Its now July for pete's sake. Emailed them back on the sixth week stating the items are a no show. They emailed back to say if the items dont show by end of week email back so they can re-send a new one. Which I did. its been 4 days now and havent heard a reply. I filed a Paypal dispute - of course they cant do anything anymore about it ( but they said still file a claim coz they have to monitor this user - yeah right) im guessing they would not reply to me anymore since I filed a Paypal dispute but hey Ive been very amicable, patient and courteous all the time, so have they in their email replies but this is ridiculous and loosing $134 is no laughing matter to be taken lightly, I freakin work hard just to earn that money, I could've just bought something else with it. Well Im still hoping somehow the posters magically arrive one day. If not, freakiin hell I 'll advice everyone to stay clear of Cybertron Ca then for anymore offers. ... hate to put labels and say it but what a rip-off!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Losing $134 does suck, losing any money really does suck. A few years back I lost around $600 to a guy a bought Fort Max off (which I never got) This was back in the days when I was a noob and paid with it by money order coz I didnt have a Paypal Account. Learnt my lesson after that.

16th July 2009, 12:07 PM
not really sure, they havent mentioned it, and they havent emailed me back as yet, they did say 4-6 weeks, sheesh. man what do theyuse for couriers, men on horses? even Philippine mail isnt That sucky. sigh sigh sigh

16th July 2009, 12:44 PM
Ouch, liege!

We're not much better shape in Mexico either. Nothing's showed up.

16th July 2009, 01:06 PM

16th July 2009, 01:27 PM
There is still hope liege. So who did you order from an individual or bussines/organisation?

I once lost about $90 from an ebay auction. The seller kept in constant touch and was good communicating so I took that as assurance that everything was fine. He seized communication when the Dispute deadline begun to approach and by the time I tried to open a dispute it was too late.

I learned my lesson and from then on if I don't receive the item a week before the dispute deadline is over, I file one automatically. If the item does show up, I close the dispute.

16th July 2009, 05:42 PM
NEW ULTIMATE BUMBLEBEE, my ass. its bumblebee with HAT! like Malibu Stacy from Simpsons! (NEW Malibu stacy -with hat) why cant they just sell add-ons? or why didn't they just get it right in the first place? duh? not very ultimate is he? and wheres his other hand? reminds me of a G1 'for parts'.

17th July 2009, 09:54 AM
I learned my lesson and from then on if I don't receive the item a week before the dispute deadline is over, I file one automatically. If the item does show up, I close the dispute.

That is an excellent idea Kup.

Liege, i feel for you mate. Hope things turn out well. As jgon said, things from Canada tend to take quite a while!

17th July 2009, 12:17 PM
Thanks guys, well Im never ordering anything from Canada again.:mad:

Kup paypal window period was 45 days, which is below the 6 weeks period they mentioned to me to wait. :( But since you guys did say it takes a while ... well , siiiigh.... well see.

17th July 2009, 12:37 PM
Man you guys sure are a f***ing whiny bunch.

http://img140.imageshack.us/img140/7976/thirdworldstarvation.jpg (http://img140.imageshack.us/i/thirdworldstarvation.jpg/)

http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/554/childrenrubbishphlippin.jpg (http://img190.imageshack.us/i/childrenrubbishphlippin.jpg/)

http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/6449/handsqsy.jpg (http://img11.imageshack.us/i/handsqsy.jpg/)

Ode to a Grasshopper
17th July 2009, 12:55 PM
Well, it is a thread for personal venting on a website primarily devoted to adults collecting overpriced toys.

Gutsman Heavy
17th July 2009, 02:12 PM
http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/6449/handsqsy.jpg (http://img11.imageshack.us/i/handsqsy.jpg/)

mmmm love me some beef jerky

Ode to a Grasshopper
18th July 2009, 12:22 AM
"Let them eat cake"...

Vent On!
Let's talk Peter Garrett...Peter, Peter, Peter, what happened here, man? You used to have integrity, but this 'team player' business...lie with dogs and you wake up with fleas. Please resign from this political prostitution Peter, there are children watching and you're dancing to all the wrong tunes...
:( :( :(

18th July 2009, 07:07 AM
"Let them eat cake"...

Vent On!
Let's talk Peter Garrett...Peter, Peter, Peter, what happened here, man? You used to have integrity, but this 'team player' business...lie with dogs and you wake up with fleas. Please resign from this political prostitution Peter, there are children watching and you're dancing to all the wrong tunes...
:( :( :(

16 - Unresolveable topics like religion, politics, social ideologies, etc, are discouraged. Other boards cater for that.

18th July 2009, 12:49 PM
Yes, please refrain from political issues (all politicians are as bad as each other anyway... :p), and keep in mind that this is a venting thread, for people to get some release for what is bugging them right now. So don't derail it by pointing out the more significant problems of others - there is always someone worse off than yourself in some way.
We are a community of friends and 'fellow fans of a particular materialistic interest'... we should be able to count on the people here to help share our own 'smaller' issues privately here in this unknown corner of the net-universe, so that we can be more willing and able to deal with the larger issues of others in the real world, without our 'petty' problems getting in the way.
After all, if people can't vent about our personal issues in some restrained, civilised manner out of sight here, they might unload their pent-up frustrations on others in the public domain.

18th July 2009, 03:28 PM
if people can't vent about our personal issues in some restrained, civilised manner out of sight here, they might unload their pent-up frustrations on others in the public domain.

I work in Public transport, i do that anyway.

18th July 2009, 03:37 PM
Never thought Id need to vent but I think I just lost US$100 :(:(:(. I aid thru paypal and its already was past the 45 days dispute window, aaaaaargh. I ordered for 4 Alex Milne lithographs from TFCON - Cybertron Canada all is well they communicated with me and all that when I asked how long will it take - Answered back (email) 4-6 weeks..... So i waited - this was in May first week, Its now July for pete's sake. Emailed them back on the sixth week stating the items are a no show. They emailed back to say if the items dont show by end of week email back so they can re-send a new one. Which I did. its been 4 days now and havent heard a reply. I filed a Paypal dispute - of course they cant do anything anymore about it ( but they said still file a claim coz they have to monitor this user - yeah right) im guessing they would not reply to me anymore since I filed a Paypal dispute but hey Ive been very amicable, patient and courteous all the time, so have they in their email replies but this is ridiculous and loosing $134 is no laughing matter to be taken lightly, I freakin work hard just to earn that money, I could've just bought something else with it. Well Im still hoping somehow the posters magically arrive one day. If not, freakiin hell I 'll advice everyone to stay clear of Cybertron Ca then for anymore offers. ... hate to put labels and say it but what a rip-off!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

hey liege... before making the WA group order for the lithos, i suspected that there would be issues with canada post so i emailed them and asked for an invoice to including registered post with tracking.....That was back in May.... still havent heard back from them to this day....luckily i didnt lose any money cos they didnt even send me an invoice, but man... what a bunch of losers...

Does anyone know if lintharts group order got through?? perhaps you can share notes..

I have been experiencing dodgy neighbors too

Its too bad that i cant post any illegal activity that could be incriminating, but man, if i was in your shoes, i'd f*ck them all up big time....there a so many ways to get them to go...
It'd be war!!!
ever thought of going down that route kup?? cos sometimes, these kn0b heads need a lesson...

Man you guys sure are a f***ing whiny bunch.

theres always gotta be one that ruins the party....
This is a venting thread after all isnt it? if they cant vent here then where can they?
unless you are venting yourself about other people venting?? lol...

18th July 2009, 07:44 PM
unless you are venting yourself about other people venting?? lol...

Uh yeah. That's what I was doing sure....

Freaking venters always freaking venting the up the freaking place. :mad:


18th July 2009, 09:15 PM
I never come in this thread, but was incredibly bored just now. I'm glad I did.

Regarding TFCon Litho (which i think is worthy of its own thread in a TF section), I have tried to write them a few times as well with no response and have been following a TFW thread here (http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/transformers-general-discussion/240861-tfcon-alex-milne-lithographs-anybody-receive-theirs-yet.html). That thread mentions a topic at cybertron.ca (http://www.cybertron.ca/boards/showthread.php?p=141435#post141435) where a mod closed the topic saying to stop complaining, and that TFCon are volunteers and to wait the estimated time we were told. Of course, no one is aware of any estimate.

I ordered before Linthart put together his group order and I also have missed the 45 day dispute window. However, I ALWAYS try to fund PayPal transactions with my credit card (visa debit really), which I thankfully did, meaning I have an 18 month window and the dispute will be handled by my bank, which is much more favorable to me than PayPal is anyway. Hopefully, everyone else funded their transaction similarly.

If in fact they are pulling a fast one, I find it incredibly ironic and extremely disgraceful that they announced this offer in the same paragraph as the one they called out Fans Project for deceiving them and their attendees.

Even if they have/are not pulling a fast one, their communication with their customers has been abhorrent.

18th July 2009, 09:32 PM
TF Con... how appropriately named! :mad:

Everyone on OTCA should show their support by not attending again next year!


Seriously tho it often takes 12 to 16 weeks for stuff shipped by land from the Torronto area to reach Australia. Something about shipping across the Great Lakes into the USA causes a huge delay. That's what a cousin in Canada told me anyway... and I've had a few items take that long from there. Canada Post's shipping times will tell you a similar story too.

19th July 2009, 12:16 AM
Yeah my Paypal is taken directly from my Visa Debit account. BUt when I did put up a dispute on Paypal - I got an automated reply page saying something to this effect ... Unfortunately there is nothing they can do about it but thanks for sharing this info re: these paypal user sellers, as they are taking tabs on faulty paypal users so we have to report them in, have a nice day :(:(. So, I dunno what the bank can basically do on that. I have received and saved email response from them saying to expect it in 4-6 weeks, which is why I waited, and when the 7th week came I emailed them and they responded stating if i dont receive it by end of that week email them again so they can send a replacement shipment... which I did, and well since then havent received any reply email. I even asked them in another email if they can send ( the second parcel) it registered post and Im willing to pay for it so at least it has a tracking. Still got no reply, thats when I went to do a paypal dispute , which ... please refer to first part of this paragraph....:mad::mad::mad:

And I have a very valid vent here ya know, it's still TF related and worth $134 freaking hard earned cash down the drain.....:(

19th July 2009, 08:25 AM
Are fund taken from your "visa debit account" taken via "Credit Card" or "Bank Transfer"? It makes all the difference in the world. If by "Credit Card", you can use your bank's dispute system. Forget PayPal.

20th July 2009, 11:13 PM
As a question, how does one go about raising a complaint with the bank? I've never tried it myself and the one time I almost did the bank teller wasn't off much use.

20th July 2009, 11:19 PM
As a question, how does one go about raising a complaint with the bank? I've never tried it myself and the one time I almost did the bank teller wasn't off much use.

call up and speak to the branch manager i would think

20th July 2009, 11:26 PM
A chargeback, also known as a reversal, occurs when a buyer asks a credit card company to reverse a transaction that has already cleared. A buyer may file a chargeback with his/her card issuer based on credit card association regulations and timeframes.

Although a chargeback may appear similar to a PayPal claim, it’s actually a process that is granted to a cardholder by their credit card company and initiated outside of PayPal. In a dispute over a chargeback, the decision is ultimately made by the credit card company and PayPal can’t control the outcome.
Two common reasons for reversals or chargebacks are:

A buyer’s credit card number is stolen and used fraudulently.
A buyer makes a purchase, but believes that the seller failed to fulfill their side of the agreement (for example, they did not ship the item, shipped an item that was very different from the seller's description, or the item was damaged when the buyer received it).

All sellers who accept credit card payments run the risk of being liable for chargebacks. Chargebacks are among the unfortunate costs of doing business. Many sellers factor this cost into their business risk model.

Personal comment: This is one of the reasons why some sellers only ship to Confirmed Addresses (to help mitigate risk relating to stolen cards).

Note: Aussies cannot have confirmed paypal addresses due to our privacy laws. We can only attain a verified status.

Neila, as J said. Ring up ya bank. Tell them to reverse the transaction. The money is yours.

21st July 2009, 12:25 AM
Perfect description jgon.

Most of the local banks refer to it as a Disputed Transaction if you search their sites. Many banks have a PDF form for you to fill out and send in. I grabbed these links a while ago for someone else. Not sure if they're still current:

NAB: http://www.nab.com.au/vgnmedia/downld/dispute_transaction.pdf
Bendigo: https://www.bendigobank.com.au/public/about_us/contact_us_disputed_transaction.asp
ANZ: http://www.anz.com/documents/AU/Personal/credit-cards/Customer_Transaction_Dispute_Form.pdf
Westpac and Commonwealth: Couldn't find the form on their site, so call them

Based on Tober's words, I'm going to give it a bit more time. I've validated that my bank at the time, Bendigo, gives up to 14 or 16 months to initiate a chargeback, so a few more weeks won't hurt. Find out what your own bank's limits are.

21st July 2009, 12:27 AM
jgon, king of paypal :P

21st July 2009, 02:21 PM
What is up with grown men peeing with the toilet seat down?! :confused:

I saw this guy in the bathroom doing that. They wouldn't do it in their own home, why do it in public toilets?! :mad:

Seriously, some people should just grow up!

21st July 2009, 02:25 PM
What is up with grown men peeing with the toilet seat down?! :confused:

I saw this guy in the bathroom doing that. They wouldn't do it in their own home, why do it in public toilets?! :mad:

Maybe they don't want to touch a toilet seat which 1000+ strange men a day have sat down to defecate on.:confused:

What p!$$es me off is how girls always leave the toilet seat down. Have some freaking consideration ladies!

21st July 2009, 02:39 PM
Maybe they don't want to touch a toilet seat which 1000+ strange men a day have sat down to defecate on.:confused:

What p!$$es me off is how girls always leave the toilet seat down. Have some freaking consideration ladies!

Guess I must just be old fashioned, I always put the toilet seat and lid back down after I use the toilet :confused:

21st July 2009, 02:57 PM
What p!$$es me off is how girls always leave the toilet seat down. Have some freaking consideration ladies!


21st July 2009, 03:03 PM
+ 1.

21st July 2009, 04:02 PM
As a question, how does one go about raising a complaint with the bank? I've never tried it myself and the one time I almost did the bank teller wasn't off much use.

STL, it depends on what you're 1) complaining about and 2) trying to achieve.

If it's regarding service at a branch/call centre level, then generally the Branch Manager/Team Leader is your starting point.

If it's regarding something procedural, you'd be better off going through the bank's centralised feedback system. Most will list it under their "contact us" (or whatever) on their website.

If you'd like, PM me some more details and I can help work out the best way for you to get the result you need. I deal with customer complaints a lot, so I have a pretty good idea of the best way for customers to approach the bank with problems :cool:

23rd July 2009, 12:08 AM
WTF is so good about this Twitter crap? Everybody raves about it like if its the best thing since the freaking wheel but it seems like yet another pointless and waste of time craze like Myspace.

I go in, put my name..What? I am supposed to write what i am doing now? WTF??? I am supposed to look for people through it and chat to them? Its that it? This sucks.

*WTF (World Transformers Federation)

23rd July 2009, 03:56 AM
Yeah my Paypal is taken directly from my Visa Debit account. BUt when I did put up a dispute on Paypal - I got an automated reply page saying something to this effect ... Unfortunately there is nothing they can do about it but thanks for sharing this info re: these paypal user sellers, as they are taking tabs on faulty paypal users so we have to report them in, have a nice day :(:(. So, I dunno what the bank can basically do on that. I have received and saved email response from them saying to expect it in 4-6 weeks, which is why I waited, and when the 7th week came I emailed them and they responded stating if i dont receive it by end of that week email them again so they can send a replacement shipment... which I did, and well since then havent received any reply email. I even asked them in another email if they can send ( the second parcel) it registered post and Im willing to pay for it so at least it has a tracking. Still got no reply, thats when I went to do a paypal dispute , which ... please refer to first part of this paragraph....:mad::mad::mad:

And I have a very valid vent here ya know, it's still TF related and worth $134 freaking hard earned cash down the drain.....:(

atleast you had a response after 7 weeks. i aint got zip from them. dissapeared like a fart in the wind

23rd July 2009, 11:34 AM
WTF is so good about this Twitter crap? Everybody raves about it like if its the best thing since the freaking wheel but it seems like yet another pointless and waste of time craze like Myspace.

I go in, put my name..What? I am supposed to write what i am doing now? WTF??? I am supposed to look for people through it and chat to them? Its that it? This sucks.

*WTF (World Transformers Federation)

Twitter serves two extremely distinct purposes: Pushing and Pulling. Clearly, you are not a pusher. Neither am I. I don't really have much to say, nor do I have much of an audience to say it to. However, I am a Puller. There are others who do have something to say that I find worth reading.

Anyone following me (there are about 6 or 7) is completing wasting their time. :D

For TF-related stuff, I follow Derrick Wyatt (http://twitter.com/DerrickJWyatt), Vangelus (http://twitter.com/Vangelus) (he's funny), BBTS (http://twitter.com/BigBadToyStore) (for stock updates), Paulbot (he can give his own link if he desires) and TFWiki (http://twitter.com/tfwiki) and I had a saved search for any posts (tweets :p) tagged with the phrase "#botcon" during Botcon. It was a great way to get real-time info. I have about other 20 or so people or companies I follow related to some of my other interests.

I'm a big RSS user. I have a dedicated RSS reader on my Mac and on my phone that sync between each other and a web-app. RSS is basically a full-featured Twitter not limited to 140-characters (or more aptly, Twitter is just a micro-sized version of RSS, hence the phrase micro-blogging). The 30 people I follow on Twitter get aggregated to 1 RSS feed in my list of 230. It's just yet another way to aggregate and ingest content.

I would not recommend it to anyone not already into RSS style ingesting. It's RSS/blogging, not chat. And yeah, ignore the hype.

23rd July 2009, 11:51 AM
For TF-related stuff, I follow Derrick Wyatt (http://twitter.com/DerrickJWyatt), Vangelus (http://twitter.com/Vangelus) (he's funny), BBTS (http://twitter.com/BigBadToyStore) (for stock updates), Paulbot (he can give his own link if he desires) and TFWiki (http://twitter.com/tfwiki) and I had a saved search for any posts (tweets :p) tagged with the phrase "#botcon" during Botcon.

Me? For TF-related stuff? Well yes, sometimes I may tweet about TFs (http://twitter.com/paulformer), but half the time I'm going on about the stuff I vented about earlier in this thread. :o

23rd July 2009, 01:13 PM
Just wanted to offer a relevant local. ;)

24th July 2009, 02:38 PM
WTF is so good about this Twitter crap? Everybody raves about it like if its the best thing since the freaking wheel but it seems like yet another pointless and waste of time craze like Myspace.

I go in, put my name..What? I am supposed to write what i am doing now? WTF??? I am supposed to look for people through it and chat to them? Its that it? This sucks.

*WTF (World Transformers Federation)

Through all the hype, its just a simplified version of Facebook. So as Kup put it, WTF?

24th July 2009, 04:42 PM
I don't see how it's similar to facebook at all.

24th July 2009, 05:13 PM
I don't see how it's similar to facebook at all.

Well the way I see it is that you go onto Twitter to say whats on your mind and thats it. Whereas Facebook you do the same but it has all these other things u can do.

24th July 2009, 05:24 PM
I just want to vent as I had a heated talk with my dad. I've just finished building my house and there were a few changes I would of liked that council wouldn't approve. The arrogant SOB told me he could of changed them because of he knows and I'm too stupiod to talk to people properly to get the backhander deals that he gets.:mad:

24th July 2009, 06:56 PM
I just want to vent as I had a heated talk with my dad. I've just finished building my house and there were a few changes I would of liked that council wouldn't approve. The arrogant SOB told me he could of changed them because of he knows and I'm too stupiod to talk to people properly to get the backhander deals that he gets.:mad:

In some cases the worse one can do is listen to your father - Trust me I know.

Measure your accomplishments based on your own efforts and results not what someone else 'may have' been able to do.

24th July 2009, 07:07 PM
I'm getting a puppy from my cousin's friend, and every time I ring up to ask when I can pick the dog up, she always says in another week. I've rang 3 times, and every time she says In a couple of days, then it's a week ect. The dogs are 8 Weeks old, and have finished drinking thier mother's milk. I don't see why it's taking so long:mad:

Vector Sigma 13
24th July 2009, 07:12 PM
I agree. Be happy with your own decisions and judgements.:)

I find myself learning by mistakes all the time...:confused:

When im 90 ill be an expert in everything... :D

or dead:eek:

24th July 2009, 10:32 PM
Why do coles pay the 10% tax on femanine hygene products but not for male hygene products. Double standards coles! double standards!

24th July 2009, 10:38 PM
toywholesaler screwd me over :S

-breaths heavily-
-punches wall-
-goes to kill people online-


24th July 2009, 10:49 PM
toywholesaler screwd me over :S

-breaths heavily-
-punches wall-
-goes to kill people online-


He ripped you off?

24th July 2009, 10:50 PM
He ripped you off?

not exactly.
read the eastside thread....

Vector Sigma 13
28th July 2009, 09:41 PM
I think its about time to buy a house (going to look at one tommorrow).

Its pretty scary really but i feel it is the best decision for the family. Life has been pretty cushy until now and im a little nervous about tightening the belt.:(

My collecting's probably going to suffer unfortunately too- not taking this concept very well...:(

28th July 2009, 09:49 PM
My collecting's probably going to suffer unfortunately too- not taking this concept very well...:(

yeah im not look forward to that aspect either when i decide to move out wont have the money to burn on cars, comics and transformers :(

but good luck with your house hunting!! should move to the hills there awesome btw;)

28th July 2009, 09:50 PM
I think its about time to buy a house (going to look at one tommorrow).

Its pretty scary really but i feel it is the best decision for the family. Life has been pretty cushy until now and im a little nervous about tightening the belt.:(

My collecting's probably going to suffer unfortunately too- not taking this concept very well...:(

The best way to do that is probably by leaving some financial leverage left aside so you have something to fall on if things become difficult.

You don't want to put all your life savings on the initial mortgage pay or anything like that. You need a bit of money saved to fall back on in case something bad happens like one of you loosing their job. If you don't have a financial back up you risk loosing everything if you fall behind payments.

It's much easier if you have a dual income as you can support one another but it is very difficult or impossible to do it on a medium single wage income without sacrificing your way of life for many years (decades).

I am single and intend on remaining single for the rest of my life so to me getting a mortgage equals to a giant ball and chain. I am the type who believes in 'work to live' but a mortgage on a single income would make me into a 'live to work' kinda guy.

28th July 2009, 10:09 PM
I think its about time to buy a house (going to look at one tommorrow).

Its pretty scary really but i feel it is the best decision for the family. Life has been pretty cushy until now and im a little nervous about tightening the belt.:(

My collecting's probably going to suffer unfortunately too- not taking this concept very well...:(

I feel exactly the same! I'm looking to purchase an apartment and that means locking myself into a mortgage and which means less TF's. Its rather frightening thinking that I may lose some of my financial freedom once I take on a mortgage.

On a lighter note, I was just looking through domain.com and I saw some pictures of an apartment and what do I see? A display cabinet with some TF's in there! I guess its still possible to do :p

28th July 2009, 10:20 PM
On a lighter note, I was just looking through domain.com and I saw some pictures of an apartment and what do I see? A display cabinet with some TF's in there! I guess its still possible to do :p

Get them to throw that in! That's an excellent TF sighting!

I'm in the potential apartment buyer category too. It's not really a vent thing though, it's something it seems worthy of discussing in it's own thread perhaps.

28th July 2009, 11:39 PM
I think its about time to buy a house (going to look at one tommorrow).

Its pretty scary really but i feel it is the best decision for the family. Life has been pretty cushy until now and im a little nervous about tightening the belt.:(

My collecting's probably going to suffer unfortunately too- not taking this concept very well...:(

We all eventually have to give it up. Its inevitable. We'll get over it! Because it will be for the right cause.

Fungal Infection
29th July 2009, 12:55 AM
I think if you are willing to give up on the hobby in the short term, you will gain much more in the longterm. Several years back I sold 75% of my collection (TFs, Macross, Gundams etc....) to get a deposit for an investment property. And now 7 years later, the money I make from it goes towards paying it off and allows me a little extra to pay for my hobby now. Short term loss, long term gains. :cool:

Vector Sigma 13
29th July 2009, 07:05 AM
I think if you are willing to give up on the hobby in the short term, you will gain much more in the longterm. Several years back I sold 75% of my collection (TFs, Macross, Gundams etc....) to get a deposit for an investment property. And now 7 years later, the money I make from it goes towards paying it off and allows me a little extra to pay for my hobby now. Short term loss, long term gains. :cool:

This is what i was thinking. The property is relatively cheap compared to most but on the same token im a low income earner with 4 kids. So its a pretty big deal which i hope will benefit me in the long term.

Thanks for the feedback guys.

29th July 2009, 09:19 AM
Get them to throw that in! That's an excellent TF sighting!

I'm in the potential apartment buyer category too. It's not really a vent thing though, it's something it seems worthy of discussing in it's own thread perhaps.

It is indeed a great sighting. But unfortunately the apartment itself ain't that great :(

I think if you are willing to give up on the hobby in the short term, you will gain much more in the longterm. Several years back I sold 75% of my collection (TFs, Macross, Gundams etc....) to get a deposit for an investment property. And now 7 years later, the money I make from it goes towards paying it off and allows me a little extra to pay for my hobby now. Short term loss, long term gains. :cool:

Now that does give hope! Just hope that the apartment I buy will one day become a good investment...

I don't think its worth starting a new thread. So I'm gonna continue venting here.... Its very frustrating that there is hardly anything decent out there atm. There just seems to be a mass of crappy apartments that have been on the market for way too long. And what makes it even more frustrating is that when a nice one comes into the market you get these impulse buyers who think more with their heart then their head and they offer way more then its worth and they make it way to easy for the real estate agents. They think that just coz they've got the 1st home buyers grant they have more to spend or they can borrow more. Its ridiculous! Don't even get me started with the chinese international students who have craploads of money from their rich parents overseas and for whom price doesn't matter.

29th July 2009, 09:30 AM
I think its about time to buy a house (going to look at one tommorrow).

Its pretty scary really but i feel it is the best decision for the family. Life has been pretty cushy until now and im a little nervous about tightening the belt.:(

My collecting's probably going to suffer unfortunately too- not taking this concept very well...:(

I recentley bought a place, paying about $850 a fortnight on repayments, and will do for the next 30 years. Doesnt leave me with alot, but I will still buy tfs, just not as many :p
I pay the mortgage, my fiance pays for most other things, and hopefully she will get more hours soon. And I will hopefully be getting a higher paying job as well.

I's tough, but I'm sure you'll be right :)

29th July 2009, 02:55 PM
I'm getting a puppy from my cousin's friend, and every time I ring up to ask when I can pick the dog up, she always says in another week. I've rang 3 times, and every time she says In a couple of days, then it's a week ect. The dogs are 8 Weeks old, and have finished drinking thier mother's milk. I don't see why it's taking so long:mad:
Maybe the puppies are too cute and she can't bear to let them go. :p

What kind of breed are they? Maybe you can just pop by say you wanna have a look at them just to see how they are going? Don't forget to post a pic when you get him/her, I'm a dog person too. :)

Gutsman Heavy
29th July 2009, 04:08 PM
Bought the Watchmen on Blu-ray only to find out we didn't get the directors cut! What a pile of crap! that'll learn me to buy local!

29th July 2009, 04:10 PM
I saw this and thought I'd share it with the other potential home buyers

Bought the Watchmen on Blu-ray only to find out we didn't get the directors cut! What a pile of crap! that'll learn me to buy local!

The last article I read said that the Director's Cut isn't coming until later in the year. The trick is not to buy a DVD too early. I'm still waiting on a Director's Cut of Kill Bill to come one day.

Gutsman Heavy
29th July 2009, 04:17 PM
The last article I read said that the Director's Cut isn't coming until later in the year. The trick is not to buy a DVD too early.

I made the mistake of assuming we'd get it since it was released in the US. They only got the DC on Blu-ray and DVD, no theatrical cut. It seems the UK also got shafted, we just got the same disks as them, shame. I guess I'll wait for the uber 4 hour cut and import that :(

29th July 2009, 08:13 PM
Maybe the puppies are too cute and she can't bear to let them go. :p

What kind of breed are they? Maybe you can just pop by say you wanna have a look at them just to see how they are going? Don't forget to post a pic when you get him/her, I'm a dog person too. :)

I'm finally getting him tomorrow! He's a Australian Silky Terrier, and I have decided to name him Hamish. I know, I didn't name him after a transformer:D
I'll take pics and post them tomorrow afternoon.

Vector Sigma 13
29th July 2009, 10:57 PM
I saw this and thought I'd share it with the other potential home buyers

OMG- its me in that cartoon!:eek:

Ode to a Grasshopper
30th July 2009, 12:55 PM
On the topic of housing vents, I just ferried over from Tassie yesterday to check out houses for a few days, I get into Deakin uni Burwood about half past 11, see a great house ad being put up ($110 a week inc. bills and internet - bargain and according to the guy putting them up it's not even that overcrowded!) and call the landlady, only to find out it's just been filled.
If only I hadn't just missed the bus from Box Hill, if only my friend who lives next to Burwood campus had been able to put me up for a few days, if only I'd come over one day sooner...if only if only if only.*sigh*

30th July 2009, 01:27 PM
I'm finally getting him tomorrow! He's a Australian Silky Terrier, and I have decided to name him Hamish. I know, I didn't name him after a transformer:D I'll take pics and post them tomorrow afternoon.

Oh that's good to hear! Aussie silky terriers are pretty hyper and active as well, so make sure u have enclosed area for him to run and toys to let him bite otherwise he's gonna chew your shoes and stuff. :D

30th July 2009, 01:39 PM
On the topic of housing vents, I just ferried over from Tassie yesterday to check out houses for a few days, I get into Deakin uni Burwood about half past 11, see a great house ad being put up ($110 a week inc. bills and internet - bargain and according to the guy putting them up it's not even that overcrowded!) and call the landlady, only to find out it's just been filled.
If only I hadn't just missed the bus from Box Hill, if only my friend who lives next to Burwood campus had been able to put me up for a few days, if only I'd come over one day sooner...if only if only if only.*sigh*

Kinda reminds me of that movie Sliding Doors.

30th July 2009, 01:47 PM
Kinda reminds me of that movie Sliding Doors.

reminds me of Aqua's song if only I could turn back time.

30th July 2009, 01:53 PM
reminds me of Aqua's song if only I could turn back time.

reminds me of Cher's If I could turn back time :p

30th July 2009, 02:19 PM
On another note it's my turn to vent: :p

Have you ever felt that sometimes a person you thought of as a friend maybe doesn't quite feel the same way as you? Anyway I felt silly because I bawled my eyes out last night to the other half - that was how much it hurt me. And it didn't help that I was an ultra sensitive person and being a girlie too I reserve the right to be in that category. :D

Let's call him the random kid in school. You don't really know him well but you chatted on a few occasions, he gives you his lunch sometimes when you have no money for food and says that you can pay back later. You thought hey, that's really nice of him and you actually start to think of him as a friend, you ask about his school stuff, you chatted about the car he's buying and a bit on his personal life etc...

Then something happens, the random kid runs into some trouble. He suddenly stops communicating, you wonder what's wrong.

Then of course in every school there's Mr.P and Mr.I, is every person's best friend because they are always helping anyone in need, and to put people back into perspective when they are wrong. No harm in doing that at all, but maybe just sometimes they don't realize their tone might come across as somewhat targeting and over powering. But then again, everyone's used to it and understand what they mean anyway ;)

Anyway back to the story... And so Mr. P and Mr. I tried their best to help the random kid solve his trouble, but no one heard from the kid himself and so of course misunderstood Mr.P and Mr.I for wanting to make decisions on his behalf. At first I guess I sounded a bit offensive when I finally talked to the random kid. Then over night I thought it through and think to myself hey he must have some problems and won't be so harsh, so I contacted him the next day and told him to sort his trouble out in the way that works for him.

I also gave a gentle note that Mr.P and Mr.I might be trying to make decisions on his behalf as I didn't know better, I finally asked him later if there was anything wrong at school or personal life and was he ok. Never got a reply or whatsoever. Not that I wanted any acknowledgment or whatsoever, hell no! I didn't do anything. But I just felt like the dumb fool who tried to care and never even got any word back. Just plain naive I guess, something I should have learned ages ago...

Anyway this is not in anyway to dig anyone, it's a topic for venting and so a venting is just what I'm doing. ;)

30th July 2009, 03:22 PM
Gosh u are really taking this the wrong way! :confused: :eek:

The whole topic isn't about Mr. P or Mr. I okay? It was about the random kid not replying.

I get where you were coming from, it has happened to me before.

30th July 2009, 05:08 PM
I think its about time to buy a house (going to look at one tommorrow).

Its pretty scary really but i feel it is the best decision for the family. Life has been pretty cushy until now and im a little nervous about tightening the belt.:(

My collecting's probably going to suffer unfortunately too- not taking this concept very well...:(

As for me Im single as well, but Ive mapped it out well ahead that I got most of what I wanted in my collection (g1s) before I delve into the mortgage flow. It has indeed impacted in my collecting as half my salary automatically goes to my mortgage, but instead of a ball and chain as kup has said , I treat this as my biggest acquisition and is my pride and joy to own my own house. I made sure i got a lot of advise and help from my relos as it can get pretty stressfull for first home buyers. Not to mention everything looks rosy or scary at the same time. So an objective eye from a close concerned relo helps bring out points you may miss out in looking at houses. Dont settle for anything less. i almost did, good thing most of my relos were there to point it out. I had a look at 12 houses before finally deciding and spotting this one Im living in right now and am very very pleased with it. Got it for a lower price as well coz one of my relos kinda has a way with persuasions. :D

best make a list of what you expect and things you need to expect - plumbing, elctrical outlets, hot water system, rooms, any carpets etc. A lot of houses for sale are "cosmetically" enhanced to sell... learn to look past the new paint job and see what is underneath, are the cracks somewhere, any molds in the insides of cubboards , check under the sink etc..

30th July 2009, 06:21 PM
My perspective comes from someone who is completely alone in this regard and intends to remain single for life. I have no relatives, or contacts so everything would have to be done by myself. Then I have to work for 20+ years to pay off a mortgage at great cost to my enjoyment of life. Once the house is paid off I find myself as an old man and as I grow older I probably would have to consider selling the house so that I can go to some retirement village as there is no one to take care of me.

Now if I don't go for a mortgage and rent, I have the flexibility of living wherever I want based on my wage and able to put much greater savings into my account than if I had a mortgage. I continue renting for 20+ years with enough money to enjoy my life and contribute to my savings. By the time I get old I have enough money saved up to go to a retirement village to live the rest of my life confortably.

The way I see it from someone who is completely single, no family and has no interest in having lots of investments (where would it go after I die?) - both methods get me to the same ends but one gives me a richer stress free life with more freedom to enjoy life while the other makes me more of a slave to the mortgage.

Now I understand that I could be completely narrow minded on this so I would very much appreciate someone who can enlighten me and who can give me me their point of view on why one of these ways is better:

a. Work your butt off for a mortgage at the cost of your enjoyment of life and then having to sell the house at your old age to retire to a retirement village but with good money in the bank to support you until the end.

b. Having enough financial freedom to enjoy your life as much as well as contribute strongly to your savings and then have more than enough money saved up to retire to a retirement village with more than enough money to sustain yourself until the end.

Naturally method 'a' would give me much greater 'riches' in the sense of what my state is worth but at the cost of much of my life as I have to dedicate many years to a mortgage which the investment will mostly stay in the bank anyway and doesn't impact my standard of living all that much. The other method gives me the same standard of living but with less riches in the bank but still enough to live the rest of my days confortably and not disimilar to the guy in method 'a'.

Edit: Keep in mind that my way of life does not include anyone else. So when I die it all goes up in smoke as there is no one to 'leave' anything to so it doesn't matter what my investments are worth.

30th July 2009, 06:48 PM
Kup, did you just spontaneously appear on earth one day? Am i reading it right, you have no family at all?!

You're gonna be working your butt off no matter how you break it down, so it's just a matter of what you want to spend it on.

At least if you have a partner you can share the wealth/costs. And if you have a partner, your needs change - i've been renting for 5 years and we're readying to buy a house soon - the mortgage cost won't be a whole lot more than our rent. Some people's enjoyment comes from having a house and living a family life, so it's not necessarily at the cost of any enjoyment like you say. And lord knows i need more space for shelves and shelves of toys!

30th July 2009, 06:50 PM
Edit: Keep in mind that my way of life does not include anyone else. So when I die it all goes up in smoke as there is no one to 'leave' anything to so it doesn't matter what my investments are worth.

Remember old friend , im more then happy to inherit your collection.


30th July 2009, 07:41 PM
Kup, did you just spontaneously appear on earth one day? Am i reading it right, you have no family at all?!

You're gonna be working your butt off no matter how you break it down, so it's just a matter of what you want to spend it on.

At least if you have a partner you can share the wealth/costs. And if you have a partner, your needs change - i've been renting for 5 years and we're readying to buy a house soon - the mortgage cost won't be a whole lot more than our rent. Some people's enjoyment comes from having a house and living a family life, so it's not necessarily at the cost of any enjoyment like you say. And lord knows i need more space for shelves and shelves of toys!

It's not that I don't literally have no family, its that they are no longer part of my life and very far away from me where they should stay. Long story and the outcome is for the better.

Also keep in mind that my psychology is very different from what would be deemed as normal. I don't care for companionship and happier when alone.

30th July 2009, 07:43 PM
Well you won't meet Mrs. Right with that attitude! :)

30th July 2009, 07:44 PM
Remember old friend , im more then happy to inherit your collection.


I would actually give anything of worth like that to fans or worthy place/institution (if it is still appreciated) so if you are still alive by 2060 then why not? ;)

30th July 2009, 07:49 PM
Well you won't meet Mrs. Right with that attitude! :)

That's the point - I don't have that need so I am not looking for Mrs Right as I don't care to find her. I understand that its difficult for most people to relate but I am the type who doesn't need companionship to live, I don't have that instinct.

I am more interested in someone who can point out a flaw in my reasoning regarding a single person who is completely solo getting a mortgage instead of renting and saving.

30th July 2009, 08:04 PM
Turn your sarcasm meter up a notch, i was only kidding about Mrs. Right!

I don't think there's a flaw in whatever you decide to do. If you don't need a house, you don't need a house....

And what exactly are you saving for if not a house? I have 2 jobs and my wife another - if we weren't looking to get a house, we'd have a shitload of $$$ in the bank that is ultimately just 'security' blanket - multiple times as much as we'd need to rent and enjoy ourselves. And like you said, eventually it'd be worth nothing to no-one when we die, if we don't have kids. Who cares, you'd be dead!

30th July 2009, 08:24 PM
Turn your sarcasm meter up a notch, i was only kidding about Mrs. Right!

I don't think there's a flaw in whatever you decide to do. If you don't need a house, you don't need a house....

And what exactly are you saving for if not a house? I have 2 jobs and my wife another - if we weren't looking to get a house, we'd have a shitload of $$$ in the bank that is ultimately just 'security' blanket - multiple times as much as we'd need to rent and enjoy ourselves. And like you said, eventually it'd be worth nothing to no-one when we die, if we don't have kids. Who cares, you'd be dead!

I have to save to be able to retire comfortably but that's long term saving. Short term savings for me are generally things that I enjoy including traveling overseas like visiting historical places in Europe and so forth - explore the world and of course TFs :)

Turn your sarcasm meter up a notch, i was only kidding about Mrs. Right!
Sorry - that was my own frustration with people always telling me crap like "don't worry the right person will show up" when they ask if I have a girlfriend and I say no. They assume that I am looking for one or that I am feeling sad for not having one as if that matters to me.

31st July 2009, 12:11 AM
Now if I don't go for a mortgage and rent, I have the flexibility of living wherever I want based on my wage and able to put much greater savings into my account than if I had a mortgage. I continue renting for 20+ years with enough money to enjoy my life and contribute to my savings. By the time I get old I have enough money saved up to go to a retirement village to live the rest of my life confortably.

The way I see it from someone who is completely single, no family and has no interest in having lots of investments (where would it go after I die?) - both methods get me to the same ends but one gives me a richer stress free life with more freedom to enjoy life while the other makes me more of a slave to the mortgage.

Now I understand that I could be completely narrow minded on this so I would very much appreciate someone who can enlighten me and who can give me me their point of view on why one of these ways is better:

a. Work your butt off for a mortgage at the cost of your enjoyment of life and then having to sell the house at your old age to retire to a retirement village but with good money in the bank to support you until the end.

b. Having enough financial freedom to enjoy your life as much as well as contribute strongly to your savings and then have more than enough money saved up to retire to a retirement village with more than enough money to sustain yourself until the end.

Naturally method 'a' would give me much greater 'riches' in the sense of what my state is worth but at the cost of much of my life as I have to dedicate many years to a mortgage which the investment will mostly stay in the bank anyway and doesn't impact my standard of living all that much. The other method gives me the same standard of living but with less riches in the bank but still enough to live the rest of my days confortably and not disimilar to the guy in method 'a'.

Kup, first of all, good on you for being content in singleness, its trully a blessing that not many people can take on.

Regarding you question/comment about mortgage vs rent. Well this is the way I see. Whilst yes you are correct in that if you get a mortgage you will spend years paying that off. But at the same time if you plan to rent for the rest of your life, you're effectively paying for someone elses mortgage.

So it comes down to:
* Rent - Pay someone elses mortgage and don't own your own home
* Mortgage - Pay your own and own your own home.

I would say mortgage is the much more attractive option even if you are single. Keep in mind that rent does fluctuate just as interest rates fluctuate.

I realise its very simplified, but i think you get the idea.

31st July 2009, 10:25 AM
Kup, first of all, good on you for being content in singleness, its trully a blessing that not many people can take on.

Regarding you question/comment about mortgage vs rent. Well this is the way I see. Whilst yes you are correct in that if you get a mortgage you will spend years paying that off. But at the same time if you plan to rent for the rest of your life, you're effectively paying for someone elses mortgage.

So it comes down to:
* Rent - Pay someone elses mortgage and don't own your own home
* Mortgage - Pay your own and own your own home.

I would say mortgage is the much more attractive option even if you are single. Keep in mind that rent does fluctuate just as interest rates fluctuate.

I realise its very simplified, but i think you get the idea.

Thanks for your views.

I understand that rent means paying someone else's mortgage but it also allows me more money to live as the rent is always much lower than a mortgage. I am not materialistic so I don't care about having properties or anything of the sort as long as I am happy and with enough money to enjoy life the way I see it. I feel that given the currently over inflated property prices, getting a mortgage will impede that as for a single income it will always be the over bearing aspect of my finances limiting what I can do and more into what I can't do.

My point is that for someone who is single and does not care about having lots of investment and money in the bank, the outcome after retirement of having a mortgage and renting for life seems too close together as far as the standard of living is concerned with the exception that I haven't spend 20-30 years of my life working to pay it.

31st July 2009, 10:37 AM
I understand where kup is coming from. Some people just don't want the tether of a mortgage. I used to work with a lady in her 50s who had never married or had kids, nor did she had any intention of ever doing so. She'd move around a lot, was quite content with the family she had (siblings, neices, nephews, etc), and simply found that renting gave her both the disposable income and flexibility she wanted.

31st July 2009, 10:47 AM
Not owning a home is a stigma born in the USA and exported to Australia. Europeans do not suffer from this, but granted they have considerbly greater protections as renters.

A home is a 30 year financial investment. Depending on the climate of things and your own financial status, a lot of times it is not the best investment.

The house I rent in Melbourne costs me a bit under $1800 per month. To purchase this house would cost me double, $3600 per month in mortgage alone. Let's not forget that as a renter, I'm not concerned with rates, building insurance, renovations, maintenance or countless other expenses, of which as an owner, a mortgage is only the first.

If I can successfully put away that remaining $1800 in more lucrative investments, at say 10% per annum, and in most cases, I'm actually going to do better than a homeowner, and if I actively participate in my investments, have much greater control and ability to move with the market. Another nice thing is, that if for whatever reason I can't put away that extra $1800 this month or this year, I don't lose the roof over my head.

And there's the great freedoms that renters have that homeowners do not. Like Kup says, he can work and live any place he wants. Renters can finish up a lease, go travel the world for 6 months to 6 years, come back and not have lost anything in the process. I'm moving to QLD in 6 months. I only plan on living there about 5 years and the moving somewhere else, possibly even internationally. These would not be options with a mortgage.

Unlike Kup, I have a family, and still, I do not see the economic sense in home ownership for my situation either. That's not to say that no one should own a home. It's just pointing out that it's a lot more complex than this:

So it comes down to:
* Rent - Pay someone elses mortgage and don't own your own home
* Mortgage - Pay your own and own your own home.

31st July 2009, 10:51 AM
I am more interested in someone who can point out a flaw in my reasoning regarding a single person who is completely solo getting a mortgage instead of renting and saving.

Don't know if I can point out a flaw here as I hate debt, have none and wouldn't like the thought of being tethered to a mortgage...


my brother and I...

(1) I don't have a mortgage, have much more disposable income, cash on hand and savings than him.

(2)He is around 100-150,000 dollars wealthier in real terms than I am and if he sold up now he'd be in the same position as me except with that decent amount more in the bank than myself because he chose to get a mortgage.

It's not a bad investment and one you needn't feel truly tethered to as you can sell when you want.

31st July 2009, 11:11 AM
I don't think a mortgage is a bad thing. At the end of it you have a property which is yours and you can do what you like with it including selling it.
I have a mortgage which I'm paying off at double the minimum rate set so instead of being tethered to it for 25+ years I should be free of it within 6 or 7 years (fingers crossed). After that point if my income stays around the same mark the amount going into the mortgage will free up and I can look into other investments. Short term pain long term gain.

31st July 2009, 11:22 AM
And there's the great freedoms that renters have that homeowners do not. Like Kup says, he can work and live any place he wants. Renters can finish up a lease, go travel the world for 6 months to 6 years, come back and not have lost anything in the process. I'm moving to QLD in 6 months. I only plan on living there about 5 years and the moving somewhere else, possibly even internationally. These would not be options with a mortgage.

It could also work the other way around. You may find yourself in the position that when you move to QLD and find that perfect place to rent, the owner may one day all of a sudden decide to sell (for whatever reason) to someone who doesn't want to rent and you'll have to move even if you don't want to.

Its happened to me before and it wasn't the most convenient of circumstances given how tight the rent market was at the time.

There are inherent advantages and disadvantages in both renting and mortgaging. What it comes down to is what best suits your situation.

31st July 2009, 11:35 AM
reminds me of Cher's If I could turn back time :p

Hahahaha same thing I thought of first - Will and Grace episode - Jack gets slapped by his idol.

31st July 2009, 12:03 PM
It could also work the other way around. You may find yourself in the position that when you move to QLD and find that perfect place to rent, the owner may one day all of a sudden decide to sell (for whatever reason) to someone who doesn't want to rent and you'll have to move even if you don't want to.

You're 100% correct. And that's even actually happened to me twice personally.

There are inherent advantages and disadvantages in both renting and mortgaging. What it comes down to is what best suits your situation.

Perfectly put.

31st July 2009, 01:24 PM
Sorry - that was my own frustration with people always telling me crap like "don't worry the right person will show up" when they ask if I have a girlfriend and I say no. They assume that I am looking for one or that I am feeling sad for not having one as if that matters to me.

You and I both, as if my life isnt complete and happy as it is and people keep "referring" me to this girl and that. Sheesh. Besides, for me, single blessedness IS a blessing for those of us content with just ourselves.:)

31st July 2009, 04:13 PM
Crappy! I'm gonna have to work weekend again. That or work late weeknights. :rolleyes: :( :mad:

31st July 2009, 04:14 PM
Crappy! I'm gonna have to work weekend again. That or work late weeknights. :rolleyes: :( :mad:

I prefer late at night than weekends.

31st July 2009, 04:47 PM
I prefer late at night than weekends.

Yeah, but I've already worked 9-5 on weekdays and then backed it up with other stuff on teh side. So weekend's are a punk

Vector Sigma 13
31st July 2009, 08:56 PM
Well i got a call today saying the offer i made on the house and land was accepted:). Thats cool so i head down to my local broker to organize some finance only to be informed that a whole bunch of lending policies have changed since my last visit at the beginning of the year:eek:. Must have had my head in the sand or something as all the changes occured as of July 1. So now Im in a predicament in that i have to raise a substantial amount of money if all is to go ahead. Bugger it all- i hoped it would all run a little smoother than this. :confused:

Gotta get the house inspected too (havent told the agent yet) because the house is old and has been a bit neglected. We a re hoping to live in the house until my missus finishes uni (about 3 years) and then renovate it. So if the building inspector says stay away then the house will go back onto the market. The big thing that is luring us to this place is the large 2 acre block it is on and the houses old design (high ceilings/ roof, traditional style).

With four kids we need a lot of room!:D

Gutsman Heavy
1st August 2009, 02:49 PM
hope it works out for ya, gonna need that room for more TFs!

2nd August 2009, 09:59 AM
Well i got a call today saying the offer i made on the house and land was accepted:). Thats cool so i head down to my local broker to organize some finance only to be informed that a whole bunch of lending policies have changed since my last visit at the beginning of the year:eek:. Must have had my head in the sand or something as all the changes occured as of July 1. So now Im in a predicament in that i have to raise a substantial amount of money if all is to go ahead. Bugger it all- i hoped it would all run a little smoother than this. :confused:

Yea I know what you mean. My fiance and I decided "F*** it, lets go buy a house and get a homeloan, renting is a pain in the ass"
I took a day off work coz I felt like it, we decided to go to Rams and ask about a homeloan, to tell us we came in just at the right time because they still had the "No-deposit" homeloan offer going, and was ending just a few days after we were there. Luck was definately on our side, coz saving up a deposit is hard I can imagine.

Dont worry though dude, I'm sure it will work out for ya, just gotta hang in there :)

2nd August 2009, 10:39 AM
Well i got a call today saying the offer i made on the house and land was accepted:). Thats cool so i head down to my local broker to organize some finance only to be informed that a whole bunch of lending policies have changed since my last visit at the beginning of the year:eek:. Must have had my head in the sand or something as all the changes occured as of July 1. So now Im in a predicament in that i have to raise a substantial amount of money if all is to go ahead. Bugger it all- i hoped it would all run a little smoother than this. :confused:

Gotta get the house inspected too (havent told the agent yet) because the house is old and has been a bit neglected. We a re hoping to live in the house until my missus finishes uni (about 3 years) and then renovate it. So if the building inspector says stay away then the house will go back onto the market. The big thing that is luring us to this place is the large 2 acre block it is on and the houses old design (high ceilings/ roof, traditional style).

With four kids we need a lot of room!:D

Hmmm I can picture that house now, high ceilings you say... large 2 acre lot. Sounds lovely! Twood suit a cottage style interior decor and a nice country garden at the back, plenty of space indeed for the kiddies. Hope all goes well VS.

4th August 2009, 08:37 PM
I need to vent...

People that don't/wont/can't post pics in the acquisitions thread!:mad:
Wtf is up with that? Nothing so lame and boring as reading someone's post..

"I got latest piece of common crap, moulded plastic from the same s#!+hole retailer and I can't be arsed showing proof or posting a pic so just take my word for it!"

At least if we're buying crap we could try to snazz it up a little bit with some freaking happy snaps! I'm sorry if I sound mean guys but c'mon...can't we put a little bit of effort into our show and tell?

4th August 2009, 08:42 PM
I need to vent...

People that don't/wont/can't post pics in the acquisitions thread!:mad:
Wtf is up with that? Nothing so lame and boring as reading someone's post..

"I got latest piece of common crap, moulded plastic from the same s#!+hole retailer and I can't be arsed showing proof or posting a pic so just take my word for it!"

At least if we're buying crap we could try to snazz it up a little bit with some freaking happy snaps! I'm sorry if I sound mean guys but c'mon...can't we put a little bit of effort into our show and tell?

My 2 cents

In fact make a g1 acquisition thread so i dont have to sort thru 20 pages of s*#t to see something that remotely interests me :p

4th August 2009, 08:45 PM
You can always start one yourself, and see if anyone actually uses it.

4th August 2009, 08:46 PM
My 2 cents

In fact make a g1 acquisition thread so i dont have to sort thru 20 pages of s*#t to see something that remotely interests me :p

Agreed (or '+1' as they say).

It's be really nice for the purity of the elite G1 treasures to not be tainted by being in the same thread as the common munky/movie/modern....stuff.

4th August 2009, 10:11 PM
+1 to the +1

4th August 2009, 10:31 PM
I need to vent...

People that don't/wont/can't post pics in the acquisitions thread!:mad:
Wtf is up with that? Nothing so lame and boring as reading someone's post..

"I got latest piece of common crap, moulded plastic from the same s#!+hole retailer and I can't be arsed showing proof or posting a pic so just take my word for it!"

At least if we're buying crap we could try to snazz it up a little bit with some freaking happy snaps! I'm sorry if I sound mean guys but c'mon...can't we put a little bit of effort into our show and tell?

Well I post off my phone 99% of the time and can't be bothered with the time and data involved so show people pics of someting everyone has seen. If it is something not current maybe, or a first sighting I post but usually I just don't want to.

It still helps people who don't read/miss current sightings and I have been pmed about location befor.

It's funny I hate pics in the thread, do I really need to use data looking at another pic of the same toy I have seen in every second post.

Even without pics it is still start discussion.

4th August 2009, 11:06 PM
+1 to both

Sometimes I want pictures sometimes I don't (usually when I'm on my crappy internet connection at home :p)

Golden Phoenix
4th August 2009, 11:19 PM
I need to vent...

People that don't/wont/can't post pics in the acquisitions thread!:mad:
Wtf is up with that? Nothing so lame and boring as reading someone's post..

"I got latest piece of common crap, moulded plastic from the same s#!+hole retailer and I can't be arsed showing proof or posting a pic so just take my word for it!"

At least if we're buying crap we could try to snazz it up a little bit with some freaking happy snaps! I'm sorry if I sound mean guys but c'mon...can't we put a little bit of effort into our show and tell?

I would but I don't got a camera. Don't post in there very often anyway

5th August 2009, 12:06 AM
I would but I don't got a camera. Don't post in there very often anyway

I got a camera but cbf at the moment. I've got a wad of PMs to reply too that I haven't even gotten around to so screw photos.

Though I've got to admit I've been trying to force myself back into taking pictures. Hopefully someday soon...

5th August 2009, 08:57 AM
Not happy this morning :( . Went to the post office to pick up my Alternity order from Robot Kingdom. Thought, hmm this box is a bit smaller than I expected. Opened it and instead of 9 Alternity toys, there were only 3! I'm missing two-thirds of my order! I've sent them an email asking please explain.

Feeling really bad about group orders at the moment. I suggested this new Group Orders section on the board, and it seems every order since has gone bad.

5th August 2009, 09:53 AM
It was a great idea Paul and still is. :) I think we'll ALL end up venting if all of a sudden there'll be no more group orders. :p

5th August 2009, 10:54 AM
My anger keeps getting the better of me, but it is only when I am at work.
I really need to get a handle on my anger.
Already this morning I have broken about 10 pens :mad:

Does anyone have good destressing techniques they use?

(I really need a new job :p)

5th August 2009, 10:56 AM
Does anyone have good destressing techniques they use?

Breaking pens... :o:p

5th August 2009, 11:00 AM
I feel more and more the urge to punch slow walking people in the back of their head...

Maybe I'm getting old... :o

5th August 2009, 11:36 AM
I feel more and more the urge to punch slow walking people in the back of their head...

Maybe I'm getting old... :o

I feel the same way, I get that alot when I walk to work.

Maybe work IS the problem... :p

5th August 2009, 10:03 PM
Already this morning I have broken about 10 pens :mad:

Does anyone have good destressing techniques they use?

cant help you on that one, one morning i was meeting up with some friends for breakfast before work and i couldnt find my keys and then suddenly there was a hole in the wall :o

although ive always thought about buying a punching bag to help destress

6th August 2009, 11:31 AM
My anger keeps getting the better of me, but it is only when I am at work.
I really need to get a handle on my anger.
Already this morning I have broken about 10 pens :mad:

Does anyone have good destressing techniques they use?

(I really need a new job :p)

stress ball?

Gutsman Heavy
9th August 2009, 07:28 PM
Had a bit of a tense few days due to a fight with the girlfriend, my (admittedly weak) attempts to smooth things out has resulted in receiving the SMS "Go to hell I hate you"

Look out lady's looks like Gutsman might be back on the market. F**k. :(

Golden Phoenix
9th August 2009, 07:33 PM
Had a bit of a tense few days due to a fight with the girlfriend, my (admittedly weak) attempts to smooth things out has resulted in receiving the SMS "Go to hell I hate you"

Look out lady's looks like Gutsman might be back on the market. F**k. :(

With a response like that I'd just give her a bit of space.
These woman creatures are nasty pieces of work when pissed

9th August 2009, 07:59 PM
Had a bit of a tense few days due to a fight with the girlfriend, my (admittedly weak) attempts to smooth things out has resulted in receiving the SMS "Go to hell I hate you"

Look out lady's looks like Gutsman might be back on the market. F**k. :(

Do you want me to have a word with her for you?
PM her number and leave it in Unky Digger's hands! ;)

You can trust me...

Golden Phoenix
9th August 2009, 08:40 PM
Do you want me to have a word with her for you?
PM her number and leave it in Unky Digger's hands! ;)

You can trust me...


Vector Sigma 13
9th August 2009, 08:43 PM
I feel more and more the urge to punch slow walking people in the back of their head...

Maybe I'm getting old... :o

Just go with it dude!

Had a bit of a tense few days due to a fight with the girlfriend, my (admittedly weak) attempts to smooth things out has resulted in receiving the SMS "Go to hell I hate you"

Look out lady's looks like Gutsman might be back on the market. F**k. :(

Yeah mate let her settle down a bit and see how you go.

10th August 2009, 07:33 AM
Hi guys just an update on the Alex Milne posters fiasco at TFCOn.ca

they sent me an email ( yes they're still alive:eek:) stating a sorry and saying that that email wasnt being checked when there is no ongoing convention - fair enough BUT, still doesnt explain why the heck the posters never arrived. Anyway they asked for shipping address again which I emailed them back - but since I have that niggling feeling they might not check that emial again for a very long time ( more like next convention time) I had to think of resending to another person - that of this Mr Colin Douglas of Cybertron.ca since on paypal he was the one to receive the payment for the posters anyways.

For you melbourne guys who may not have received it as well here's his email . Ive sent him a lengthy civil but obviously irritated client email at.


Ive sent a copy to Lint & Linthart via pm as I dont know who was organizing on your group. As well as a copy of my email sent to him for their reading pleasure or boredom. Ive made mention of your group's dissapointment (shouldve been anger, anxiety, stress?)about not receiving as well. Though a nother irritated but very civil email should serve to reinforce the fact that they should wake up and improve their services.......:(Hope this helps.

10th August 2009, 09:03 AM
Good luck Gutsman with you and your gf.

Good luck to liegeprime too and all those who ordered the litho.

10th August 2009, 11:51 AM
Hi guys just an update on the Alex Milne posters fiasco at TFCOn.ca

they sent me an email ( yes they're still alive:eek:) stating a sorry and saying that that email wasnt being checked when there is no ongoing convention - fair enough BUT, still doesnt explain why the heck the posters never arrived. Anyway they asked for shipping address again which I emailed them back - but since I have that niggling feeling they might not check that emial again for a very long time ( more like next convention time) I had to think of resending to another person - that of this Mr Colin Douglas of Cybertron.ca since on paypal he was the one to receive the payment for the posters anyways.

For you melbourne guys who may not have received it as well here's his email . Ive sent him a lengthy civil but obviously irritated client email at.


Ive sent a copy to Lint & Linthart via pm as I dont know who was organizing on your group. As well as a copy of my email sent to him for their reading pleasure or boredom. Ive made mention of your group's dissapointment (shouldve been anger, anxiety, stress?)about not receiving as well. Though a nother irritated but very civil email should serve to reinforce the fact that they should wake up and improve their services.......:(Hope this helps.

It may not all be lost since they have replied to you and asked for a shipping address. Good luck!

10th August 2009, 01:48 PM
Ive sent a copy to Lint & Linthart via pm as I dont know who was organizing on your group.

Lint (Perth, WA) is prolly going, WTF is this abt?? LOL :p

10th August 2009, 03:49 PM
Hey liege, we've been documenting our other struggles with TFCon in the VIC Order thread (http://www.otca.com.au/boards/showthread.php?t=4263). Have a look there for general updates too.

12th August 2009, 07:33 AM
I find it so annoying when someone in (or who has been in) a relationship tells me to be happy about being single. They can't understand the point of why I'm upset if they've had the luck I haven't.

(wow my phone did some weird formatting to this post! Fixed now)

And more annoying that's its pretty much a stranger, a girl I went to school with over 10 years ago and was never friends with at school anyway. I need to be more selective with accepting Facebook friend requests.

Ode to a Grasshopper
12th August 2009, 10:22 AM
:( I hear ya buddy, I was a late entrant to the dating game too so I went there many a time. The only thing worse is when they decide your being alone and miserable makes you a great person to complain to about their (often pretty lame-ass) partners and/or ask 'what they should do'? As long as we're opening old deep wounds anyway, let's add some salt!:rolleyes:

In the 'be-happy' brigade's favor, though, you're still doing better than Eva Braun.

12th August 2009, 11:09 AM
I get annoyed when the reverse happens. They assume that I am not happy because I am single. That really pisses me off not because of the 'single' angle but because they are assuming that there is something wrong with me because I am not conforming to their conformist view of happiness.

12th August 2009, 12:03 PM
Well I have that conformist view of happiness so I am perpetuating that belief. I don't think I will be really happy until I've had some sort of relationship (and I don't mean the happily ever after thing, just the sort of "first love" I should have had 15 years ago).

12th August 2009, 12:11 PM
Well I have that conformist view of happiness so I am perpetuating that belief. I don't think I will be really happy until I've had some sort of relationship (and I don't mean the happily ever after thing, just the sort of "first love" I should have had 15 years ago).

It's not conformist if its something you want to do rather than something you do because its what society expects of you.

You are also not an old man. There is still lots of time for what you want to happen which it could very possibly happen since you are looking. It is better to be with someone that's right for you even if it takes a long time than to be in a disaster of a relationship with someone who you have little in common with.

Obviously I cannot give solid advice as I am do not have experience with such things but from what I can observe - It's far from being a lost cause so don't give up

12th August 2009, 12:15 PM
I think it's somewhat conformist for me since when I was in the US and away from everybody I knew being alone didn't bother me as much. But back home I think people judge me for the worst because I'm single and it feels like I should have someone to be with.

And for a gay man, I am old. Like I said I don't expect to spend the rest of my life with my first bf, I just want to have a first bf to prove to myself it's possible.

12th August 2009, 12:19 PM
I think it's somewhat conformist for me since when I was in the US and away from everybody I knew being alone didn't bother me as much. But back home I think people judge me for the worst because I'm single and it feels like I should have someone to be with.

And for a gay man, I am old. Like I said I don't expect to spend the rest of my life with my first bf, I just want to have a first bf to prove to myself it's possible.

You are not old.

12th August 2009, 01:01 PM
cant find anyone to take me driving >.<

thought i was finally over this cold but cant talk as it tickles my thraot

Gutsman Heavy
12th August 2009, 02:33 PM
My woman troubles are all sorted out now. Hehehe like putty in my hands.

Paulbot, there is no chance you're too old! I wish I could offer some real advice/help but I'm a relationship noob, all I can say is hang in there and it will fall into place one day.

12th August 2009, 02:56 PM
Glad to hear it Gutsman! :)

12th August 2009, 03:30 PM
Robzy... I don't remember Ghostbusters looking this hot... :eek:

12th August 2009, 04:48 PM
Robzy... I don't remember Ghostbusters looking this hot... :eek:;)

12th August 2009, 07:38 PM
Yes Robzy, you need to post more often :p

I wanna see that pic in every thread. :D

12th August 2009, 08:31 PM
Robzy... I don't remember Ghostbusters looking this hot... :eek:
Indeed. Harold Ramis and Dan Aykroyd is certainly looking very buxom these days. :D

Golden Phoenix
12th August 2009, 11:10 PM
Yes Robzy, you need to post more often :p

I wanna see that pic in every thread. :D

Agreed. Especially in this thread. I was going to vent but now I don't feel angry about it anymore

12th August 2009, 11:57 PM
Agreed. Especially in this thread. I was going to vent but now I don't feel angry about it anymore

yeah, who can feel angry when you see those four two lovely ladies :D


13th August 2009, 12:37 AM
I want to be their friend...

13th August 2009, 07:39 AM
Doesn't help everyone.:rolleyes:

13th August 2009, 09:50 AM
Doesn't help everyone.:rolleyes:

Well, they're not ghostbusters, but will these do (http://cprfirefighter.com/yahoo_site_admin/assets/images/photo_shoot1.146155112_std.jpg)? Or maybe these (http://www.firefighterscalendar.com/art05/jpgs/IMG_9201.jpg)?
And to be fair to the rest here... I found these (http://www.pestiside.hu/entry_images/firefighter-calendar.jpg) 'qualified' people as well. :D

(...busting makes me feel good...)

13th August 2009, 09:54 AM
Equal opportunity perving is always a good thing.

Set me up with one of those guys and all anger might go away.

13th August 2009, 02:16 PM
Wow... my sig's caused quite a stir :eek::D (in 2 separate threads no less)

All over Oz... TF fans' computer screens are fogging up...

13th August 2009, 04:30 PM
Since this a venting thread, I'd like to complain about Robzy's signature. I'm not a fan of excessively out-of-proportion women (pronounced "breast implants"). So I'm offended and pissed yadda yadda :p

13th August 2009, 04:57 PM
There's only way to find out if they're implants. I regrettably volunteer myself for the testing procedure.

13th August 2009, 08:13 PM
There's only way to find out if they're implants. I regrettably volunteer myself for the testing procedure.

When undertaking any sort of medical exam, you should always seek a second opinion. I offer my services free of charge :D

13th August 2009, 08:46 PM
I don't care if they're real or not. I feel like having 4 hands.

27th August 2009, 05:20 AM
After going through all the hoohah in putting together a new conference paper (more like copying & pasting from my own previous papers... :o:D) and being told I SHOULD tag along to the Gold Coast conference for a few days, I'm now told they actually don't have enough funding to pay for my trip. Conference registration + return air fare + hotel fees add up to over $2000 :eek: and there's no way I'll be paying for even half of that out of my own pocket at my current financial state. :o And for $2000 I could really have an oversea trip instead, or have the money saved for next year's BotCon. :p

I got all excited thinking I could go visit bossbot and others in Brisbane then fly to see Melb + Syd fans with cheap Jetstar air fares. :( Will see what my boss says on Monday now. With me and another 2 girls not going, his entourage is now down from 4 to 1. It'll be a record if he ends up presenting 4 papers by himself at a single conference. :eek: I guess there's still a very "slim" chance he'll pay for my trip :p but I wouldn't count on it. :o

27th August 2009, 07:32 AM
If its official business your entitled to be compensated or better yet your expenses SHOULD be budgetted for Kyle.... no questions about that...if they're expecting YOU to pay for official business stuff like this conference trip for presentation then they got to be kidding.... UNION rules!:mad:

27th August 2009, 10:55 AM
Nah it's ok. I'll simply not go. I cannot get on a plane if they don't already have a paid air ticket for me. And I won't be allocated a presentation time slot if they don't pay for my conference registration. :o

Gutsman Heavy
27th August 2009, 03:54 PM
$50 seems it have vanished from the bank account, I'll give it a day to update and see whats what, other wise I'll have to pay the bank a visit.

27th August 2009, 06:37 PM
After going through all the hoohah in putting together a new conference paper (more like copying & pasting from my own previous papers... :o:D) and being told I SHOULD tag along to the Gold Coast conference for a few days, I'm now told they actually don't have enough funding to pay for my trip. Conference registration + return air fare + hotel fees add up to over $2000 :eek: and there's no way I'll be paying for even half of that out of my own pocket at my current financial state. :o And for $2000 I could really have an oversea trip instead, or have the money saved for next year's BotCon. :p

I got all excited thinking I could go visit bossbot and others in Brisbane then fly to see Melb + Syd fans with cheap Jetstar air fares. :( Will see what my boss says on Monday now. With me and another 2 girls not going, his entourage is now down from 4 to 1. It'll be a record if he ends up presenting 4 papers by himself at a single conference. :eek: I guess there's still a very "slim" chance he'll pay for my trip :p but I wouldn't count on it. :o

Were they actually expecting you to pay for it or did the funding get cut back?

Sucks either way tho :(

31st August 2009, 01:11 PM
Came oh so close over the weekend to purchasing a townhouse (was gonna sign the contract) but pulled out last minute because we found some issues with the place.

Oh the disappointment! :(

31st August 2009, 01:55 PM
Came oh so close over the weekend to purchasing a townhouse (was gonna sign the contract) but pulled out last minute because we found some issues with the place.

Oh the disappointment! :(

Townhouses are usually rubbish anyway. And houses are too damn expensive. You could be lucky however and find a gem that is in your price range, so dont give up on it.

31st August 2009, 04:27 PM
can someone please tell me why today is such a blue cold monday!!

31st August 2009, 05:18 PM
can someone please tell me why today is such a blue cold monday!!

The wind changed, no more hot air from the west. It's back to "normal" for this time of year again.

Tabias Prime
31st August 2009, 09:30 PM
can someone please tell me why today is such a blue cold monday!!

thats because you live in Melbourne:p:p:p

Sky Shadow
31st August 2009, 10:39 PM
can someone please tell me why today is such a blue cold monday!!

Because it's the last day of winter?

1st September 2009, 03:31 AM
Were they actually expecting you to pay for it or did the funding get cut back?

Sucks either way tho :(

My boss apparently will cover for me now out of his own research funding. Now because it is not my "own money" (money allocated to me officially by the university), I don't have much say in how I plan my trip. And I feel much less inclined to ask him if I can have my return flight booked a couple of days after the end of the conference (and that I'd pay for all additional expenses). If I mention I'd pay for additional expenses he'll ask me hey Kyle why don't you help pay for the actual conference trip yourself? :eek::o:p:D So it looks like I won't be stopping by Sydney or Melbourne to visit friends this time. I think I'll still visit Brisbane. :p

1st September 2009, 12:56 PM
Townhouses are usually rubbish anyway. And houses are too damn expensive. You could be lucky however and find a gem that is in your price range, so dont give up on it.

Really? Why do you think town houses arn't good?

1st September 2009, 01:50 PM
Really? Why do you think town houses arn't good?

Maybe I'm being over generalising, but the ones I went and looked at before when I needed a place to go, were run down pieces of...
Maybe it was just out west :p

1st September 2009, 06:42 PM
Maybe I'm being over generalising, but the ones I went and looked at before when I needed a place to go, were run down pieces of...
Maybe it was just out west :p

You gotta have to look more than a dozen houses to really find a gem as 1Azrael! said... most townhouses end up dilapidated coz the owners tend to rent these, and well, most renters ........
Im just lucky with my townhouse coz the previous renters were really good keepers so even ythough mine didnt have any development whatsoever Im fine with it so long as I didnt have to shell out anything for any repairs at all once I moved in. it was just about 6-8 years old and basically a blank canvass which is what i was after so i can repaint it to whatever color i wanted and add any development as I prefer. A plus for me was it is near the train station & post/shops & school & GPs(10-15 min walk) and Im attached only to 1 neighbor, Im in the very middle of the compound, no other house is blocking my house's view as well ( not that there's much of a view). But this is like the tenth house I had to look at when I was searching... it aint fun at all around that time:( I just wanted to get it over with but at the same time I wanted to get what I paid for....:o

1st September 2009, 06:59 PM
Came oh so close over the weekend to purchasing a townhouse (was gonna sign the contract) but pulled out last minute because we found some issues with the place.

Oh the disappointment! :(

Did you lose your deposit?

2nd September 2009, 09:15 AM
Did you lose your deposit?

Luckily no. In hindsight I'm actually glad how things turned out. It could easily have gone another way. I was actually gonna sign on the day that I inspected it but lucky for me the owners weren't able to exchange the same day so it got deferred to the next day which was when I reinspected the townhouse and found all the problems.

Liegeprime, I've already seem some real quality ones (and yes they were owner occupied hehe) so I guess I'm lucky in this regards too.

2nd September 2009, 09:24 AM
I suppose my fiance and I were lucky then, when we were actually looking to buy, we went to look at a house only to find out it had been taken like the day before. 2nd house we wanted to look at, she was at work so I went with her dad, and we liked it so we put an offer onto it. She didnt even get to look at it until we got the keys to it :D

Now when we were looking to rent, we went to over 30 places in less than 6 months and nada. Hence why we decided to see if we could get a loan. :D

3rd September 2009, 10:04 AM
Man I am really p***ed off right now.

Story is, I want 4 weeks off for holidays, but I can only take 2 weeks because they don't want to take someone out of IT to do my job for longer than that.
Now I just found out this morning, that one of the IT guys is getting 4 weeks off in February.

This job is driving me nuts and I'm about to go postal on their a** :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

I really hope I get outta here and get into Railcorp.

Disclaimer: I would not really go postal

3rd September 2009, 05:27 PM
oh yeh tried lord of the Fries for the first time earlier this week, whats the hype, made me want to vomit, its that bad had Mexican....

Sky Shadow
3rd September 2009, 05:32 PM
oh yeh tried lord of the Fries for the first time earlier this week, whats the hype, made me want to vomit, its that bad had Mexican....

I don't mind a bit of Lord Of The Fries when I'm in Melbourne - I think it's particularly seen as good by the vegetarian/vegan/food intolerant (etc.) communities (or anyone who can't eat various combinations of meat or dairy for religious reasons.) I guess now you've tried it and know you don't like it. And knowing is half the battle! ;)

Golden Phoenix
3rd September 2009, 10:57 PM
oh yeh tried lord of the Fries for the first time earlier this week, whats the hype, made me want to vomit, its that bad had Mexican....

Stick to the simple tomato sauce my friend. The chips are good

3rd September 2009, 11:57 PM
oh yeh tried lord of the Fries for the first time earlier this week, whats the hype, made me want to vomit, its that bad had Mexican....

Dude! Forget the fries... their mini spicy burgers are what I craved when I lived there! But then it was always normally after a few drinks at E55.......

4th September 2009, 03:06 PM
yesterday some1 tried to steal my car form work and pushed the lock in and totally destroyed the ignition so it had to get towed away so now i dont have a car :( till it gets fixed, plus they also took my creative zen. not happy:mad:

4th September 2009, 03:07 PM
i opened one of my transformers yesterday to improve my mood, pics of the event will be forthcoming.

4th September 2009, 03:31 PM
A couple of years ago something similar happened to me at Roselands shopping center. I came back and noticed that the lock on the driver side door was missing. They didn't steal my car probably because I have placed one of those steering wheel locks. From then on I had to open the car from the passenger side until I got a new one.

4th September 2009, 05:02 PM
yesterday some1 tried to steal my car form work and pushed the lock in and totally destroyed the ignition so it had to get towed away so now i dont have a car :( till it gets fixed, plus they also took my creative zen. not happy:mad:

Dude that sux.:(

5th September 2009, 07:27 PM
i opened one of my transformers yesterday to improve my mood, pics of the event will be forthcoming.

i have a spare ransack for sale $10:p

5th September 2009, 09:43 PM
I was sick on Tuesday (due to a chronic illness I have), then I must have caught something from one of the patients in the waiting room as later than night I had a raging sore throat which by the next day developed into the flu which I still have quite badly. So I'm most likely going to have to go back to the doctors on Monday to get a third doctors certificate for work in the space of one week...Bleeurghgh...Sorry for whinin' I just needed to vent my frustration (plus I'm British so I have a license to whinge...right?? :p)

5th September 2009, 11:34 PM
i have a spare ransack for sale $10:p

yea i think 8 are enough;)

7th September 2009, 05:39 PM
My star player breaks her arm in the week of the grand final.

F***, f***, f***!:mad:

7th September 2009, 05:56 PM
My star player breaks her arm in the week of the grand final.

F***, f***, f***!:mad:

You could easily take her place.

Sure, minus the skill and everything but at least you qualify on every other criteria

7th September 2009, 08:30 PM
You could easily take her place.

Sure, minus the skill and everything but at least you qualify on every other criteria

Except height, bro. I need someone about four and a half foot tall.

I'll ask if you can borrow her top.

8th September 2009, 11:05 PM
yesterday some1 tried to steal my car form work and pushed the lock in and totally destroyed the ignition so it had to get towed away so now i dont have a car :( till it gets fixed, plus they also took my creative zen. not happy:mad:

Mine is 8 gig! cost me $250 or a weeks rent, don't remember.

8th September 2009, 11:15 PM
last week or so, my computer caught a nut-job of a virsu and had to be whiped.... 1 years work... downloads, photos, scans, games... all gone GONE!
AND it didn't hit me till i went to play Sims2. BUMBLEBEE, WHERE IS MY BUMBLEBEE CHARACTER?:eek: @$^*((&^%#@%^*&*/#$ my custom Pink hair elf babe? :confused:My new rugs i just dowloaded? :confused: AAARRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!! Son-of-a-FFFFFFFFFF... :mad:

I couldn't even sleep.