View Full Version : IGN UK Movie Review

Fungal Infection
15th June 2009, 01:56 PM
Linky (http://au.movies.ign.com/articles/994/994427p1.html)

19th June 2009, 09:42 PM
Sounds like its a pretty good flick.

Sensory overload bring it on

21st June 2009, 06:03 PM
My brother and his gf who live in London saw this movie last night - so apparently it hit UK cinemas last week. His gf called me this morning (or last night in GMT/UTC) to tell me about and wanted to ask my opinion of the movie - but I told her that the movie doesn't come out here until Wednesday so that killed that conversation! :p

DAMNIT! You know that things are shoddy when we're getting stuff after the United Kingdom, who are notoriously late with TFs. Mind you, it's surprised me that Japan got it before us too, because they're also typically late with non-Japanese language movies. What's wrong with this country?!?!?


21st June 2009, 08:52 PM
DAMNIT! You know that things are shoddy when we're getting stuff after the United Kingdom, who are notoriously late with TFs. Mind you, it's surprised me that Japan got it before us too, because they're also typically late with non-Japanese language movies. What's wrong with this country?!?!?

Come on Gok we can't get everything our way. We got to see the first movie two weeks before the rest of the world:p