View Full Version : ROTF redeco 'Autobot Gears'

13th July 2009, 01:30 PM
From an ebay auction apparently, is a new Movie redeco with a classic name (and said to be coloured as a homage to a Gobot).


It's a redeco of the 2007 Stockade toy. It will probably be released with the other redeco, Thrust.

Looks like the flood of ROTF redecos with classic Gen1 names is already on their way...

13th July 2009, 01:40 PM
Sweet. Stockade is one of my favourite figures from the first movie line, and that paintjob isn't half bad. Might have to add this to the small list of toys I want from RotF.

Now, where's my Vorte.....I mean, 'Incinerator' mold repainted into Springer with added hands? :p

13th July 2009, 01:45 PM
We've seen it before (http://www.otca.com.au/boards/showthread.php?t=4393) but didn't think it would be out so soon.