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View Full Version : Star Wars fx-force lightsabers

20th February 2008, 07:06 PM
Hey guys I was wondering, can someone tell me what different star wars fx-froce lightsabers there are? And how much please, and winch one you would recommended?

20th February 2008, 07:55 PM

20th February 2008, 09:42 PM
Not sure exactly how many there are benben but I have six in my collection.

Vader, Maul (half), Luke (blue), Obi wan (blue) and Mace Windu x2.

I know there's a Luke green and a Yoda and another Maul half to form the double-bladed one. Not sure what else there is.

20th February 2008, 10:51 PM
These things are great display pieces but craphouse toys. I knew some guys that played with them - the plastic sheath around the blade is quite brittle and prone to breakage (well, brittle when you smash them up against each other with repetitive, excessive and violent force, ehehehehe) and once that sucker fractures the blade just goes totally floppy.

I prefer the Hasbro electronic toy sabres - oversized, but more fun to play with.. they break too after some use, but much cheaper to replace. ;) The little non-electronic sabres are even cheaper and have belt clips but the blades are short and they have no light or sounds.

Here's some pics of me and my friends mucking around with Hasbro electronic sabres. :)

Darth Maul sabre vs Qui-Gon Jinn sabre


Obi-Wan Kenobi light sabre

Anakin Skywalker light sabre

non-electronic Obi-Wan Kenobi lightsabres

and just for fun, my friend's Padmé Amidala cosplay :)

Darth Vader sabre
http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y227/goktimusprime/Revenge%20of%20the%20Sith%20Fox%20Studios%20Premie re/rots07.jpg

Darth Vader sabre vs Luke Skywalker sabre
http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y227/goktimusprime/Revenge%20of%20the%20Sith%20Fox%20Studios%20Premie re/rots06.jpg

And yes, it's me inside that Vader cosplay http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y227/goktimusprime/avatars/avatar_swm.jpg :p (even shaved my head)

Force FX sabres
http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y227/goktimusprime/Revenge%20of%20the%20Sith%20Fox%20Studios%20Premie re/rots01.jpg

20th February 2008, 10:57 PM
So how much is one?

21st February 2008, 08:35 AM
Usually $250 unless you can seduce a check out chick at an outlet that sells them then they are free.:);)

even cheaper and have belt clips but the blades are short and they have no light or sounds.
But those ones are extremely hardy. I have my own younglings beat each other up with them in all four colours.

21st February 2008, 08:50 AM
One time at toyworld I saw it for about $140!

21st February 2008, 09:30 AM
You might find them on special at places and when they did first come out they were about $100 but demand and prices skyrocketed. They are much cheaper in the US. If you could get it shipped cheap enough and safely then it would be better to buy from there.

But like Gok says ....they are fragile and only really display pieces although you can pull off some nice poses and take some good pics with them.
Also the blue ones emit UV light which makes any neon LEGO you may have glow in the dark.:)

21st February 2008, 11:17 AM
there are three kind of MR fx-force sabres...

I only have one of the kind... the mace-windu (purple) one... these actually takes 6 AAs. the other kind (check with TDD) I've heard takes 3 AAAs and has LEDs throughout.

The 3rd kind, I think, used to have the blade removable.

There are other sabres around similar to fx-sabres which allows you to duel but they are not made by MR.

The MR kind is purely for display and limited duel play

21st February 2008, 11:53 AM
$140 is pretty cheap for a Force FX Sabre... and I'm surprised that you found one in a toy store, they're usually sold in specialty stores.

21st February 2008, 12:31 PM
They have occasionally appeared in Toys R Us and K-Mart down here but usually I've only seen them in What's New and independent collectible stores.

21st February 2008, 03:32 PM
I remember seeing anakin's in the toy world catalog last year for $140

"Master Replicas have ceased their license agreement with Lucasfilm Ltd to produce replicas from the Star Wars universe"


21st February 2008, 05:15 PM
I am also looking into buying one of these and from what ive discovered online, yeah the regular force FX saber is not recommended for duelling, as it damages the LEDS.

However there is a comapny who modifies these sabers and sells them as 'ultra FX force sabers'. They apparently put brighter luxeon LED's in them which also allows you to duel without breaking them. Also the 'blade' is detachable from the hilt unlike the regular sabers.

check out the ebay auction:

http://cgi.ebay.com.au/NEW-Luke-Skywalker-EPIV-FX-Custom-Luxeon-LED-lightsaber_W0QQitemZ200199762455QQihZ010QQcategory Z99971QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

if your wondering about which saber to get, there is a guy on youtube who reviews pretty much all of them and gives you an idea of which is best out of the bunch: http://www.youtube.com/user/mcich

2nd January 2016, 10:05 AM
Sorry for the huge necro bump but figured this thread is more suitable than starting a new one.

I've gotten into the new black series force fx sabers. I have yoda and vader with ren on pre order but I appear to have missed lukes. Anyone know where you can pick it up for a decent price (under 200) or anyone have one they are willing to sell? Thanks

8th January 2016, 09:14 PM
Never mind about this anymore. If anyone is interested PC have them up for order again.

8th January 2016, 09:54 PM
$200 is nice. I hope I can get one (though unlikely) or my brother can.

8th January 2016, 10:02 PM
...it's Anakin's lightsabre. Luke's lightsabre (http://cdn.instructables.com/F21/TOEN/GYZNVV4K/F21TOENGYZNVV4K.MEDIUM.jpg) is different... </nerd> :p

8th January 2016, 10:15 PM
...it's Anakin's lightsabre. Luke's lightsabre (http://cdn.instructables.com/F21/TOEN/GYZNVV4K/F21TOENGYZNVV4K.MEDIUM.jpg) is different... </nerd> :p

Hehe I thought for a second that Lucas retconned the lightsaber colors too!

8th January 2016, 10:30 PM
If anyone in Sydney wants a second-hand one, I've just listed a Luke ESB saber on eBay. (http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/231807304407?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649)

8th January 2016, 10:46 PM
...it's Anakin's lightsabre. Luke's lightsabre (http://cdn.instructables.com/F21/TOEN/GYZNVV4K/F21TOENGYZNVV4K.MEDIUM.jpg) is different... </nerd> :p

Whilst yes it was Anakin's at one point, the moment it came into Luke's possession it became his, irrespective of who buit it. Therefore, I stand by my comment that it's Luke's :p

9th January 2016, 10:50 AM
Whilst yes it was Anakin's at one point, the moment it came into Luke's possession it became his, irrespective of who buit it. Therefore, I stand by my comment that it's Luke's :p

and possession is 9/10's of the law. So.... :p

9th January 2016, 11:45 AM
Whilst yes it was Anakin's at one point, the moment it came into Luke's possession it became his, irrespective of who buit it. Therefore, I stand by my comment that it's Luke's :p
I know. I was just being a silly nerd. ;) It's officially Rey's lightsabre now (http://www.disneystore.com/costume-accessories-accessories-reys-lightsaber-star-wars-the-force-awakens/mp/1390624/1000303/). :) But yeah, the owner of the lightsabre-that-Anakin-built depends on which period of the Star Wars trilogy you're specifically looking at. Similar to how Artoo Detoo can be Padme's/Anakin's/Capt. Antilles'/Luke's droid. :D

9th January 2016, 04:10 PM
I know so was I :p and technically it's still luke's too! SPOILER Rey is clearly handing it back to him at the end of Ep. VII.

14th January 2016, 07:29 PM
missed out on premium's luke lightsaber. anyone seen one at a similar or cheaper price xD?

15th January 2016, 11:33 PM
I managed to pick up yoda and vader from deals direct for 100 each. I wouldn't hold my breath about them stocking luke but you might want to keep an eye out.

16th January 2016, 03:35 AM
I managed to pick up yoda and vader from deals direct for 100 each. I wouldn't hold my breath about them stocking luke but you might want to keep an eye out.

vhat?! when? xD

16th January 2016, 05:58 AM
Was here (http://m.dealsdirect.com.au/star-wars-the-black-series-yoda-force-fx-lightsaber-flagship-model-realistic-lig) and here (http://m.dealsdirect.com.au/star-wars-the-black-series-darth-vader-force-fx-lightsaber-flagship-model-realis) but sold out now sorry. Was just prior to Xmas.

16th January 2016, 09:54 PM
Was here (http://m.dealsdirect.com.au/star-wars-the-black-series-yoda-force-fx-lightsaber-flagship-model-realistic-lig) and here (http://m.dealsdirect.com.au/star-wars-the-black-series-darth-vader-force-fx-lightsaber-flagship-model-realis) but sold out now sorry. Was just prior to Xmas.

Ah u got an awesome deal xD.

17th January 2016, 12:10 AM
Why is there that piece on the light sabers that looks like it don't belong. :confused:

17th January 2016, 12:50 AM
That's the transparent plastic stand. It has two configurations; you can either put the blade through the stand which can elevate the tip of the blade, or prop the lightsabre on top of the stand for a flat horizontal display.

21st January 2016, 10:10 AM
Not sure where to put this, I'm not even sure if it's official or not.

Here (https://www.facebook.com/OSegredoDoVitorio/videos/10153877161529122/)is a video for a custom lightsaber on the facebooks

it looks like they are available to buy (http://www.parksabers.com/arcwave.html), but at a price.

21st January 2016, 10:57 AM
I don't know why they stopped making the removable blades versions. I bought 2 of the removable blade edition of Darth Maul's and thought I'd just wait for the other hilts to come out... Never happened :mad:

22nd January 2016, 01:01 AM
I don't know why they stopped making the removable blades versions. I bought 2 of the removable blade edition of Darth Maul's and thought I'd just wait for the other hilts to come out... Never happened :mad:

Hasbro made detachable-blade sabers for Anakin, Luke, Obi-Wan, Darth Vader, and Kit Fisto. Maybe you missed them when they came out?

22nd January 2016, 01:55 PM
Hasbro made detachable-blade sabers for Anakin, Luke, Obi-Wan, Darth Vader, and Kit Fisto. Maybe you missed them when they came out?

I was sourcing them from thinkgeek and they never replenished stock on the others.

What are the chances they'll re-do these? Especially the Mace Windu hilt.

23rd January 2016, 09:27 PM
What are the chances they'll re-do these? Especially the Mace Windu hilt.

No idea, but I'm hoping that other lightsabers will be reissued under the Black Series brand soon.

In the meantime, I've just listed my Attack of the Clones Mace Windu lightsaber on eBay. (http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Master-Replicas-Force-FX-lightsaber-2004-Mace-Windu-Attack-of-the-Clones-AOTC-/231823298088?hash=item35f9bece28:g:4R8AAOSwpRRWo0q Z)

Might as well throw this out there in case anyone sees it: if someone has an Obi-Wan Force FX lightsaber they're willing to sell, please let me know! :) Thanks!

31st January 2016, 10:22 PM
I'm getting into these late. Anywhere still have a Vader Force FX for a reasonable price?

1st February 2016, 12:48 PM
I think ebgames were stocking them. Couldn't try phone around and see if they will get one into a local store for you and price match online for $199. Otherwise you could email PC and see if they can, or are likely to, get any more stock.

19th February 2016, 11:23 PM
Target on EBay currently have Vader Force FXs for $240 delivered after using the code CTARGET.

http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/NEW-STAR-WARS-Black-Series-Force-FX-Lightsaber-Darth-Vader/191788018908?_trksid=p5713.c100043.m2062&_trkparms=aid%3D999002%26algo%3DURGENT.LUI%26ao%3D 1%26asc%3D20140502134130%26meid%3D5c858b0aebe84467 be03088845a57553%26pid%3D100043%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D1 %26mehot%3Dpp%26so%3Dlastwatched%26sd%3D1917880189 08

20th February 2016, 03:41 PM
I think ebgames were stocking them. Couldn't try phone around and see if they will get one into a local store for you and price match online for $199. Otherwise you could email PC and see if they can, or are likely to, get any more stock.

I think they had a facebook post in the last month to say they would be getting more in.

15th April 2016, 12:44 PM
Just received shipping notification from PC on Kylo Ren's saber. Looking forward to getting this one :D

15th April 2016, 02:46 PM
Just received shipping notification from PC on Kylo Ren's saber. Looking forward to getting this one :D
You'll make better use of it than Kylo Ren would. ;)

Ralph Wiggum
15th April 2016, 03:02 PM
He killed someone special with it. I'd say he made good use of it :)

15th April 2016, 03:06 PM
You monster! :eek:

19th April 2016, 11:47 PM
You'll make better use of it than Kylo Ren would. ;)

Haha well I must say if it was real I would have sliced my wrists off plenty of times by now. It's surprising heavy and the cross blades are really impractical.

20th April 2016, 08:40 PM
Just got my Vader in, love it. Just wish there was a way to mute it some of the time to leave it idle.


13th May 2016, 12:34 AM
I managed to grab an Obi-Wan from eBay, and it arrived a few days ago:


10th January 2017, 12:10 PM
Just received shipping notification from PC for Luke's Blue Saber. Looking forward to throwing this one around.

10th January 2017, 11:00 PM
I managed to grab an Obi-Wan from eBay, and it arrived a few days ago:

That's what that looks like lit up.
Nice. :cool:

Just received shipping notification from PC for Luke's Blue Saber. Looking forward to throwing this one around.

Going to go for the ROTJ too? I needs me a green Luke

11th January 2017, 09:11 AM
Going to go for the ROTJ too? I needs me a green Luke

Of course :D

11th January 2017, 08:16 PM
Just received shipping notification from PC for Luke's Blue Saber. Looking forward to throwing this one around.

Arrived today. By far this is my favourite lightsaber to handle. It is well balanced and rolls really well on the wrist and in the hand as opposed to Vader's which can't roll well through the hand, Yoda's which is a bit light and Kylo Ren's which just has the annoying handle bars.

7th May 2017, 09:32 PM
I'm looking to sell off my brand new unopened Force FX lightsabers if anybody is interested in purchasing. I have Vader, Luke (Blue) and Yoda. After $300 each to get back what I paid for them.