View Full Version : Hoist & Mixmaster G1 Repaint Images (2pk)

30th August 2009, 04:32 PM
Looks like it is going to be a Toys-R-Us ( US at least )

New Revenge of the Fallen Hoist & Mixmaster G1 Repaint Images (http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/transformers-movie-toys--products-30/new-revenge-of-the-fallen-hoist--mixmaster-g1-repaint-images-168421/)
Source:TFW2005 (http://www.tfw2005.com)

Well it looks like, the ROTF Deluxe Class Hoist is off my list to get...
just like the ROTF Voyager Class Whirl.:(

30th August 2009, 04:35 PM
Stencilator get rid of yours now!, its infringing on copyright and offending me :p:D

30th August 2009, 05:00 PM
POO POO!!!! I just want Hoist!

30th August 2009, 05:33 PM
That Mixmaster looks pretty bad ... The 1st installment is better by a mile. :cool:

30th August 2009, 05:36 PM
both look alright, but are still an easy pass.

30th August 2009, 05:54 PM
yeah I don't really see myself getting these recolours either, 2pack makes it eve less likly.

30th August 2009, 06:13 PM
Hoist is a must for me! He will be Classics Hoist.

30th August 2009, 06:46 PM
Thats fantastic I must have it!

30th August 2009, 07:50 PM
Shame. I really wanted Hoist, and while Mixmaster looks alright ....
The need to import puts me off both.

30th August 2009, 08:24 PM
If I can't get it locally I'll get it online. Will buy the 2-pack just for Hoist alone.

30th August 2009, 09:21 PM
If I can't get it locally I'll get it online. Will buy the 2-pack just for Hoist alone.

group buy?:o:D

30th August 2009, 09:30 PM
(looking at Hoist) Now THAT is how you do a recolour! :)

Although Mixmaster isn't that bad in my opinion, now if only they do the other Constructicons in G1 colours....or maybe ROTF Devastator recolour?? I wonder what that would look like?

30th August 2009, 09:56 PM
I will need to see these in person to judge them. In alt modes they will look great, the robot modes are an acquired taste, with the movie aesthetic and g1 homage colors, this kind of treatment is suited better to the Animated toys. But I see they have changed the head on mixmaster which might help.

31st August 2009, 10:59 PM
Any word on this coming out in Australia?

I don't care for Mixmaster so I am willing to go halves with someone.

31st August 2009, 11:22 PM
Oh great, another $80 2 pack which only has one toy I really want. :mad:

And that Mixmaster head looks goofy, like some sort of wierd robot teddy bear face.

1st September 2009, 10:53 AM
Hoist looks okay but Mixmaster looks dreadful.

I've never been a fan of movie toys in G1 colours (nor G1 toys in movie colours, 'cept G1 reissue Protect Ironhide, but that's mostly because those are actually his Diaclone colours)

1st September 2009, 12:59 PM
Oh great, another $80 2 pack which only has one toy I really want. :mad:

And that Mixmaster head looks goofy, like some sort of wierd robot teddy bear face.

lol he does too and on top of that, he has this big goofy smile! :D

Seriously, nobody at Hasbro can tell that it looks crap? Kind of reminds me of Pinkymus prime as in 'What were they thinking?'

1st September 2009, 01:04 PM
I don't mind Mixmasters head. Those eyes and expression give him a mad scientist look which is fitting.

Gutsman Heavy
1st September 2009, 03:50 PM
oh well, guess I wont be getting Hoist after all, shame.

1st September 2009, 07:20 PM
I guess I'm alone with the Mixy repaint love. My favorite RotF Voyager repainted is an excuse to have a dupe. Only time will tell if the other Constructicons get the same treatment (highly likely). Also his face is loveable. (9_6). Looks a bit like an ewok actually.

1st September 2009, 07:46 PM
Thinking about it, the Mixmaster two pack will make it very difficult.

1. Ebay would cost a lot due to shipping costs - More than half for an unwanted toy

2. TrU gets it locally and will likely be sold for some ridiculous amount and its not worth it since more than half of that is for an unwanted toy.

A loose - loose scenario

1st September 2009, 09:33 PM
Yep, I wasn'texagerating when I said $80 2 pack. :(

I guess I'm alone with the Mixy repaint love. My favorite RotF Voyager repainted is an excuse to have a dupe. Only time will tell if the other Constructicons get the same treatment (highly likely). Also his face is loveable. (9_6). Looks a bit like an ewok actually.

Ah you nailed it! I was subconciously thinking ewok, but couldn't find the word. Combined with those long arms I think he is the Decepticon Ewok of Hugs!!!!! :p

1st September 2009, 10:11 PM
I do want one these for both of them, for a standin for Classics Mix

It can be why he's not in Classics Devastator, he's become a mortar cannon artillery encampment for it!... Now if I could only find that Devastator for a good price

Ode to a Grasshopper
3rd September 2009, 02:44 PM
Like Hoist, not keen on Mixmaster. Hope we can get Hoist without having to do the TRU 2-pack deal, if not then pass.
Wish they'd do Movie1 Mudflap as Grapple and make it a Grapple and Hoist 2-pack instead...:(

3rd October 2009, 12:02 PM
Update - at this time, this pack is not likely to see a release in Australia, so if you want to make sure you don't miss out on this pack, it is best to import it.