View Full Version : ROTF:"Jungle Attack Ironhide" Test Shot Images

3rd September 2009, 09:19 AM
IMO so far it is :eek:

Revenge of the Fallen Jungle Attack Ironhide Test Shot Images (http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/transformers-movie-toys--products-30/revenge-of-the-fallen-jungle-attack-ironhide-test-shot-images-168443/)
Source: TFW2005 (http://www.tfw2005.com/)

3rd September 2009, 12:31 PM
the more accurate longer smokestacks are nice, but otherwise meh.

3rd September 2009, 01:05 PM
Ironhide was probably my favourte voyager mould from the first TF movie, although the small smokestacks bugged me, so I like the way this retool has bigger stacks. The fancy bumper bar and big guns are also cool to, looks very Ironhide, and If he is black then I prefer this one to the grey ROTF one.

This is a maybe get for me.

3rd September 2009, 05:15 PM


I'll be buying 10 of these bi@#@es!

3rd September 2009, 06:17 PM
Must.... resist.... new.... hat....

'Cause if I get this, I'd want RotF Ironhide too. Nice though.

3rd September 2009, 06:19 PM
Is that a ball-jointed head I see?

I love that he comes with like over 9000 guns and weapons.

This is definitely on my to-buy list.

Ode to a Grasshopper
3rd September 2009, 11:29 PM
Sold, though that lightning is a bit lame...wonder how hard it'd be to do a custom camo deco?

5th September 2009, 06:29 PM
Must.... resist.... new.... hat....

'Cause if I get this, I'd want RotF Ironhide too. Nice though.


5th September 2009, 09:31 PM
Here's hoping Ironhide steals a Stallone line from Tango & Cash for TF3...

*Ironhide catches Starscream offguard while going after a lunch time snack in the form of an energon protein shake*

Ironhide: Tsk, tsk...By the looks of your diet, you're not interested in counting calories...I think what you need is a little *readies guns* iron in your diet.

Okay randomness aside I think this is quite a fun 'accessory laden' upgrade for movie Ironhide. What I don't get is why Hasbro really doesn't give us 'if it doesn't look like that in the movie, stick it where the sunstreaker don't shine' fans a reason to buy these new toys...Why do the characters on the silver screen never change/receive upgrades but the toys do? Why can't both happen to stop the worlds from colliding?!