View Full Version : Tales of the Fallen #2 (Sideswipe) 5-page preview.

9th September 2009, 01:23 PM
Simon Furman (writer)
Carlos Magno (art)
Magno, Alex Milne (covers)

One of the most downright dangerous and deadly TRANSFORMERS of all arrives on Earth in single-minded, stop-at-nothing pursuit of his prey. If you think we’re talking about a DECEPTICON here, think again! Meet SIDESWIPE, the AUTOBOTS’ very own lethal weapon.


9th September 2009, 03:58 PM
Hmph. Bar his attack on Sidewways he didn't seem like much of a lethal weapon in the movie.:p

I still think he's cool though:cool:

9th September 2009, 04:13 PM
Packed a bit of a punch but not for long before prime had his way with him...

But definatly one of the meanest looking ones out ther so far . :cool:

17th September 2009, 01:35 PM
atleast this sort of explains why they attacked demolisher in the movie like they did