View Full Version : looking for a pie with more than 20% filling/ meat

11th September 2009, 11:09 PM
i'm on a search to find a pie that actually has more than 26% filling/meat. I am a meat-eater and feel really let down when i read the box and find that its only 2 tablespoons of 'meaty goodness'. i really don't know what the next 80% of pie is. is it air? i don't care what meat it is or isn't. i just want more than a Barbies bra of filler! So, any company pie names you know of?

that i can buy, that is near me, that i can eat. and not related to take-away.

11th September 2009, 11:28 PM
had a jesters peri peri pie, think they stole the idea from some where:rolleyes:

11th September 2009, 11:32 PM
i'm on a search to find a pie that actually has more than 26% filling/meat. I am a meat-eater and feel really let down when i read the box and find that its only 2 tablespoons of 'meaty goodness'. i really don't know what the next 80% of pie is. is it air? i don't care what meat it is or isn't. i just want more than a Barbies bra of filler! So, any company pie names you know of?

Well I've spent most of my life in Canberra and can tell you that if you ever go there and are a pie lover you HAVE to go to Elaine's pies in Dickson (don't go to the one in Fyshwick, it's abysmal) as their pies are out of this moon and lack any of that shloppy crap they put in most pies you see. Best pie I've had here in Brisbane was a guiness pie in a pub under the Storey Bridge. Bloodyy amazing!

Oh and another fantastic bakery to go to in Canberra is Cornocopia in Civic. I nearly cried when they changed their pastry chef but their sausage roll filling is still a gift from the gods!