View Full Version : Vegemites "iSnack 2.0"

30th September 2009, 03:23 PM
Might get a change already.

isnack20 fury prompts naming rethink (http://www.smh.com.au/business/isnack20-fury-prompts-naming-rethink-20090930-gbwt.html)

Personally, I think the new name sucks anyway.

30th September 2009, 03:37 PM
i must find one of those jars!!! collectors edition sorta

30th September 2009, 03:48 PM
i must find one of those jars!!! collectors edition sorta

I was thinking the exact same thing, hopefully they won't pull what they have already sent out.

30th September 2009, 04:57 PM
Does it taste different from the original anyhow? the name though for me is totally ... fail. All that hype and even soliciting public participation only to come up with that name... lame.

30th September 2009, 05:54 PM
Does it taste different from the original anyhow? the name though for me is totally ... fail. All that hype and even soliciting public participation only to come up with that name... lame.

cream cheese and vegemite dont mix

30th September 2009, 06:14 PM
cream cheese and vegemite dont mix

eeew, sounds ...... eeew

30th September 2009, 06:56 PM
Actually tastes pretty decent but that name is the worst.

30th September 2009, 07:09 PM
iSnack, iPod, itunes, iphone!
Its sounds like apple made the suggestion lol, and yes cheese and vegemite dont mix!

30th September 2009, 09:00 PM
Terrible name for a terrible product.

Cannot beat the original, I slather that stuff on an inch thick, but cannot touch the cheesymite crud!

30th September 2009, 09:43 PM
I tried it, and it's... okay. But yeah, nothing special considering it's just vegemite & cream cheese as others have alluded to. The most memorable thing about it is this silly name.

30th September 2009, 10:22 PM
i still haven't tried it

although the mixture of cream cheese and vegemite sounds wrong

i think i'll give it a shot if i find one of those super rare jars

Vector Prime
30th September 2009, 11:15 PM
Well it looks like it's official:

Name scrapped (http://www.smh.com.au/business/kraft-crumbles-isnack20-scrapped-20090930-gc9z.html)

Btw, it tastes like crap!

Original is still the best (albeit only in small quantities, not an inch thick of the stuff like how i_amtrunks enjoys it!) lol :D

30th September 2009, 11:49 PM
It actually tastes quite nice, I reckon. It's a creamy Vegemite, that is subtle enough to eat by the spoon, unlike the strong salty taste of the regular spread. When I tried a jar, I tried it on a teaspoon first, and ended up eating the whole lot (not all at once) by spoon, instead of on something like bread.
Cheese and Vegemite is a popular combination (despite some saying it sounds horrible), but this doesn't have much of a cheesy taste to it. It is more creamy than cheesy.

The name was stupid though, and I don't know how it was even chosen. Whoever decided that name was the winner should be sacked. A spread has to sound right in common sentances that it is likely to be used in. 'isnack' just never articulated well enough like popular spreads do in a sentance.

1st October 2009, 10:03 AM
I think its way better than the original, its not as strong but you go through it twice as fast.

I think the whole isnack 2.0 was to stir-up publicity!!

1st October 2009, 10:04 AM
It actually tastes quite nice, I reckon. It's a creamy Vegemite, that is subtle enough to eat by the spoon, unlike the strong salty taste of the regular spread. When I tried a jar, I tried it on a teaspoon first, and ended up eating the whole lot (not all at once) by spoon, instead of on something like bread.
Cheese and Vegemite is a popular combination (despite some saying it sounds horrible), but this doesn't have much of a cheesy taste to it. It is more creamy than cheesy.

The name was stupid though, and I don't know how it was even chosen. Whoever decided that name was the winner should be sacked. A spread has to sound right in common sentances that it is likely to be used in. 'ispread' just never articulated well enough like popular spreads do in a sentance.

Agreed with all of this, except for the eating it off a spoon part. What's wrong with you?!??!;)

Biggest problem so far is that it's only been available in those reasonably expensive smaller sized jars.

1st October 2009, 10:13 PM
It actually tastes quite nice, I reckon. It's a creamy Vegemite, that is subtle enough to eat by the spoon, unlike the strong salty taste of the regular spread. When I tried a jar, I tried it on a teaspoon first, and ended up eating the whole lot (not all at once) by spoon, instead of on something like bread.
Cheese and Vegemite is a popular combination (despite some saying it sounds horrible), but this doesn't have much of a cheesy taste to it. It is more creamy than cheesy.

The name was stupid though, and I don't know how it was even chosen. Whoever decided that name was the winner should be sacked. A spread has to sound right in common sentances that it is likely to be used in. 'isnack' just never articulated well enough like popular spreads do in a sentance.

It was better than I thought as well. We bought a jar ages ago to try, finally got round to opening it and trying it. Goes good with rice biscuits. I like it coz it is creamy, not really cheesy.
I could almost eat the whole jar as well with a spoon :p

I do like the original as well, I spread it semi thinly on a piece of toast, my fiance has a thick layer of it. My dad hates it but what do you expect from a pom? :p Most people I speak to from that side of the world dont seem to like it.

(Tooheys Old kinda has a vegemite taste to it :p)

1st October 2009, 10:21 PM
(Tooheys Old kinda has a vegemite taste to it :p)

I agree, Old is a great beer, forget Apple's 'i'things. Call it Tooheys Old N'Cream Cheesy!

4th October 2009, 10:20 PM
i kinda like it, but you have to use more of it to get any flavour.. tricky kraft marketing!

I was watching the 7pm Project the other night and they said (not sure how reliably, but funny nonetheless) that iSnack was being scrapped, and a recent poll had come up with new replacement names:

1. fromage noir (dark cheese)
2. voldemite (the cheese that must not be named)
3. yer mum mite (lol)
there was a fourth but i cant remember.. i thought voldemite was pretty funny!

Ode to a Grasshopper
5th October 2009, 05:54 PM
I say call it Marmite.

6th October 2009, 08:45 AM
I say call it Marmite.

I think there is already a crappy version of vegemite called that...

Ode to a Grasshopper
6th October 2009, 08:02 PM
Exacerly - if some cheeky buggers in the USA can try to copyright 'Ugg boots' then I say we respond in kind.

I'd also be okay with Non-Alcoholic Beer-Paste, or Tourist's Delight.

Vector Prime
6th October 2009, 08:46 PM
I think there is already a crappy version of vegemite called that...

Marmite's not that bad actually... I actually prefer it to regular Vegemite - doesn't have quite the same strong 'kick', which I like. :)

7th October 2009, 09:43 PM
hahaha ISnack2.0- really cracks me up. First time I saw the ad I was like wth? how can there be an ISnack2.0 without ISnack1.0 or ISnackBeta? :confused:

Its obviously a publicity stunt and its working.
This has grabbed the attention of so many people; its on radio, tv, etc
Well played Kraft

8th October 2009, 09:47 AM
how can there be an ISnack2.0 without ISnack1.0 or ISnackBeta? :confused:

You've thought about this way too much :D

8th October 2009, 07:14 PM
Now it will be changed to "cheesymite"

Not too bad I suppose.

And on another note, I bought "ïsnack 2.0" just for the fact to get it lol

8th October 2009, 07:18 PM
Now it will be changed to "cheesymite"

Not too bad I suppose.

And on another note, I bought "ïsnack 2.0" just for the fact to get it lol

hah its probably going to be a collectors item